16,720 research outputs found

    Apparatus for time‐resolved measurements of acoustic birefringence in particle dispersions

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    An apparatus for time‐resolved measurements of the birefringence induced in a particle suspension by an acoustic wave pulse is described. Efficient acoustic coupling is obtained by operating near the transducer resonant frequency and by matching the acoustic impedances of the cell constituents. An almost‐overdamped acoustic configuration can alternatively be employed whenever a faster response is needed. Careful design of the optical setup and of the detection unit minimize diffraction and stress‐birefringence parasitic effects and yields a good responsivity at fairly low acoustic intensities. A test of the apparatus on a colloidal suspension of PTFE rodlike particles is presented and discussed

    1D Modeling for Temperature-Dependent Upflow in the Dimming Region Observed by Hinode/EIS

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    We have previously found a temperature-dependent upflow in the dimming region following a coronal mass ejection (CME) observed by the {\it Hinode} EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS). In this paper, we reanalyzed the observations along with previous work on this event, and provided boundary conditions for modeling. We found that the intensity in the dimming region dramatically drops within 30 minutes from the flare onset, and the dimming region reaches the equilibrium stage after \sim1 hour later. The temperature-dependent upflows were observed during the equilibrium stage by EIS. The cross sectional area of the fluxtube in the dimming region does not appear to expand significantly. From the observational constraints, we reconstructed the temperature-dependent upflow by using a new method which considers the mass and momentum conservation law, and demonstrated the height variation of plasma conditions in the dimming region. We found that a super radial expansion of the cross sectional area is required to satisfy the mass conservation and momentum equations. There is a steep temperature and velocity gradient of around 7 Mm from the solar surface. This result may suggest that the strong heating occurred above 7 Mm from the solar surface in the dimming region. We also showed that the ionization equilibrium assumption in the dimming region is violated especially in the higher temperature range.Comment: accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Spontaneous breaking of continuous translational invariance

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    Unbroken continuous translational invariance is often taken as a basic assumption in discussions of spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB), which singles out SSB of translational invariance itself as an exceptional case. We present a framework which allows us to treat translational invariance on the same footing as other symmetries. It is shown that existing theorems on SSB can be straightforwardly extended to this general case. As a concrete application, we analyze the Nambu-Goldstone modes in a (ferromagnetic) supersolid. We prove on the ground of the general theorems that the Bogoliubov mode stemming from a spontaneously broken internal U(1) symmetry and the longitudinal phonon due to a crystalline order are distinct physical modes.Comment: 14 pages, 4 pdf/jpg figures, REVTeX 4.1; v2: section IV expanded, new appendix and references added, numerous other minor modifications throughout the tex

    Dynamical stabilization of matter-wave solitons revisited

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    We consider dynamical stabilization of Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) by time-dependent modulation of the scattering length. The problem has been studied before by several methods: Gaussian variational approximation, the method of moments, method of modulated Townes soliton, and the direct averaging of the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation. We summarize these methods and find that the numerically obtained stabilized solution has different configuration than that assumed by the theoretical methods (in particular a phase of the wavefunction is not quadratic with rr). We show that there is presently no clear evidence for stabilization in a strict sense, because in the numerical experiments only metastable (slowly decaying) solutions have been obtained. In other words, neither numerical nor mathematical evidence for a new kind of soliton solutions have been revealed so far. The existence of the metastable solutions is nevertheless an interesting and complicated phenomenon on its own. We try some non-Gaussian variational trial functions to obtain better predictions for the critical nonlinearity gcrg_{cr} for metastabilization but other dynamical properties of the solutions remain difficult to predict

    String order in spin liquid phases of spin ladders

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    Two-leg spin ladders have a rich phase diagram if rung, diagonal and plaquette couplings are allowed for. Among the possible phases there are two Haldane-type spin liquid phases without local order parameter, which differ, however, in the topology of the short range valence bonds. We show that these phases can be distinguished numerically by two different string order parameters. We also point out that long range string- and dimer orders can coexist

