5 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyse the institutional capacity of provincial governments of West-Java and East-Java on e-government in Indonesia in order to provide lessons learned for the government in developing e-government institutions. It uses a qualitative method with a case study approach to explore the implementation of e-government in local governments. This research focuses on five dimensions of the action environment, public sector institutions, task networks, organizations and human resources, and the Chief Information Officer (CIO). The results showed that, the action environment dimension of each region has different social and economic profiles so that the literacy level of the population in responding to e-government also varies. For the second and third dimensions, unlike the East Java province, the West Java province has specific rules and procedures as well as clear standards and planning related to e-government. Yet, the West Java province has not determined particular regulation on task and duty of its Office of Communication and Information. The aspect of the human resource dimension shows that the professional ICT group has not yet been fulfilled and there are still many positions related to IT are occupied by those who have no IT background. With regard to CIOs, only West Java province that has specific rules regarding CIOs


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    Entertainment tax is one of the source of Local Revenue in Batu City along with the development of Batu City as tourism city. Therefore, Batu City government tries to optimize entertainment tax revenue by discharging the entertainment tax policy. The success or failure of this policy will be determined by the step of implementation. Unfortunately, policy implementation of entertainment taxes in Batu City still faces a problem, that is tax receivable problem. The aims of this research is to explain and analyse policy implementation of entertainment tax collection in Batu City through four important aspects in the policy implementation and analyse the factors exist in these policy implementation. This research uses qualitative method with case study approach. This research focused on (1) policy implementation of entertainment tax collection in Batu City, and (2) factors exist in the policy implementation of entertainment tax collection in Batu City. This research found that policy implementation of entertainment tax collection in Batu City has not been optimal. It’s showed by the increasing of entertainment taxes that fluctuates and the lowest percentages of entertainment tax evenue on the Local Revenue in Batu City. Besides, there are four factors exist in this policy implementation there are communication, resources, disposition/attitudes, and beureaucratic structures. Unfortunatelly only communication factors that support this policy implementation. Keywords: policy implementation, entertainment taxe

    Lebak Regency Government's Innovation in Accelerating Development from Underdeveloped Region Status

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    Since 2019, Lebak Regency in Banten Province has been declared as a district that has relinquished its status as an underdeveloped area. Since then, Lebak has been incorporated in Underdeveloped Regencies List as one that has escaped from the underdeveloped condition. This study uses a descriptive approach through interviews and secondary data collection. The results of this study showed that in 2021, there were two process innovations and one product innovation carried out in the context of accelerating the development of Lebak Regency as an eradicated area. These innovations include the Unique Lebak Tourism Movement Innovation: Millennial Virtual Stage and the Launching of the Calendar of Events, and Citorek Strawberry Village and Investment Ease Information Services Innovation for Business Actors/Investors through the Investment Information System (SIMPEDAL). These three innovations are expected to encourage the acceleration of development in Lebak Regency, especially in the economic and tourism sectors. Keywords: regional innovation, Lebak Regency Innovation, development acceleration, empowered regio

    Implementation of Good Governance Principles in the Land Transportation Management Center

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    To achieve globalization and modernization, public organizations must implement good governance in order to respond to and meet community expectations. One of these expectations is land transportation management, which in Indonesia is handled by the Land Transportation Management Center (BPTD). Good governance should be implemented in BPTD in the hopes of improving performance and, as a result, community satisfaction, and resolving problems with ground transportation. BPTD still has a number of issues to deal with, including the state of the transportation infrastructure for road, urban, river and lake transportation and crossings, transportation safety, and administrative issues. This study examined how four principles of good governance have been implemented at BPTD: accountability, transparency, openness, and the rule of law. The study focused on BPTD Region IX in West Java Province, BPTD Region IX in Central Java Province, and DIY provinces. This study employed qualitative descriptive methods. According to the findings, BPTD has implemented the principles of good governance, but it still has room for improvement by sharpening its performance indicator targets, making LAKIP more widely known, measuring community satisfaction, and pursuing independent innovation. Keywords: transportation, good governance, accountability, transparenc