26 research outputs found

    Violation of Quasineutrality in Semiconductor Transport: The Dember Effect

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    Exact solution of the linearized equations for steady-state transport in semiconductors yields two modes that vary exponentially in space, one involving screening (without entropy production) and one involving diffusion and recombination (with entropy production). Neither mode is quasineutral. For constant surface photoexcitation with generation of electrons and holes, the steady-state response is a linear combination of these modes, subject to global electroneutrality. The resultant charge separation produces a voltage difference across the sample (the Dember effect)

    Supersolid 4^4He Likely Has Nearly Isotropic Superflow

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    We extend previous calculations of the zero temperature superfluid fraction fsf_s (SFF) {\it vs} localization, from the fcc lattice to the experimentally realized (for solid 4^4He) hcp and bcc lattices. The superfluid velocity is assumed to be a one-body function, and dependent only on the local density, taken to be a sum over sites of gaussians of width σ\sigma. Localization is defined as σ/d\sigma/d, with dd the nearest-neighbor distance. As expected, for fcc and bcc lattices the superfluid density tensor is proportional to the unit tensor. To numerical accuracy of three-places (but no more), the hcp superfluid density tensor is proportional to the unit tensor. This implies that a larger spread in data on fsf_s, if measured on pure crystals, is unlikely to be due to crystal orientation. In addition, to three decimal places (but no more) the curves of fsf_s {\it vs} σ/d\sigma/d are the same for both the hcp and fcc cases. An expected value for the localization gives an fsf_{s} in reasonable agreement with experiment. The bcc lattice has a similar curve of fsf_s {\it vs} σ/d\sigma/d, but is generally smaller because the lattice is more dilute.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, 3 table

    Hysteresis of Finite Arrays of Magnetic nano Dots

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    Hysteresis curves for finite arrays of N×NN\times N ferromagnetic nano dots subject to the dipole-dipole interaction are investigated for N=2...13N=2... 13. Spin arrangements up to N=6 are presented, which indicate the onset of bulk-like behavior associated with odd (N=5) and even (N=6) systems. The effect of field misalignment on the hysteresis loops is also studied for N=3...6N=3... 6. The area ANA_N of the hysteresis loop is studied as a function of NN. We find that ANAA_N-A_\infty approximately scales as N3/2N^{-{3/2}} for NN odd and as N2N^{-2} for NN even.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, Submitted to PR

    Andreev-Lifshitz Hydrodynamics Applied to an Ordinary Solid under Pressure

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    We have applied the Andreev-Lifshitz hydrodynamic theory of supersolids to an ordinary solid. This theory includes an internal pressure PP, distinct from the applied pressure PaP_a and the stress tensor λik\lambda_{ik}. Under uniform static PaP_{a}, we have λik=(PPa)δik\lambda_{ik} = (P-P_{a})\delta_{ik}. For Pa0P_{a} \ne 0, Maxwell relations imply that PPa2P \sim P_{a}^{2}. The theory also permits vacancy diffusion but treats vacancies as conserved. It gives three sets of propagating elastic modes; it also gives two diffusive modes, one largely of entropy density and one largely of vacancy density (or, more generally, defect density). For the vacancy diffusion mode (or, equivalently, the lattice diffusion mode) the vacancies behave like a fluid within the solid, with the deviations of internal pressure associated with density changes nearly canceling the deviations of stress associated with strain. We briefly consider pressurization experiments in solid 4^4He at low temperatures in light of this lattice diffusion mode, which for small PaP_{a} has diffusion constant DLPa2D_{L} \sim P_{a}^{2}. The general principles of the theory -- that both volume and strain should be included as thermodynamic variables, with the result that both PP and λik\lambda_{ik} appear -- should apply to all solids under pressure, especially near the solid-liquid transition. The lattice diffusion mode provides an additional degree of freedom that may permit surfaces with different surface treatments to generate different responses in the bulk.Comment: 10 pages. Accepted by Physical Review

    Generation Efficiencies for Propagating Modes in a Supersolid

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    Using Andreev and Lifshitz's supersolid hydrodynamics, we obtain the propagating longitudinal modes at non-zero applied pressure PaP_{a} (necessary for solid 4He), and their generation efficiencies by heaters and transducers. For small PaP_{a}, a solid develops an internal pressure PPa2P \sim P_{a}^2. This theory has stress contributions both from the lattice and an internal pressure PP. Because both types of stress are included, the normal mode analysis differs from previous works. Not surprisingly, transducers are significantly more efficient at producing elastic waves and heaters are significantly more efficient at producing fourth sound waves. We take the system to be isotropic, which should apply to systems that are glassy or consist of many crystallites; the results should also apply, at least qualitatively, to single-crystal hcp 4He.Comment: 10 pages. Accepted by Physical Review