    Heavy Higgs at Tevatron and LHC in Universal Extra Dimension Models

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    Universal Extra Dimension (UED) models tend to favor a distinctively heavier Higgs mass than in the Standard Model (SM) and its supersymmetric extensions when the Kaluza-Klein (KK) scale is not much higher than the electroweak one, which we call the weak scale UED, in order to cancel the KK top contributions to the T-parameter. Such a heavy Higgs, whose production through the gluon fusion process is enhanced by the KK top loops, is fairly model independent prediction of the weak scale UED models regardless of the brane-localized mass structure at the ultraviolet cutoff scale. We study its cleanest possible signature, the Higgs decay into a Z boson pair and subsequently into four electrons and/or muons, in which all the four-momenta of the final states can be measured and both the Z boson masses can be checked. We show that the weak scale UED model may account for the 2sigma excess of this event at ATLAS at the ZZ pair invariant mass around 250GeV, at which scale SM background is sufficiently small and the SM Higgs predicts too few events. We have also studied the Higgs mass 500GeV (and also 700GeV with \sqrt{s}=14TeV) and have found that we can observe significant resonance with the integrated luminosity 10fb^{-1} for six dimensional UED models.Comment: (v1) 36 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables; (v2) Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D, factor 2 error in (93) corrected, comments and references added, figures redrawn; (v3) Minor changes including typo corrections in eq.(15), final version appearing in PR

    Nitrogen Cycle And Ecosystem Services In The Brazilian La Plata Basin: Anthropogenic Influence And Climate Change.

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    The increasing human demand for food, raw material and energy has radically modified both the landscape and biogeochemical cycles in many river basins in the world. The interference of human activities on the Biosphere is so significant that it has doubled the amount of reactive nitrogen due to industrial fertiliser production (Haber-Bosch), fossil fuel burning and land-use change over the last century. In this context, the Brazilian La Plata Basin contributes to the alteration of the nitrogen cycle in South America because of its huge agricultural and grazing area that meets the demands of its large urban centres - Sao Paulo, for instance - and also external markets abroad. In this paper, we estimate the current inputs and outputs of anthropogenic nitrogen (in kg N.km(-2).yr(-1)) in the basin. In the results, we observe that soybean plays a very important role in the Brazilian La Plata, since it contributes with an annual entrance of about 1.8 TgN due to biological nitrogen fixation. Moreover, our estimate indicates that the export of soybean products accounts for roughly 1.0 TgN which is greater than the annual nitrogen riverine exports from Brazilian Parana, Paraguay and Uruguay rivers together. Complimentarily, we built future scenarios representing changes in the nitrogen cycle profile considering two scenarios of climate change for 2070-2100 (based on IPCC's A2 and B2) that will affect land-use, nitrogen inputs, and loss of such nutrients in the basin. Finally, we discuss how both scenarios will affect human well-being since there is a connection between nitrogen cycle and ecosystem services that affect local and global populations, such as food and fibre production and climate regulation.72691-70

    Signatures of pairing mechanisms and order parameters in ferromagnetic superconductors

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    Two predictions are made for properties of the ferromagnetic superconductors discovered recently. The first one is that spin-triplet, p-wave pairing in such materials will give the magnons a mass inversely proportional to the square of the magnetization. The second one is based on a specific mechanism for p-wave pairing, and predicts that the observed broad anomaly in the specific heat of URhGe will be resolved into a split transition with increasing sample quality. These predictions will help discriminate between different possible mechanisms for ferromagnetic superconductivity.Comment: 4 pp., 1 ps fi

    Gold-plated processes at photon colliders

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    We review the most important topics and objectives of the physics program of the gamma-gamma, gamma-electron collider (photon collider) option for an e+e- linear collider.Comment: 36 pages, Latex, 11 figures(ps,eps), Talk at Intern. Workshop on High Energy Photon Colliders; June 14-17, 2000, DESY, Hamburg, Germany; to be published in Nucl. Instr. and Methods