53,327 research outputs found

    Scalability Analysis of Parallel GMRES Implementations

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    Applications involving large sparse nonsymmetric linear systems encourage parallel implementations of robust iterative solution methods, such as GMRES(k). Two parallel versions of GMRES(k) based on different data distributions and using Householder reflections in the orthogonalization phase, and variations of these which adapt the restart value k, are analyzed with respect to scalability (their ability to maintain fixed efficiency with an increase in problem size and number of processors).A theoretical algorithm-machine model for scalability is derived and validated by experiments on three parallel computers, each with different machine characteristics

    Hysteresis and nonequilibrium work theorem for DNA unzipping

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    We study by using Monte Carlo simulations the hysteresis in unzipping and rezipping of a double stranded DNA (dsDNA) by pulling its strands in opposite directions in the fixed force ensemble. The force is increased, at a constant rate from an initial value g0g_0 to some maximum value gmg_m that lies above the phase boundary and then decreased back again to g0g_{0}. We observed hysteresis during a complete cycle of unzipping and rezipping. We obtained probability distributions of work performed over a cycle of unzipping and rezipping for various pulling rates. The mean of the distribution is found to be close (the difference being within 10%, except for very fast pulling) to the area of the hysteresis loop. We extract the equilibrium force versus separation isotherm by using the work theorem on repeated non-equilibrium force measurements. Our method is capable of reproducing the equilibrium and the non-equilibrium force-separation isotherms for the spontaneous rezipping of dsDNA.Comment: 8 figures, Final version to appear in Physical Review

    Spectra of Maser Radiation from a Turbulent, Circumnuclear Accretion Disk. III. Circular polarization

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    Calculations are performed for the circular polarization of maser radiation from a turbulent, Keplerian disk that is intended to represent the sub-parsec disk at the nucleus of the galaxy NGC4258. The polarization in the calculations is a result of the Zeeman effect in the regime in which the Zeeman splitting is much less than the spectral linebreadth. Plausible configurations for turbulent magnetic and velocity fields in the disk are created by statistical methods. This turbulence, along with the Keplerian velocity gradients and the blending of the three hyperfine components to form the 616−5236_{16} - 5_{23} masing transition of water, are key ingredients in determining the appearance of the polarized spectra that are calculated. These spectra are quite different from the polarized spectra that would be expected for a two-level transition where there is no hyperfine structure. The effect of the hyperfine structure on the polarization is most striking in the calculations for the maser emission that represents the central (or systemic) features of NGC4258. Information about magnetic fields is inferred from observations for polarized maser radiation and bears on the structure of accretion disks.Comment: Latex, uses aastex, eucal, to be published in the Astrophysical Journa

    Patents from government-financed research and development

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    Data on numbers, sources, and kinds of patented inventions from government financed research and developmen

    A flight-test evaluation of a go-around control system for a twin engine powered-lift STOL airplane

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    An automatic go-around control system was evaluated on the Augmentor Wing Jet Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL) Research Airplane (AWJSRA) as part of a study of an automatic landing system for a powered-lift STOL airplane. The results of the evaluation indicate that the go-around control system can successfully transition the airplane to a climb configuration from any initiation point during the glide-slope track or the flare maneuver prior to touchdown
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