26 research outputs found
Hasil Diagnostik Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Dengan Pewarnaan Ziehl-Neelsen Pada Penderita Batuk ≥2 Minggu Di Puskesmas Ranotana, Puskesmas Wenang, Dan Puskesmas Sario Manado
: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis). In Indonesia, there are about 430.000 new cases, of which 61.000 cases ended in death. This disease has many clinical varieties, therefore, a gold standard for the right and exact diagnosis is needed. The examination of sputum by using Ziehl-Neelsen staining must be more improved for public health service. This study aimed to determine the profile of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (acid-fast bacteria) among patients with coughing ≥2 weeks at Ranotana, Wenang and Sario Primary Health Cares (PHCs) by using Ziehl-Neelsen staining. This was a descriptive study with a cross sectional design. Samples were obtained by using total sampling method during the period of September 2015 - December 2015. The results showed that there were 38 cases of coughing ≥2 weeks as follows: 15 cases at Wenang PHC, 13 cases at Ranotana PHC, and 10 cases at Sario PHC. The examination of acid-fast bacteria from the 38 cases of three PHCs showed that 1 case (2.7%) had acid-fast bacteria (++). Conclusion: In this study, there was only one case (2,7%) with positive Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Identifikasi Bakteri Aerob Patogen Yang Di Isolasi Dari Kue Siap Saji Yang Dijual Di Pasar Tradisional Di Kota Manado
Basically the bacteria are widespread in nature thus the food is not sterile and contain populations of bacteria of various types . as a food source for human nutrition is also a growing media of various types of bacteria . The interaction between microorganisms and food will involve three aspects: food damage , infectious disease , and in Indonesia intoksikasi.Di report by the directorate general of communicable disease control showed that 30 % of the cases of food contaminated with bacteria from food . This is a descriptive research design , sampling conducted during 2 months from December 2012 to January 2013. The results of this study bacteria that successfully identified from samples taken at 2 traditional market place is a 40 % market Karombasan and market bahu E. coli , Enterobacter aerogenes 30 % , Shigella 20 % Dysenteriae and Klebsiella ozaena 10 % . Shoulder market found bacteria Shigella dysenteriae 30 % , E. coli 30% , Enterobacter aerogenes 20 % ,Klebsiella ozaena 20% . Symptoms of food poisoning by bacteria this kind of emergence is slower than poisoning by other bacterial species . It usually takes 1-3 days after eating food containing the bacteria Escherichia coli .Conclusion: From the research conducted it can be concluded as follows: There is a pattern of aerobic bacterial pathogens on the cake that is sold in traditional markets in the city of Manado
Pola Bakteri Pada Urin Pasien Yang Menggunakan Kateter Uretra Di Ruang Perawatan Intensif Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado
: Urinary catheterization as a part of invasive procedure application poses the risk of nosocomial infection to intensive care unit patients. The probability of nosocomial infection increases in accordance to the period of catheterization; longer catheterization time yields higher chances for microbial contamination on urinary catheter as catheterization provides an opening for microbial invasion into the urinary track. There are various pathogens commonly associated with catheterization including Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus mirabili, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus fecalis, Serratia and Candida. The main objective of this research project is to observe bacterial pattern of urine from catheterized intensive care unit patients in the Prof. DR. R. D. Kandou Public Hospital Manado. A total of 20 urine samples were obtained, one sample from each individual catheter over 2 months period. Each collected sample is subsequently passed on to microbiology laboratory to undergo bacteria identification process via culture media. The preliminary results show that the identified bacterial pattern is Staphylococcus aureus, Candida, Streptococcus, Diplococcus, Proteus vulgaris, Lactobacillus, Bacillus subtilis, Enterobacter aglomerans, Citrobacter freundii dan Shigella. Following an in-depth multi-dimensional analysis of preliminary research results, the conclusion can be drawn that the most commonly found bacteria is Staphylococcus aureus. This study is part of growing body of microbiology research in catheter-related bacterial pattern and nosocomial infection; this research project will contribute to future research on similar topics
