96 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Media Video Pembelajaran Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Pada Siswa Kelas IV Sdn Babatan I/456 Surabaya

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    Peneliti menemukan permasalahan yaitu guru hanya menyampaikan materi secara verbal, guru bisa di bilang tidak sering menggunakan media terutama media video pembelajaran sebagai perantara penyampaian materi kepada siswa. Hal ini berpengaruh pada hasil belajar siswa, ini terbukti bahwa 59,42% dari jumlah keseluruhan 28 siswa yaitu 18 siswa belum mencapai criteria ketuntasan minimum 7,0 yang di standartkan sekolah pada mata pelajaran IPS. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka diperlukan solusi untuk mengatasinya. Solusi yang sesuai dengan permasalahanya tersebut adalah dengan memanfaatakan media video pembelajaran sebagai media. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan aktivitas guru, mendeskripsikan aktivitas siswa, hasil belajar kognitif siswa, dan angket respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran IPS dengan memanfaatkan media video pembelajaran sebagai media. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas, yang terdiri dari 2 siklus yang setiap silus dilaksanakan melalui 4 tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi ada di setiap siklus. Sasaran penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV A di SDN Babatan 1 Surabaya. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui observasi,tes dan angket. Data observasi aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa dianalisis dalam bentuk data kuantitatif. Data tes siswa dianalisis berdasarkan persentase ketuntasan belajar klasikal, data angket respon siswa dianalisis dalam bentuk data kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas guru dalam penelitian mengalami peningkatan sebesar 13,3% yaitu dari 72,76% pada siklus I menjadi 86,60% pada siklus II. Aktivitas siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran mengalami peningkatan sebesar 9,38%, yaitu dari 71,59% pada siklus I menjadi 80,97% pada siklus II.Ketuntasan belajar siswa secara klasikal mengalami peningkatan sebesar 14%, yaitu dari 57,14% dengan rata – rata nilai 67,64 pada siklus I menjadi 96,42% dengan rata – rata nilai 81,64 pada siklus II. Angket respon siswa mengalami peningkatan sebanyak 20,7% yaitu dari 69% pada siklus I menjadi 89,7%pada siklus II. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemanfaatan media dalam proses belajar mengajar sangat berperan penting dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif siswa, hal ini dikarenakan media sebagai alat atau perantara guru untuk menyampaikan materi pembelajaran khususnya pada mata pelajaran IPS bagi siswa kelas IV SDN Babatan 1/456

    Pengembangan Instrumen Asesmen Berbasis Keterampilan Proses Sains Pada Bahasan Klasifikasi Materi

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    This research aimed to develop assessment instrument based on science process skills; to describe its characteristics, teachers\u27 responses, the supporting factors, and obstacles encountered during the research. This research used Research and Development (R&D) method that was done until revision of limited testing. The teachers\u27 responses on the readability, contents suitability, and cons­truction aspect of the assessment product were very good which the percentage of each aspect were 93,80%; 95,30%; and 92,00%, respectively. Based on the teachers\u27 responses, the product can be used to assess the science process skills of students which included skills to observe, classify, predict, inference, and communicate. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan asesmen berbasis keterampilan proses sains dan untuk mendeskripsikan karak­teristik asesmen berbasis keterampilan proses sains, tanggapan guru, faktor-faktor pendukung, dan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) yang dilakukan hanya sampai pada tahap merevisi hasil uji coba ter­batas. Guru menanggapi dengan sangat baik pada aspek keterbacaan, kesesuaian isi asesmen dengan materi, dan konstruksi terhadap produk asesmen dengan per­sentase pada masing-masing aspek secara berturut-turut 93,80%; 95,30%, dan 92,00%. Berdasarkan hasil tanggapan guru tersebut, produk yang dikem­bangkan dapat digunakan untuk menilai keterampilan proses sains siswa yang meliputi keterampilan mengamati, mengklasifikasi, mempre­diksi, mengin­ferensi, dan mengomunikasikan

    Correlations Between Body Weight and Size-Specific Dose Estimate on Thoracic Computed Tomography Examination

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    The dose received by a patient on CT examination is expressed in size-specific dose estimates (SSDE) which is a function of the patient diameter, x-ray attenuation, and scanner output (volume computed tomography dose index, CTDIvol). Patient diameter and x-ray attenuation are represented as water equivalent diameter (Dw). We conducted the research to analyze the relationships between body weight and Dw, CTDIvol, and size-specific dose estimates (SSDE) in contrast-enhanced thorax examinations. We used images from 100 patients (50 women and 50 men patients) whose weight range from 2.8 kg to 80 kg. The values of Dw, CTDIvol, and SSDE were automatically calculated from axial CT images using the IndoseCT software. Statistical analysis showed that the patient's body weight correlates linearly with the Dw. The linearity coefficient (R2) values for body weight and Dw is 0.43 (women) and 0.55 (men). However, weight was independent of the patient dose in terms of CTDIvol and SSDE. This was because the CT system used tube current modulation (TCM), which automatically adapted the tube current to patient size, resulting in a relatively constant dose regardless of the patient size (Dw)

    Training Development of Archived Materials Based on Local Potentials in the Framework of the Development Program of Students Assisted Social Education Laboratory (Labsosdik) at SMK in Malang

