11 research outputs found


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    Adolescent are known as risky population to HIV-AIDS transmission. The incidence of HIVAIDS among adolescent continues to show significant increment. The initial step in reducing the risk of HIV-AIDS transmission among them can be done by having comprehensive understanding on HIV-AIDS-related knowledge. IDHS as one of national survey that alsoaccomodate HIV-AIDS-related knowledge in addition to sociodemographic dimension, is able to provide the information flow of HIV-AIDS among adolescent themselves. This study aims to provide comprehensive information of HIV-AIDS-related knowledge among adolescent. Theset of data used were obtained from IDHS 2007 and IDHS 2012. Both sets of the data were analyzed using chi-square test at 5 percent significance level. Based on this analysis, it is known that the level of HIV-AIDS-related knowledge among adolescent has increased during 2007- 2012. And during this period, they had chosen a more rational sources to obtain adequate information about HIV-AIDS through the involvementof teachers or school,especially for higher-educated ones. In general, the level of HIV-AIDS-related knowledge among adolescent is higher in older male ones, living in urban areas, and highly educated ones. As one of the effort in reducing the risk of HIV-AIDS transmission among adolescent can be done by increasing the involvement of teachers and parents through the provison of adequate and proportionate information about HIV-AIDS. Furthermore, providinginformation regarding HIV-AIDS-related knowledge in adolescent would be much more effective through the implementation of curriculum on HIV-AIDS nationally which is systematically and proportionally arranged in each level of education.Keywords: adolescent, HIV-AIDS, national curriculu

    Analisis Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo Pada Pemodelan Mixture Normal Dengan Banyak Komponen Tidak Diketahui (Studi Kasus: Tingkat Inflasi Di Indonesia)

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    Inflasi merupakan salah satu indikator yang sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan kondisi moneter suatu negara. Adanya perubahan kondisi suatu negara dari waktu ke waktu menyebabkan pola data tingkat inflasi di negara tersebut membentuk kelompok-kelompok data yang mempunyai pola yang berbeda-beda. Pemodelan pada data jenis ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan model mixture yang dapat mengakomodasi variabilitas data yang kurang dapat terwakili apabila dimodelkan secara unimodal. McLachlan dan Basford (1988) menyatakan model mixture secara umum sebagai berikut: frrix (|W, 8) = w, f (x10, )+ w, fy (x|0, )+...+w,f;,(x|0,) dengan ¥w, =1.j=1. Pada pemodelan mixture dengan banyak komponen tidak diketahui, estimasi parameter model mixture dilakukan dengan dua cara, yaitu: pertama, banyak komponen mixture ditentukan berdasarkan identifikasi data, sehingga estimasinya dilakukan dengan menggunakan Gibbs Sampler; kedua, banyak komponen mixture dianggap tetap tidak diketahui, sehingga estimasinya dilakukan dengan menggunakan Reversible Jump MCMC (RJMCMC). Pada kasus tingkatinflasi di Indonesia menunjukkan adanya kecenderungan data bersifat multimodal. Estimasi parameter model mixture dengan menggunakan metode Gibbs Sampler menghasilkan tiga model mixture dengan banyak komponen dua, tiga dan empat. Sedangkan estimasi parameter model mixture dengan menggunakan metode RJMCMC menghasilkan model mixture dengan banyak komponen satu hingga sepuluh. Semua model mixture yang dihasilkan dari setiap metode tersebut dibandingkan untuk mendapatkan model mixture yang paling sesuai dengan data tingkat inflasi. Pemilihan model ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Struktur Perkalian Distribusi (SPD) dan kriteria Bayes faktor. Hasil perbandingan menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan banyak komponen dalam model mixture tersebut tidak signifikan. Namun demikian hasil estimasi model tersebut akan bersifat interpretatif jika disesuaikan dengan kategori inflasi berdasarkan penjelasan Boediono (1982). Dengan demikian model mixture yang disarankan untuk data tingkat inflasi adalah model mixture dengan banyak komponen dua. Jadi model mixture yang disarankan apabila menggunakan Gibbs Sampler adalah: X ~ 0,8949 N(6,839;1,233)+ 0,1051 N(17,65;0,45) Sedangkan model mixture yang disarankan apabila menggunakan RJMCMC adalah: X ~ 0,89441 N(0,83646;1,2624)+ 0,10559 N(17,77451:1,0497). ================================================================================================================================ Inflation is one of indicators widely used to describe the monetary condition ona country. A conditional changing on the country caused the inflation rate pattern formed several groups of the data. Data consist of several groups can be modeled using mixture model that able to accommodate the variability of data which is less represented if modeled using unimodal. McLachlan and Basford (1988) define mixture model as: Fax e| w,0)=, f(x] 0, +,f(x] 8, )+... tw, f(x]8,) where Sow, =1.=I Parameter estimation using mixture model with an unknown number of components can be done in two ways: first, using Gibbs Sampler method, by specified the number of components based on data identification; second, using Reversible Jump MCMC (RJMCMC), when the number of components is unknown. The inflation rate in Indonesia attends that the data is multimodal. Parameter estimation of the mixture model using Gibbs Sampler method obtained that the number of components are two, three or four. While the parameter estimation using RIMCMC obtained that the number of components are one to ten. All the mixture models obtained from each method are compared to obtain the most representative one to the inflation rate using Multiplicative Joint Density (MJD) and Bayes factor criterion. The result of computation shows that there are significantly no different between one model to others. It means that all models can be used to represent the inflation rate. But theoretically, the most representative one is mixture model with two number of components (Boediono, 1982). Then the mixture model using Gibbs Sampler metod is: X ~ 0,8949 N(6,839;1,233)+0,1051 W(17,65:0,45) While the mixture model using RIMCMC is: X ~ 0,89441 N(0,83646;1,2624)+ 0,10559 N(17,77451:1,0497)