Pola Bakteri Yang Berpotensi Menjadi Sumber Penularan Infeksi Nosokomial Di Irina C Ruangan Intermediate Care (Imc) Blu Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado
: The hospital is a place to care for patients with various diseases such as infectious diseases, ranging from mild to severe. It can cause the infection spread from one patient to another, as well as with health care workers who are often exposed to infectious agents. Hospitalized patients at very high risk for nosocomial infection, caused by the condition of their disease, and the risk is compounded when patients undergoing invasive procedures. This is caused non-pathogenic microorganisms capable of causing disease. Research or clinical testing in the laboratory necessary to determine whether the treatment in IMC has the potential to become source of nosocomial infection transmission. The purpose of this study was to determine the source and microorganisms that could potentially lead to the transmission of nosocomial infections in IRINA C Intermediate Care (IMC) BLU Dr Prof. Dr R. D. Kandou. This study is a prospective descriptive study. The samples are floor and wall of treatment rooms, indoor furniture, medical equipment and air in IRINA C Intermediate Care (IMC) BLU Dr Prof. Dr RD Kandou Manado. There are 30 samples and swabs taken. Identification of bacteria were performed with culture medium. In this study, Bacillus subtilis found in 10 samples (33.4%), Enterobacter agglomerans in 4 samples (13.4%), Staphylococcus in 4 samples (13.4%), Klebsiella pneumonia in 3 samples (10%), Coccus grams negative in 2 samples (6.7%), Candida in 2 samples (6.7%), Morganella Morganii in 1 sample (3.4%), Enterobacter aerogenes in 2 samples (6.7%), Streptococcus in 1 sample (3.4%), and Salmonella in 1 sample (3.4%). This research concluded that Bacillus subtilis is the most found bacteria
Isolasi Dan Identifikasi Bakteri Aerob Yang Berpotensi Menyebabkan Infeksi Nosokomial Di Irina E Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado
: Nosocomial infections or now called Healthcare Associated Infection (HAIs) is an infection that occurs in patients during treatment in a hospital or other health care facilities that do not show symptoms of infection while in the hospital. Nosocomial infection is an important issue in health care that continues to increase especially in children who are under treatment in hospital. This study aims to determine the source and identify aerobic bacteria that could potentially cause nosocomial infections in walls, floors, medical equipment, and air in Irina E Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado General Hospital. Design methods for this research using cross sectional study with a descriptive prospective approach. Samples were bacteria in walls, floors, medical equipment, and air of Irian E Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado General Hospital. The results showed that from the 24 samples taken, there were 6 bacteria found which is Enterobacter cloacae (41,7%), Bacillus subtilis (20,8%), Serratia liquefaciens (16,7%), Enterobacter agglomerans (12,5%), Lactobacillus (4,17%), dan Staphylococcus sp. (4,17%)
Hasil Diagnostik Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Pada Penderita Batuk ≥2 Minggu Dengan Pewarnaan Ziehl-Neelsen Di Puskesmas Bailang Dan Puskesmas Bengkol Manado
: Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Transmission occurs by air droplet infection. Source of infection is sputum of pulmonary tuberculosis patients. To date, tuberculosis is still a global health problem. In Indonesia the number of tuberculosis cases increases annualy. Most tuberculosis patients complain of cough ≥2 weeks. This study was aimed to determine the diagnostic results of M. tuberculosis in the sputum of patients cough ≥2 weeks with Ziehl-Neelsen staining at Puskesmas Bailang and Bengkol. This was a descriptive study. Subjects were patients with complaints of cough ≥2 weeks at Puskesmas Bailang and Bengkol. The results showed that there were 25 patients with cough ≥2 weeks that came for treatment consisted of 12 patients at Puskesmas Bailang and 13 patients at Puskesmas Bengkol. Most of them were males and aged 36-55 years. There was 1 patient (8.33%) that had positive result of acid-fast bacillus at Puskesmas Bailang however, at Puskesmas Bengkol none had positive result