301 research outputs found

    La invenció de l'agricultura al sud-oest d'Àsia

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    Neolithisation in southwest Asia – the path to modernity

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    Two questions are discussed that turn out to be related. The first was posed originally by Robert Braidwood more than fifty years ago, and concerns why farming was adopted in southwest Asia early in the Neolithic, and not earlier. The second concerns the usually opposed processualist and post-processualist approaches to the Neolithic. The paper seeks to model the processes at work through the Epi-palaeolithic and early Neolithic, showing how the trend towards sedentism and storage of food resources coincided with the emergence of fully symbolic cognitive and cultural faculties. The former fed more mouths, and led to the adoption of farming practices that further intensified food productivity. The latter made possible and desirable the symbolic construction of large, permanently co-resident communities. The spread of farming may then be understood as the expansion of a complex way of life that involved communities living together in larger groups, with denser, richer cultural environments, controlling not only the built environment of their own settlements, but also the productivity of the agricultural environments that surrounded them.Razpravljamo o dveh vprašanjih, za kateri se je izkazalo, da sta povezani. Prvo je zastavil Robert Braidwood pred več kot petdesetimi leti in se ukvarja s tem, zakaj je bilo poljedelstvo sprejeto v jugozahodni Aziji v zgodnjem neolitiku in ne prej. Drugo pa se nanaša na nasprotujoče se procesualne in post-procesualne pristope v neolitiku. V članku skušam modelirati proces, ki je deloval v času epi-paleolitika in zgodnjega neolitika. Pokažem, kako je trend v smeri sedentizma in shranjevanja hrane sovpadal s pojavom čisto simbolnih, kognitivnih in kulturnih zmožnosti. Prvo je nasitilo več ust in je pripeljalo do sprejema kmetijskih praks, ki so pospešile proizvodnjo hrane. Drugo pa je oblikovalo takrat mogočo in željeno simbolno strukturo velikih, sobivajočih in stalno naseljenih skupnosti. Širitev kmetovanja lahko tako razumemo kot ekspanzijo kompleksnega načina življenja, ki je vključevalo življenje velikih skupnosti druge ob drugi, bogato kulturno okolje in nadzor vasi in polj ter pašnikov, ki so jih obkrožali

    Adjustable Height Table Chassis

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    Having the ability to change a dining table between a sitting and standing position is a niche feature. This feature was created for people that play board games regularly at a table, or for people who require use of a dining table as a standing work area. The mechanism that the table works by is using an acme threaded rod as a lead screw, with two timing belt pullies driving the shafts up and down which cause the raising and lowering of the table. These pullies were machined to incorporate an ACME threaded bolt which was welded into each pully. Due to the lead angle on the acme shafts they are self-locking which means that there does not need to be a secondary holding mechanism to prevent the table from falling once it is raised. It was designed to hold a 600 pound distributed load across the surface of the chassis with a designated factor of safety of 1.3, which through nondestructive testing the chassis was able to support. The result is a table which can be used as a normal sit down dining table, with as little interference to comfort as possible, and can then be raised up a total of 2 feet to become a standing work table

    The Epipalaeolithic-Neolithic as the pivotal transformation of human history

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    The objective of this paper is to set the Epipalaeolithic-Neolithic transformation (ENT) within the truly long-term of human evolutionary history. The Epipalaeolithic-Neolithic transformation take us out of the world of Palaeolithic mobile foraging into a new world, in which the scale and organisation of the social group and the tempo of socio-cultural evolution were transformed. The scale and diversity of cultural innovation and social organization can be seen to be linked in co-evolutionary feedback loops that have been characterised as ‘cumulative culture’, ‘ratcheting’ effects, or ‘runaway’ cultural evolution. The up-scaling of communities and the intensification of their interaction and networking enabled the emergence of super-communities that became the first large-scale societies, an inflection point on an accelerating curve of complex cultural, social and economic development, en route to emergent socio-political hierarchies, urbanism, kingdoms and empires

    Settling down in Southwest Asia: the Epipalaeolithic-Neolithic transformation

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    Permanent settlement began in southwest Asia across the end of the Pleistocene (the Epipalaeolithic) and the beginning of the Holocene (the Neolithic). Aggregation represents a transformation of the cultural niche, involving major social and cultural innovations and profound developments of the strategies of subsistence. At first, the scalar stress of living in large, permanent communities was diffused through corporate effort in the construction and maintenance of monumental communal buildings, a complex material symbolism, and increasing intensity of communal rituals; participation demonstrated commitment and conformity to community norms. As cultivated crops and managed herds of sheep and goat gradually became the predominant source of subsistence, the old sharing ethos was overtaken by the household as the central socio-economic unit; the household became the focus for ritual and symbolism. As population aggregations grew larger, their supra-regional networks of socio-economic sharing and exchange also became more complex, extensive and intensive. The new cultural niche based on networked aggregations produced a marked acceleration in both the rate of cultural accumulation and the rate of demographic growth. At the end of the Neolithic, plow-agriculture began in place of horticulture; there are the first signs of mixed agro-pastoral economies, the marking of private property, new technologies (ceramics and copper metallurgy), and, in southern Iraq, irrigation agriculture. At this time, too, the accelerating expansion of the population of farmers is marked by the appearance of their new settlements in all directions

    Guiding Pretraining in Reinforcement Learning with Large Language Models

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    Reinforcement learning algorithms typically struggle in the absence of a dense, well-shaped reward function. Intrinsically motivated exploration methods address this limitation by rewarding agents for visiting novel states or transitions, but these methods offer limited benefits in large environments where most discovered novelty is irrelevant for downstream tasks. We describe a method that uses background knowledge from text corpora to shape exploration. This method, called ELLM (Exploring with LLMs) rewards an agent for achieving goals suggested by a language model prompted with a description of the agent's current state. By leveraging large-scale language model pretraining, ELLM guides agents toward human-meaningful and plausibly useful behaviors without requiring a human in the loop. We evaluate ELLM in the Crafter game environment and the Housekeep robotic simulator, showing that ELLM-trained agents have better coverage of common-sense behaviors during pretraining and usually match or improve performance on a range of downstream tasks

    Tensor Trust: Interpretable Prompt Injection Attacks from an Online Game

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    While Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly being used in real-world applications, they remain vulnerable to prompt injection attacks: malicious third party prompts that subvert the intent of the system designer. To help researchers study this problem, we present a dataset of over 126,000 prompt injection attacks and 46,000 prompt-based "defenses" against prompt injection, all created by players of an online game called Tensor Trust. To the best of our knowledge, this is currently the largest dataset of human-generated adversarial examples for instruction-following LLMs. The attacks in our dataset have a lot of easily interpretable stucture, and shed light on the weaknesses of LLMs. We also use the dataset to create a benchmark for resistance to two types of prompt injection, which we refer to as prompt extraction and prompt hijacking. Our benchmark results show that many models are vulnerable to the attack strategies in the Tensor Trust dataset. Furthermore, we show that some attack strategies from the dataset generalize to deployed LLM-based applications, even though they have a very different set of constraints to the game. We release all data and source code at https://tensortrust.ai/pape

    Black Box 2018

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    The Black Box is a student based creative publication serving the Embry-Riddle Prescott campus. It is our goal to provide a showcase for the creativity and talent of the Embry-Riddle students. Creative works by members of Embry-Riddle\u27s faculty and staff are included. Cover Art: Ryan Standley; Editor: Kelvin Russell