408 research outputs found

    They Held Me Fearfully

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    The Cigar Taster

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    Antony Gormley's Apple

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    Poem published in Neon Highway magazine. One of a collection of poems written on works of contemporary art

    Please Inside-Out This

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    Through poetry of witness, this thesis explores the idea of truth as perception. The poems explore the themes of family, expatriate life, and identity in order to give voice to an alternate perspective

    Analysis of conformational exchange processes using methyl-TROSY-based Hahn echo measurements of quadruple-quantum relaxation

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    Transverse nuclear spin relaxation is a sensitive probe of chemical exchange on timescales on the order of microseconds to milliseconds. Here we present an experiment for the simultaneous measurement of the relaxation rates of two quadruple-quantum transitions in 13CH3-labelled methyl groups. These coherences are protected against relaxation by intra-methyl dipolar interactions and so have unexpectedly long lifetimes within perdeuterated biomacromolecules. However, these coherences also have an order of magnitude higher sensitivity to chemical exchange broadening than lower order coherences and therefore provide ideal probes of dynamic processes. We show that analysis of the static magnetic field dependence of zero-, double- and quadruple-quantum Hahn echo relaxation rates provides a robust indication of chemical exchange and can determine the signed relative magnitudes of proton and carbon chemical shift differences between ground and excited states. We also demonstrate that this analysis can be combined with established Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) relaxation dispersion measurements, providing improved precision in parameter estimates, particularly in the determination of 1H chemical shift differences

    Estimating means of bounded random variables by betting

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    This paper derives confidence intervals (CI) and time-uniform confidence sequences (CS) for the classical problem of estimating an unknown mean from bounded observations. We present a general approach for deriving concentration bounds, that can be seen as a generalization (and improvement) of the celebrated Chernoff method. At its heart, it is based on deriving a new class of composite nonnegative martingales, with strong connections to testing by betting and the method of mixtures. We show how to extend these ideas to sampling without replacement, another heavily studied problem. In all cases, our bounds are adaptive to the unknown variance, and empirically vastly outperform existing approaches based on Hoeffding or empirical Bernstein inequalities and their recent supermartingale generalizations. In short, we establish a new state-of-the-art for four fundamental problems: CSs and CIs for bounded means, when sampling with and without replacement.Comment: 68 pages, 18 figures; Python implementation: https://github.com/wannabesmith/confse

    Optimal design of adaptively sampled NMR experiments for measurement of methyl group dynamics with application to a ribosome-nascent chain complex

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    NMR measurements of cross-correlated nuclear spin relaxation provide powerful probes of polypeptide dynamics and rotational diffusion, free from contributions due to chemical exchange or interactions with external spins. Here, we report on the development of a sensitivity-optimized pulse sequence for the analysis of the differential relaxation of transitions within isolated 13CH3 spin systems, in order to characterise rotational diffusion and side chain order through the product S2τc. We describe the application of optimal design theory to implement a real-time ‘on-the-fly’ adaptive sampling scheme that maximizes the accuracy of the measured parameters. The increase in sensitivity obtained using this approach enables quantitative measurements of rotational diffusion within folded states of translationally-arrested ribosome–nascent chain complexes of the FLN5 filamin domain, and can be used to place strong limits on interactions between the domain and the ribosome surface

    Cross‐Peaks in Simple Two‐Dimensional NMR Experiments from Chemical Exchange of Transverse Magnetisation

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    Two‐dimensional correlation measurements such as COSY, NOESY, HMQC, and HSQC experiments are central to small‐molecule and biomolecular NMR spectroscopy, and commonly form the basis of more complex experiments designed to study chemical exchange occurring during additional mixing periods. However, exchange occurring during chemical shift evolution periods can also influence the appearance of such spectra. While this is often exploited through one‐dimensional lineshape analysis (“dynamic NMR”), the analysis of exchange across multiple chemical shift evolution periods has received less attention. Here we report that chemical exchange‐induced cross‐peaks can arise in even the simplest two‐dimensional NMR experiments. These cross‐peaks can have highly distorted phases that contain rich information about the underlying exchange process. The quantitative analysis of such peaks, from a single 2D spectrum, can provide a highly accurate characterisation of underlying exchange processes