    Thermal Equilibration and Thermally-Induced Spin Currents in a Thin-Film Ferromagnet on a Substrate

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    Recent spin-Seebeck experiments on thin ferromagnetic films apply a temperature difference ΔTx\Delta T_{x} along the length xx and measure a (transverse) voltage difference ΔVy\Delta V_{y} along the width yy. The connection between these effects is complex, involving: (1) thermal equilibration between sample and substrate; (2) spin currents along the height (or thickness) zz; and (3) the measured voltage difference. The present work studies in detail the first of these steps, and outlines the other two steps. Thermal equilibration processes between the magnons and phonons in the sample, as well as between the sample and the substrate leads to two surface modes, with surface lengths λ\lambda, to provide for thermal equilibration. Increasing the coupling between the two modes increases the longer mode length and decreases the shorter mode length. The applied thermal gradient along xx leads to a thermal gradient along zz that varies as sinh(x/λ)\sinh{(x/\lambda)}, which can in turn produce fluxes of the carriers of up- and down- spins along zz, and gradients of their associated \textit{magnetoelectrochemical potentials} μˉ,\bar{\mu}_{\uparrow,\downarrow}, which vary as sinh(x/λ)\sinh{(x/\lambda)}. By the inverse spin Hall effect, this spin current along zz can produce a transverse (along yy) voltage difference ΔVy\Delta V_y, which also varies as sinh(x/λ)\sinh{(x/\lambda)}.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Andreev-Lifshitz Supersolid Hydrodynamics Including the Diffusive Mode

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    We have re-examined the Andreev-Lifshitz theory of supersolids. This theory implicitly neglects uniform bulk processes that change the vacancy number, and assumes an internal pressure PP in addition to lattice stress λik\lambda_{ik}. Each of PP and λik\lambda_{ik} takes up a part of an external, or applied, pressure PaP_a (necessary for solid 4He). The theory gives four pairs of propagating elastic modes, of which one pair corresponds to a fourth-sound mode, and a single diffusive mode, which has not been analyzed previously. The diffusive mode has three distinct velocities, with the superfluid velocity much larger than the normal fluid velocity, which in turn is much larger than the lattice velocity. The mode structure depends on the relative values of certain kinetic coefficients and thermodynamic derivatives. We consider pressurization experiments in solid 4He at low temperatures in light of this diffusion mode and a previous analysis of modes in a normal solid with no superfluid component.Comment: 8 pages. Accepted by Physical Review

    Dissipation due to pure spin-current generated by spin pumping

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    Based on spin-dependent transport theory and thermodynamics, we develop a generalized theory of the Joule heating in the presence of a spin current. Along with the conventional Joule heating consisting of an electric current and electrochemical potential, it is found that the spin current and spin accumulation give an additional dissipation because the spin-dependent scatterings inside bulk and ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic interface lead to a change of entropy. The theory is applied to investigate the dissipation due to pure spin-current generated by spin pumping across a ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic/ferromagnetic multilayer. The dissipation arises from an interface because the spin pumping is a transfer of both the spin angular momentum and the energy from the ferromagnet to conduction electrons near the interface. It is found that the dissipation is proportional to the enhancement of the Gilbert damping constant by spin pumping.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Macroscopic Magnetic Dynamics

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    Ferromagnetic metals and spin-polarized 3^{3}He are spin 1/2 systems with the same macroscopic symmetry, and thus should have macroscopic magnetic dynamics with the same structure. Using Onsager's irreversible thermodynamics, we develop a theory for these systems that contains two relaxation times (one for the magnetization M\vec{M} and the other for the spin current Ji\vec{J}_{i}), a magnetic compressibility, and a mean-field parameter. Currently spintronics data on metallic ferromagnets are analyzed using a complex decay length from a theory employing a diffusion constant, a lifetime, and a mean-field parameter. The present theory leads to a complex decay length with the same structure. On neglecting decay of M\vec{M}, the present theory applies to liquids and gases. For macroscopic equations the particle statistics is not relevant, so the theory also applies to bosons. The theory predicts a longitudinal spin wave whose velocity we estimate for liquid 3^{3}He and for paramagnetic metals; but such a wave should also occur for ferromagnets and for gases.Comment: 6 page