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    Teaching material is information, and text tools needed instructor/lecturer/teacher to review the planning and implementation of learning. Teaching materials are any materials used to assist/lecturers/teachers/instructors in teaching and learning activities in class. The material in question can be written material or material not written. (National Center for Vocational Education Research Ltd/National Center for Competency Based Training). Teaching materials is a set of systematically arranged material either in writing or not so as to create the environment/ atmosphere that allows students/student/subject teaching to learning. Development refers to the three priorities of community development in health, education, and economic development program which is a target schools or the Laboratory of Social and Education (Labsosdik). SMK Kepanjen is one of the target area labsosdik Malang Department of Education directed the development of the area of education. For that from April to October 2011, held the steps community service activities related to the field of education, namely ”Development of Teaching Material Archival Training Based Local Potential” for vocational school teachers, with the theme ”TRAINING DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVED MATERIALS BASED ON LOCAL POTENTIALS IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OF STUDENTS ASSISTED SOCIAL EDUCATION LABORATORY (LABSOSDIK) AT SMK IN MALANG”. Activities focused on archival education to support the development of local potentials in the form of archival training and preparation of archival materials for teachers training SMK.Kegiatan is motivated by the premise that, the subjects of Filing is one of the subjects in the curriculum of vocational kesekolahan. Filing in vocational subjects are often overlooked by the classroom teacher because of the limited ability of teachers to creativity in teaching, making learning Archival theory revolves around the perfunctory explanation. Local potential associated with the potential of the local area, especially areas containing the wisdom of Filing and contains human values such as teamwork, sportsmanship, and kreativitas.Tujuan of training activities is to help teachers solve the problem of the difficulty of teaching materials on the subjects of Filing. This event was attended by teachers who have an interest to teach at his school Archives. Through this training vocational teachers are expected to have the ability to explore different types of activities Filing, Filing for teaching materials that can be taught in their respective schools., So that it can help the development of the region as a destination by presenting a variety of educational activities in vocational setempat.Kegiatan Filing is being carried out in collaboration determining achievement of the ISO in vocational activities, resulting in a synergy of learning mutual empowerment.   Keywords: Teaching materials, Filing, Local Potential, Labsosdi

    Competitiveness of Indonesian Shrimp Compare with Thailand Shrimp in Export Market

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    With the water area accounts for 81 percent of the total area, fishery is a major business in Indonesia. As one of the world's largest shrimp exporting countries, Indonesia also relies on the revenues of shrimp exports in the International markets. This research compared the competitiveness of shrimp export from Indonesia and Thailand to Japan and US. The indicator adopted in this research was the RCA index. In this research collected secondary data from 1989 to 2010 for analysis. Results showed RCA values of Indonesia were higher than 1, which indicates advantaged competitiveness of Indonesia shrimp exports in the liberalized markets. Nevertheless, compared with Thailand, Indonesia remained relatively disadvantaged. To reinforce the Indonesian shrimp export, necessary infrastructure, such as networks shipment or delivery, packaging and transportation, must be improved. Further researches to determine the factors affecting competitiveness of export shrimp in liberalized market, make and analyze for the policy strategy formulation of Indonesia shrimp export in liberalized market are also advised

    Comparisons of Water-Equivalent Diameter Measured on Images of Abdominal Routine Computed Tomography with and without A Contrast Agent

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    The size-specific dose estimate (SSDE) is a metric for an estimation of patient dose in computed tomography (CT). The SSDE strongly depends on the       water-equivalent diameter (DW). In abdominal CT examinations, a contrast agent is sometimes used to more clearly visualize tissue lesions. The Hounsfield unit (HU) of CT images with and without the use of a contrast agent at specific areas is slightly different and it may affect the DW value. This study aimed to compare the DW values calculated from axial CT images in patients who had undergone routine abdominal scans both with and without the use of a contrast agent. Axial images of 144 patients with a weight range of 3.5 kg to 90 kg who had undergone routine abdominal scans both with and without the use of a contrast agent using a Siemens Sensation 64 CT scanner were retrospectively collected. The DW values were automatically calculated using the Matlab-based IndoseCT (version 15a) software. The results show the percentage difference between DW,contrast and DW,non-contrast is below 2 %.As a result, the mean SSDEcontrast is 1.5 % smaller than SSDEnon-contrast. Due to the effect of a contrast agent on the DW and SSDE values is below 2 %, the axial images of CT abdomen without the use of a contrast agent can be used as the accurate estimation of DW and SSDE for images with the use of a contrast agent

    RNA Interference Mediated Inhibition of Dengue Virus Multiplication and Entry in HepG2 Cells

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    Background: Dengue virus-host cell interaction initiates when the virus binds to the attachment receptors followed by endocytic internalization of the virus particle. Successful entry into the cell is necessary for infection initiation. Currently, there is no protective vaccine or antiviral treatment for dengue infection. Targeting the viral entry pathway has become an attractive therapeutic strategy to block infection. This study aimed to investigate the effect of silencing the GRP78 and clathrin-mediated endocytosis on dengue virus entry and multiplication into HepG2 cells. Methodology/Principal Findings: HepG2 cells were transfected using specific siRNAs to silence the cellular surface receptor (GRP78) and clathrin-mediated endocytosis pathway. Gene expression analysis showed a marked down-regulation of the targeted genes (87.2%, 90.3%, and 87.8 % for GRP78, CLTC, and DNM2 respectively) in transfected HepG2 cells when measured by RT-qPCR. Intracellular and extracellular viral RNA loads were quantified by RT-qPCR to investigate the effect of silencing the attachment receptor and clathrin-mediated endocytosis on dengue virus entry. Silenced cells showed a significant reduction of intracellular (92.4%) and extracellular viral RNA load (71.4%) compared to non-silenced cells. Flow cytometry analysis showed a marked reduction of infected cells (89.7%) in silenced HepG2 cells compared to non-silenced cells. Furthermore, the ability to generate infectious virions using the plaque assay was reduced 1.07 log in silenced HepG2 cells