269 research outputs found

    Addressing the basics : academics\u27 views of the purpose of higher education

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    A number of changes have occurred in the higher education sector under the auspices of quality and quality improvement. Much of this change has resulted in a compliance-driven environment (more measures, more meetings, more form-filling and less time for the core activities of teaching and research). It is an environment that seeks to assure all and sundry of the quality of academic programs. Anecdotally, many academics are not convinced that the current systems do, indeed, assure quality. The reasons for this may be many and varied. One suggestion is that differences in perceptions about the purpose of higher education inevitably lead to differences in the definition of quality itself and consequently, differences in systems designed to assure that quality. Understanding what academics think about the purpose of higher education may provide some clues about how they consider quality should be defined.In this research, the focus is on the views of academic accountants in Australia, defined as: academics whose main discipline area is accounting and who are involved in accounting education at an Australian university. The findings of this research show that the respondent group do, in fact, view the purpose of higher education currently promoted in their schools/departments differently from the purpose that they consider ought to be promoted. Such fundamental differences have the potential to influence the motivation and effectiveness of staff undertaking core activities in Australian universities. In addition, articulating the views of this important stakeholder group also has the potential to ensure that their views are considered in the discussions around purpose, quality and performance measures in higher education &ndash; all of which impact on the working lives of academic accountants in Australian universities.<br /

    Want to know about quality in higher education? Ask an academic

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    How would you decide on the quality of a higher education institution? Would you (1) ask the academic registrar (or equivalent); (2) look up the most recent quality audit report; or (3) contact the teaching staff directly to discuss their perceptions about the quality of the services provided in their institution? While there is no one correct answer to the above question, the proposition underpinning the empirical research reported in this paper is: If you really want to know about quality in higher education, then ask those closest to the student-academic interface&mdash;the academics or the students. This paper focuses on the former. Using a postal survey, the views of accounting academics from 39 Australian universities about quality in accounting education were investigated from two perspectives&mdash;beliefs (what is currently occurring) and attitudes (what ought to be occurring). The findings suggest differences in those beliefs and attitudes, and an overall view that quality in accounting education has declined over recent years. <br /

    Quality in accounting education : what say the academics?

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    Purpose: To provide a view of quality in accounting education from the perspective of a critical stakeholder group - academic accountants. The identification of this view adds to the growing discussions around quality, and how it is assured in higher education

    Pengaruh profitabilitas, pertumbuhan asset dan ukuran perusahaan terhadap struktur modal pada perusahaan manufaktur di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI)

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    The purpose of scientific writing is to know the effect of Profitability, Asset Growth and Firm Size Of Capital Structure On Manufacturing Company in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) Period 2010-2014. The analysis technique used is a statistical test with multiple regression analysis and hypothesis testing using t test (Partial Test). In the study proved that Profitability and Growth Asset partially positive and significant impact on the capital structure while variable size persahaan negative effect on Capital Structure. From this research, the R2 value of 0.683 indicating that the change amounted to 68.3%, which is caused by the independent variable (Profitability, Asset Growth and size of the company) together will affect the capital structure. While the rest of the larger, ie 31.7% explained by other variables that are not entered in the regression model in this study


