5,964 research outputs found

    Less government intervention in biodiversity management: risks and opportunities

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    n a changing global environment, with increasing pressure on ecosystem goods and services, biodiversity conservation is likely to become increasingly important. However, with the current global financial crisis, governments are increasingly trying to stabilise economies through spending cuts aiming to reduce national deficits. Within such an economic climate, the devolution of governance through public participation is an intrinsically appealing concept. We outline a number of challenges that explain why increased participation in biodiversity management has been and may continue to be problematic. Using as a case study the local stakeholder-driven Moray Firth Seal Management Plan in Scotland, we identify four key conditions that were crucial to the successful participatory management of a biodiversity conflict: a local champion, the emergence of a crisis point, the involvement of decision-makers, and long-term financial and institutional support. Three of the four conditions point to the role of direct government involvement, highlighting the risk of devolving responsibility for biodiversity conflict management to local communities. We argue that without an informed debate, the move towards a more participatory approach could pose a danger to hard-won policy gains in relation to public participation, biodiversity conservation and conflict management

    Levels of genetic polymorphism: marker loci versus quantitative traits

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    Species are the units used to measure ecological diversity and alleles are the units of genetic diversity. Genetic variation within and among species has been documented most extensively using allozyme electrophoresis. This reveals wide differences in genetic variability within, and genetic distances among, species, demonstrating that species are not equivalent units of diversity. The extent to which the pattern observed for allozymes can be used to infer patterns of genetic variation in quantitative traits depends on the forces generating and maintaining variability. Allozyme variation is probably not strictly neutral but, nevertheless, heterozygosity is expected to be influenced by population size and genetic distance will be affected by time since divergence. The same is true for quantitative traits influenced by many genes and under weak stabilizing selection. However, the limited data available suggest that allozyme variability is a poor predictor of genetic variation in quantitative traits within populations. It is a better predictor of general phenotypic divergence and of postzygotic isolation between populations or species, but is only weakly correlated with prezygotic isolation. Studies of grasshopper and planthopper mating signal variation and assortative mating illustrate how these characters evolve independently of general genetic and morphological variation. The role of such traits in prezygotic isolation, and hence speciation, means that they will contribute significantly to the diversity of levels of genetic variation within and among species

    Probing the Interior Environment of Carbon Nano-test-tubes

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    We report the filling of single walled carbon nanotubes with an electron spin-active fullerene species where a nitroxide radical is functionalized on the fullerene cage. High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), optical absorption and electron spin resonance (ESR) are used to determine the rotational behavior of the encapsulated molecules and determine the polar nature of the nanotube interior

    Autoimmune Hepatitis: A Review of Current Diagnosis and Treatment

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    Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by periportal inflammation, elevated immunoglobulins, autoantibodies, and a dramatic response to immunosuppression. An environmental agent is hypothesized to trigger an immune-mediated attack directed against liver antigens in genetically predisposed individuals. A plethora of clinical presentations can be seen ranging from chronic indolent disease to fulminant hepatic failure, and diagnosis requires exclusion of other causes of liver disease. Corticosteroid therapy must be instituted early and modified in an individualized fashion. Treatment decisions are often complicated by the diverse clinical manifestations, uncertainty about natural history, evolving ideas about treatment end points, and a multitude of alternative immunosuppressive agents. Achieving normal liver tests and tissue is the ideal treatment end point, but needs to be weighed against the risk of side effects. Decompensated patients may benefit from early liver transplantation. Long-term prognosis is excellent with early and aggressive initiation of therapy. Our paper discusses AIH, giving a detailed overview of its clinical presentation, risk factors, immunopathogenesis, up-to-date diagnostic criteria, current updates in therapy with a brief discussion of AIH in pregnancy, and long-term implications for cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in AIH patients

    Wegener's granulomatosis and autoantibodies to neutrophil antigens

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    We report five cases of Wegener's granulomatosis all of whom had clinical and histological evidence of disease activity at presentation and in whom autoantibodies to neutrophil antigens were detected. This test may prove useful for the diagnosis of this serious condition and help to monitor disease activity during treatment