1,844 research outputs found

    XP. A Common Lisp Pretty Printing System

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    XP provides efficient and flexible support for pretty printing in Common Lisp. Its single greatest advantage is that it allows the full benefits of pretty printing to be obtained when printing data structures, as well as when printing program code. XP is efficient, because it is based on a linear time algorithm that uses only a small fixed amount of storage. XP is flexible, because users can control the exact form of the output via a set of special format directives. XP can operate on arbitrary data structures, because facilities are provided for specifying pretty printing methods for any type of object. XP also modifies the way abbreviation based on length, nesting depth, and circularity is supported so that they automatically apply to user-defined functions that perform output ??g., print functions for structures. In addition, a new abbreviation mechanism is introduced that can be used to limit the total numbers of lines printed

    A Method, Based on Plans, for Understanding How a Loop Implements a Computation

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    This report describes research done at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Support for the laboratory's artificial intelligence research is provided in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense under Office of Naval Research contract N00014-75-C-0643.The plan method analyzes the structure of a program. The plan which results from applying the method represents this structure by specifying how the parts of the program interact. This paper demonstrates the utility of the plan method by showing how a plan for a loop can be used to help prove the correctness of a loop. The plan does this by providing a convenient description of what the loop does. This paper also shows how a plan for a loop can be developed based on the code for the loop without the assistance of any commentary. This is possible primarily because most loops are built up in stereotyped ways according to a few fundamental plan types. An experiment is presented which supports the claim that a small number of plan types cover a large percentage of actual cases.MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agenc

    Cryptology and Data Communications

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    Research reported herein was conducted at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology research program supported in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense and monitored by the office of Naval Research under contract N00014-75-C-0643.This paper is divided into two parts. The first part deals with cryptosystems and cryptanalysis. It surveys the basic information about cryptosystems and then addresses two specific questions. Are cryptosystems such as LUCIFER which are based on the ideas of Feistel and Shannon secure for all practical purposes? Is the proposed NBS standard cryptosystem secure for all practical purposes? This paper argues that the answer to the first question is "they might well be" and that the answer to the second is "no." The second part of this paper considers how a cryptosystem can be used to provide security of data transmission in a computer environment. It discusses the two basic aspects of security: secrecy and authentication. It then describes and discusses a specific proposal by Kent of a set of protocols designed to provide security through encryption. Finally, an alternate proposal is given in order to explore some of the other design choices which could have been made.MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agenc

    The Value of Relationship and Communication Management in Fundraising: Comparing Donors\u27 and Practitioners\u27 Views of Stewardship

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    The organisation-public relationship paradigm has frequently referenced Kelly’s (2001) stewardship strategies as possible methods for strengthening relationships with stakeholders; however, there have been no attempts to measure stewardship. A mailed survey of individual donors (n = 1,706) and fundraising team members (n = 124) at three non-profit hospitals asked participants to evaluate their views toward the four stewardship strategies as well as estimate how the other side would evaluate them. By using the coorientation methodology, this study found that although both sides valued the four stewardship strategies, their attitudes differed in magnitude. These findings provide growing support for future examination of stewardship in other public relations settings, and specifically they add to the growing literature on the importance of donor cultivation

    Formalizing Reusable Software Components

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    This paper has been accepted by the ITT Workshop on Reusability in Programming, Newport RI, September 7-9, 1983.There has been a long-standing desire in computer science for a way of collecting and using libraries of standard software components. Unfortunately, there has been only limited success in actually doing this. We believe that the lack of success stems not from any resistance to the idea, nor from any lack of trying, but rather from the difficulty of choosing an appropriate formalism for representing components. In this paper we define five desiderata for a good formalization of reusable software components and discuss many of the formalisms which have been used for representing components in light of these desiderata. We then briefly describe a formalism we are developing — the Plan Calculus — which seeks to satisfy these desiderata by combining together the best features of prior formalisms.MIT Artificial Intelligence Laborator
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