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    Latar Belakang:.Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) di kota kupang pada tahun 2015 sebesar 60per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Jumlah absolut kematian pada tahun 2015 berjumlah kasus dengan rincian 6 kasus kematian terjadi di RSUD Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes Kupang, dan 1 kasus kematian pada saat rujukan ibu bersalin. Rincian penyebab kematian 4 kasus disebabkan oleh pre-eklamsa, 1 kasus karena cardiac arrest, 1 kasus ibu hamil dengan infeksi.Tahun 2016 Angka Kematian Ibu dari data yang dikumpulkan terdapat 4 kasus dari 8304 kelahiran hidup dengan kematian ibu 2016 yang dilaporkan sebesar 48 kematian per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Jumlah absolut kematian pada tahun 2016 berjumlah 4 kasus dengan rincian penyebab kematian ibu 3 kasus disebabkan oleh perdarahan dan 1 kasus kematian pre-eklamsi.(Profil Dinkes Kota Kupang 2017) Tujuan Penelitian: Menerapkan asuhan kebidanan secara komprehensif pada ibuhamil Trimester III, persalinansampaidenganperawatanmasanifas, BBLdanKB dengan pendekatan dengan manajemen kebidanan dan pendekatan SOAPdi Puskesmas Oepoi periode 19 Mei s/d 11 Juli Tahun 2018. Metode Penelitian :Menggunakan metode penelaahan kasusatau case study. Populasi: semua ibu hamil trimester III yang di lakukan pada tanggal 19 Mei sampai dengan 11 Juli tahun 2018. Sampel: Ny. S.P G2P1AOAH1 usia kehamilan 38-39 minggu janin hidup tunggal intra uterin letak kepala, keadaan ibu dan janin baik. Hasilnya:Ny.S.P selama masa kehamilannya dalam keadaan sehat, dalam memberikan asuhan persalinan penulis melakukan asuhan bersama bidan dalam menolong persalinan dengan presentasi kepala dantidak ada lilitan tali pusat, pada kunjungan 2 jam hingga 6 minggupost partum serta kunjungan pada bayi baru lahir berjalan normal dan tidak terdapat penyulit. Simpulan :Penulis telah menerapkan asuhan kebidanan komprehensif pada Ny. S.P yang di tandai dengan ibu sudah mengikuti semua anjuran, ibu melahirkan fasilitas kesehatan, masa nifas berjalan normal,bayi baru lahir dalam keadaan baik

    The expectation-performance gap in generic skills in accounting graduates : Evidence from Sri Lanka

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the generic skills that are important for the career success of accounting graduates in Sri Lanka from the perspectives of university educators and employers.Design/methodology/approachBui and Porter\u27s (2010) expectation-performance gap framework was modified to match with the context of the current study. Data collected via questionnaire survey was analysed for non-parametric tests: the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and the Mann-Whitney test, using SPSS version 20, and quantified the expectation-performance gap and its components.FindingsThe major finding of this research is that the main cause for the expectation-performance gap, as identified in the analysis of the constraint gap is university educators&rsquo; low confidence in teaching the required generic skills for career success of graduates. However, university educators are aware of the employer expectations of graduate accountants in terms of generic skills. Employers indicated that many of the generic skills are not achieved by the accounting graduates.Practical implicationsFindings of this study reflect the importance of expanding the accounting curricula by embedding and assessing generic skill development activities. In addition, it is vital to develop the capacities of university educators in terms of teaching and assessing generic skills in accounting degree programmes.Originality/valueThis study contributes to the literature as one of few studies that investigate the generic skills development of accounting graduates in Asia, particularly in Sri Lanka


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    The Assessment of Bank Health on Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 6 / 10 / PBI /2004 (A Study Of Branchs Offices of PT. Bank Maluku). The objective of researchis to analyze the financial performance of all branch offices of PT BankPembangunan Daerah Maluku based on PBI No. 6/10/PBI/2004 in the 2007-2010period. Data analysis tool is CAMELS. The population in this study were allbranches of Bank Maluku, and based on purposive sampling technique thenobtained a sample of eight branch offices. Some results are indicated. First, allbranch offices of PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Maluku are in good category, butstill having minor weaknesses which are solvable by periodic action, Second, theobservation of the main branch in 2010 shows that the bank is relatively good butwith some weaknesses which are capable to reduce its composite rank unless thebank are taking immediate corrective action.

    Adulterio e histeria : aproximación a cuatro personajes literarios femeninos

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    1 archivo PDF (16 páginas). fhquadragintaquinqueSe trata de un ensayo que analiza a tres protagonistas de la literatura del siglo XIX: Ana Ozores, Emma Bovary y Ana Karenina; y una del siglo XX: la Narradora de “La última niebla” de la escritora chilena María Luisa Bombal. El análisis parte de una perspectiva psicoanalítica, es decir, desde los rasgos más sobresalientes de la estructura de la histeria. Palabras clave: Histeria. Adulterio. Fantasía. Represión. Síntoma Histérico. Madame Bovary. Ana Karenina. La regenta. Psicología Social. Psicoanálisis

    Algunos aspectos psicoanalíticos en “La última niebla” de María Luisa Bombal

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    1 archivo PDF (11 páginas). fhquadragintaunusSe trata de un ensayo en el que se analiza uno de los cuentos de la breve obra narrativa de la escritora chilena, María Luisa Bombal nacida en 1910, a través de los conceptos freudianos de fantasía, duelo, melancolía e identificación se aborda “La última niebla”, texto de indudable calidad literaria y que presenta múltiples posibilidades de interpretación