11 research outputs found

    Action spectrum for photoperiodic control of thyroid-stimulating hormone in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica).

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    At higher latitudes, vertebrates exhibit a seasonal cycle of reproduction in response to changes in day-length, referred to as photoperiodism. Extended day-length induces thyroid-stimulating hormone in the pars tuberalis of the pituitary gland. This hormone triggers the local activation of thyroid hormone in the mediobasal hypothalamus and eventually induces gonadal development. In avian species, light information associated with day-length is detected through photoreceptors located in deep-brain regions. Within these regions, the expressions of multiple photoreceptive molecules, opsins, have been observed. However, even though the Japanese quail is an excellent model for photoperiodism because of its robust and significant seasonal responses in reproduction, a comprehensive understanding of photoreceptors in the quail brain remains undeveloped. In this study, we initially analyzed an action spectrum using photoperiodically induced expression of the beta subunit genes of thyroid-stimulating hormone in quail. Among seven wavelengths examined, we detected maximum sensitivity of the action spectrum at 500 nm. The low value for goodness of fit in the alignment with a template of retinal1-based photopigment, assuming a spectrum associated with a single opsin, proposed the possible involvement of multiple opsins rather than a single opsin. Analysis of gene expression in the septal region and hypothalamus, regions hypothesized to be photosensitive in quail, revealed mRNA expression of a mammal-like melanopsin in the infundibular nucleus within the mediobasal hypothalamus. However, no significant diurnal changes were observed for genes in the infundibular nucleus. Xenopus-like melanopsin, a further isoform of melanopsin in birds, was detected in neither the septal region nor the infundibular nucleus. These results suggest that the mammal-like melanopsin expressed in the infundibular nucleus within the mediobasal hypothalamus could be candidate deep-brain photoreceptive molecule in Japanese quail. Investigation of the functional involvement of mammal-like melanopsin-expressing cells in photoperiodism will be required for further conclusions

    Radiocesium mobility in different parts of the two major tree species in Fukushima

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    Abstract Radiocesium (137Cs) released in the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident is still cycling in the forest ecosystem. We examined the mobility of 137Cs in the external parts—leaves/needles, branches, and bark—of the two major tree species in Fukushima, Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) and konara oak (Quercus serrata). This variable mobility will likely lead to spatial heterogeneity of 137Cs and difficulty in predicting its dynamics for decades. We conducted leaching experiments on these samples by using ultrapure water and ammonium acetate. In Japanese cedar, the 137Cs percentage leached from current-year needles was 26–45% (ultrapure water) and 27–60% (ammonium acetate)—similar to those from old needles and branches. In konara oak, the 137Cs percentage leached from leaves was 47–72% (ultrapure water) and 70–100% (ammonium acetate)—comparable to those from current-year and old branches. Relatively poor 137Cs mobility was observed in the outer bark of Japanese cedar and in organic layer samples from both species. Comparison of the results from corresponding parts revealed greater 137Cs mobility in konara oak than in Japanese cedar. We suggest that more active cycling of 137Cs occurs in konara oak

    Nanocomposite Phosphor Consisting of CaI<sub>2</sub>:Eu<sup>2+</sup> Single Nanocrystals Embedded in Crystalline SiO<sub>2</sub>