    Determinan Unmet Need KB Pada Wanita Menikah di Kecamatan Klabang Kabupaten Bondowoso (Determinants for Family Planning Among Married Women at Klabang Sub District in Bondowoso)

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    Unmet need for family planning is a multidimentional problem because it is influenced byvarious factors. Unmet need for family planning at East Java in 2013th was decrease from14,89% become 13,44%. But, the unmet need issue was enough higher than anotherprovince. Although, the unmet need issue in Bondowoso was high and Klabang sub districtwas higher than another distric in Bondowoso. This research aim to determine of unmetneed for family planning among married women, according to the demographiccharacteristic, social economic, and access in family planning services. This research wasanalytically, using cross sectional design. The number of samples was 219 respondentswho chosen by proportional random sampling technique. Bivariable analysis by Chi Squaretest and multivariable analysis by logistic regression (α=5%). There is a significant relationbetween the number of living children (OR=0,08), wealth status (OR=3,7), geographic orphysical accessibility (OR=0,19), psychosocial accessibility (OR=0,23), and cognitiveaccessibility (OR=3,84) with unmet need for family planning among married women.Keywords: Married women, unmet need, family plannin

    Determinan Penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Pasien Rawat Jalan Poli Jantung dan Poli Penyakit Dalam RSD dr. Soebandi Jember (Determinants of Heart and Blood Vessel Disease at Cardiovascular and Internal Medicine Outpatients Clinic in dr. Soebandi General Hospital of Jember )