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    High luminescence efficiency is obtained in halide- and chalcogenide-based phosphors, but they are impractical because of their poor chemical durability. Here we report a halide-based nanocomposite phosphor with excellent luminescence efficiency and sufficient durability for practical use. Our approach was to disperse luminescent single nanocrystals of CaI<sub>2</sub>:Eu<sup>2+</sup> in a chemically stable, translucent crystalline SiO<sub>2</sub> matrix. Using this approach, we successfully prepared a nanocomposite phosphor by means of self-organization through a simple solid-state reaction. Single nanocrystals of 6<i>H</i> polytype (<i>thr</i> notation) CaI<sub>2</sub>:Eu<sup>2+</sup> with diameters of about 50 nm could be generated not only in a SiO<sub>2</sub> amorphous powder but also in a SiO<sub>2</sub> glass plate. The nanocomposite phosphor formed upon solidification of molten CaI<sub>2</sub> left behind in the crystalline SiO<sub>2</sub> that formed from the amorphous SiO<sub>2</sub> under the influence of a CaI<sub>2</sub> flux effect. The resulting nanocomposite phosphor emitted brilliant blue luminescence with an internal quantum efficiency up to 98% upon 407 nm violet excitation. We used cathodoluminescence microscopy, scanning transmission electron microscopy, and Rietveld refinement of the X-ray diffraction patterns to confirm that the blue luminescence was generated only by the CaI<sub>2</sub>:Eu<sup>2+</sup> single nanocrystals. The phosphor was chemically durable because the luminescence sites were embedded in the crystalline SiO<sub>2</sub> matrix. The phosphor is suitable for use in near-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes. The concept for this nanocomposite phosphor can be expected to be effective for improvements in the practicality of poorly durable materials such as halides and chalcogenides

    Phylogeny and Immunoreactivity of Norovirus GII.P16-GII.2, Japan, Winter 2016–17

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    During the 2016–17 winter season in Japan, human norovirus GII.P16-GII.2 strains (2016 strains) caused large outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis. Phylogenetic analyses suggested that the 2016 strains derived from the GII.2 strains detected during 2010–12. Immunochromatography between 2016 strains and the pre-2016 GII.2 strains showed similar reactivity

    Dynamics of radiocaesium within forests in Fukushima-results and analysis of a model inter-comparison

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    International audienceForests cover approximately 70% of the area contaminated by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in 2011. Following this severe contamination event, radiocaesium (137Cs) is anticipated to circulate within these forest ecosystems for several decades. Since the accident, a number of models have been constructed to evaluate the past and future dynamics of 137Cs in these forests. To explore the performance and uncertainties of these models we conducted a model inter-comparison exercise using Fukushima data. The main scenario addressed an evergreen needleleaf forest (cedar/cypress), which is the most common and commercially important forest type in Japan. We also tested the models with two forest management scenarios (decontamination by removal of soil surface litter and forest regeneration) and, furthermore, a deciduous broadleaf forest (konara oak) scenario as a preliminary modelling study of this type of forest. After appropriate calibration, the models reproduced the observed data reliably and the ranges of calculated trajectories were narrow in the early phase after the fallout. Successful model performances in the early phase were probably attributable to the availability of comprehensive data characterizing radiocaesium partitioning in the early phase. However, the envelope of the calculated model end points enlarged in long-term simulations over 50 years after the fallout. It is essential to continue repetitive verification/validation processes using decadal data for various forest types to improve the models and to update the forecasting capacity of the models

    Genetic Analysis of Human Norovirus Strains in Japan in 2016–2017

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    In the 2016/2017 winter season in Japan, HuNoV GII.P16-GII.2 strains (2016 strains) emerged and caused large outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis. To better understand the outbreaks, we examined the molecular evolution of the VP1 gene and RdRp region in 2016 strains from patients by studying their time-scale evolutionary phylogeny, positive/negative selection, conformational epitopes, and phylodynamics. The time-scale phylogeny suggested that the common ancestors of the 2016 strains VP1 gene and RdRp region diverged in 2006 and 1999, respectively, and that the 2016 strain was the progeny of a pre-2016 GII.2. The evolutionary rates of the VP1 gene and RdRp region were around 10-3 substitutions/site/year. Amino acid substitutions (position 341) in an epitope in the P2 domain of 2016 strains were not found in pre-2016 GII.2 strains. Bayesian skyline plot analyses showed that the effective population size of the VP1 gene in GII.2 strains was almost constant for those 50 years, although the number of patients with NoV GII.2 increased in 2016. The 2016 strain may be involved in future outbreaks in Japan and elsewhere