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    Heart and blood vessel disease (HBVD) is a disease that attacks heart and bloodvessels that cause disorder in these organs. Heart and blood vessel disease (HBVD) is apublic health problem and is the most leading cause of death in Indonesia. Prevalence ofHBVD have increased 15% in January up to December 2014 in dr. Soebandi generalhospital. The research is done in outpatiens at cardiovascular and internal medicineclinic in dr. Soebandi general hospital in April 2015. This research aimed to describe andanalyze the risk factors of HBVD in dr. Soebandi general hospita of Jemberl. Theresearch was conducted by case control design. An age over 55 years (p=0.03), BMIwith fat (p=0.004), alcohol consumption (p=0.015), smoking habit over 10 per day(p=0,0018), and the consumption of foods with high amount of saturated fat (p=0.0018)were significant correlated with HBVD. The highest risk factor was smoking habit withover 20 per day had a risk 15,8 times higher than non-smokers, while the lowest was theBMI with fat had a risk 3,6 times higher than normal BMI.Keywords: Risk factor, Heart and blood vessel diseas

    Pemetaan Tingkat Kerentanan Daerah terhadap Penyakit Menular (TB Paru, DBD, dan Diare) di Kabupaten Lumajang Tahun 2012 (Mapping of District Vulnerability on Communicable Diseases (Pulmonary TB, DHF, and Diarrhea) in Lumajang 2012)

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    Several types of communicable diseases such as pulmonary TB, DHF, and diarrhea have some similarity of physical environmental, socio economic, and host factors. Data related communicable diseases are needed to produce health information. Processing and presentation data about health in Lumajang is still very simple, that's only based on amount of cases distribution without any assessment with other factors such as physical environmental and human activity that have contributed to a health-related phenomena. The purposes of this research are to create synthesis thematic maps in the form of district vulnerability of communicable diseases with combining environmental and host factors. This type of research is descriptive study with variables are physical environmental (height and rainfall), social economic environment (category of family, population density rate, and total of family member), host (age, sex, and behavior), and prevalence rate of communicable diseases where obtained from secondary data. The data prensented in the form of vulnerability maps using crosstab. The result of synthesis thematic maps that subdistricts with vulnerable category of pulmonary TB are Klakah, Gucialit, Kedungjajang, Sukodono, Jatiroto, Lumajang, Yosowilangun, Kunir, Pasirian, Tempursari, Pronojiwo, Candipuro, and Pasrujambe. The subdistricts with vulnerable category of DHF are Senduro, Sukodono, Kunir, dan Rowokangkung. The subdistricts with vulnerable category of diarrhea are Senduro, Sukodono, Kunir, dan Rowokangkung. The most of subdistricts are invulnerable on communicable diseases. Keywords: Mapping, vulnerability, communicable diseases

    Kesesuaian Penggunaan Alat Kontrasepsi Berdasarkan Permintaan KB pada Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) di Kecamatan Puger Kabupaten Jember (Contraceptives Use Compatibility Based On Contraceptive Demand Among Fertile Age Couple at Puger Sub District, Jember Dist

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    Fertile age couple in Indonesian and east java majority used contraceptives with pills and syringe method, while the purpose of family planning was limiting birth. Puger sub district is one of sub district in Jember district that fertile age couple also the most used contraceptives with pills and syringe method, while the purpose of family planning was limiting birth. This show that contraceptives use isn’t compatibility with contraceptive demand. The aim of this study was to analyze the contraceptives use compatibility based on demand contraceptive. A cross sectional study design was used in this study. This research involved 87 fertile age couple. This research was analyzed using chi-square with α=0,05. Age, parity, children of living, education level, health service place, cost of service had significant with contraceptive demand. Child of demand and income didn't have significant with contraceptive demand. Parity, children of living, health service place, cost of service had significant with contraceptives use compatibility. Age, child of demand, eduction dan income didn't have significant with contraceptives use compatibility Contraceptive demand were also had a significant correlation with use compatibility. Keywords: contraceptives use compatibility, contraceptives deman

    Hubungan antara Kekerasan Seksual dengan Fungsi Seksual Perempuan Di Kabupaten Jember (Association Between Sexual Violence with Female Sexual Function in Jember Regency)

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    Sexual violence affects women's sexual health. Sexual violence not only affects the reproductive organs physically, but also have an impact on psychological or mental condition of the victim. The goal of research to analyze the association between sexual violence with female sexual function in Jember regency through approach cross sectional research subjects are married women aged 25-40 years and living with a partner were 107 people with a sampling technique pusing method multistage random sampling. Data obtained are presented in tables and analyzed using chi-square test and logistic regression test with significance level of 95% (α = 0,05). The results showed that most women experience sexual coercion, so most women experience problems with sexual function. Women with age ≥ 30 years, low education level, did not work, low income, marital 0-9 years old, and has 2 children are more likely to experience sexual violence. Women with age ≥ 30 years, low education level, did not work, low income, marital 10-20 years old, and has 2 children are more likely to experience sexual dysfunction. The experience of sexual violence and the level of education is the most dominant factor for women to experience sexual dysfunction. It was necessary socialization and understanding of violence against women and female sexual function to improve the reproductive health of women. Keywords: Sexual Violence, Female Sexual Function, Sexual Dysfunction &nbsp

    Determinan Penghentian Penggunaan IUD di Indonesia

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    Contraceptive discontinuation is the big problem that can threat Family Planning (FP) program. Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that has increased the contraceptive discontinuation, especially IUD. The aim of this study was to analyze the determinants of IUD discontinuation in Indonesia. A cross sectional study design was used in this study. Data of this study were based on the results of IDHS 2007, with 706 samples. This research was analyzed using univariable analysis, bivariable analysis using Chi-square, and multivariable analysis using Logistic Regression with each significance level α=0,05. Residence, religion, economic status, exposure to mass media, FP information, and follow up of FP didn’t have significant relationship with IUD discontinuation. Age, parity, education, occupation, and FP discussion between husband-wife had significant relationship with IUD discontinuation. The factors that can be used to predict the IUD discontinuation were age, parity, and education. Keywords: IUD, Family Planning, Discontinuatio

    Kualitas Hidup Wanita Menopause (Quality of Life Among Menopausal Women)

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    AbstractMenopause is a condition when woman’s menstrual period ends because ovaries stopproducing estrogen and progesteron. The deficiency of these hormones cause women havemenopausal symptoms that can decrease their quality of life. This study aimed to analyzethe quality of life among menopausal women. This was a cross sectional study. The sampleconsisted of 128 menopausal women and their age ranged 45-59 years old. Chi-square,Anova, and Independent Sample t Test were used to analyze the data. The result showedbetter quality of life was experienced by women who had high education, did exerciseregularly, didn’t have chronic disease, and had mild menopausal symptoms. According toquality of life domain, physical domain was better in women who had married, did exerciseregularly and had mild menopausal symptoms. Psychological domain was better in womenwho had high education, did exercise regularly and didn’t have chronic disease.Environmental domain was better in women who had high education, did exercise regularly,and had mild menopausal symptoms. Whereas, social domain was better in married women.Based on this study, menopausal women are adviced to do exercise regularly so their qualityof life can be improved.Keywords: menopausal women, quality of lif


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    Low back pain (LBP) is usually perceived by individuals that mostly do static activities, including craft workers. The daily activities are predominantly by sitting on the floor while doing crafting for about eight hours a day. Consequently, prevention strategies should be promoted in order to avoid more severe situation. This research aims to identify several presumable aspects that may lead to an increase in possibility of getting LBP. A descriptive approach was applied in this research while involving 22 craft workers from two craft industries that are located in Tutul and Balung Kulon village, Balung sub-district, Jember, as subjects research. The result has pointed out that many female workers perceived severe LBP. This could get more severe along with an increase in age and body mass index as well as abdominal circumference. For history of spine trauma, workers who never had a such traumatic history appeared to get severe LBP. Therefore, this findings suggest that encouraging awareness towards early symptoms of LBP as well as doing back exercise, which is designed to alleviate low back pain, routinely will be the effective solutions to reduce severity in LBP