537 research outputs found

    Ordered interpersonal synchronisation in ASD children via robots

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    Children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) experience persistent disrupted coordination in interpersonal synchronisation that is thought to be associated with deficits in neural connectivity. Robotic interventions have been explored for use with ASD children worldwide revealing that robots encourage one-to-one social and emotional interactions. However, associations between interpersonal synchronisation and emotional empathy have not yet been directly explored in French and Japanese ASD children when they interact with a human or a robot under analogous experimental conditions. Using the paradigm of actor-perceiver, where the child was the actor and the robot or the human the perceiver, we recorded the autonomic heart rate activation and reported emotional feelings of ASD children in both countries. Japanese and French ASD children showed different interpersonal synchronisation when they interacted with the human perceiver, even though the human was the same in both countries. However, they exhibited similar interpersonal synchronisation when the perceiver was the robot. The findings suggest that the mechanism combining interpersonal synchronisation and emotional empathy might be weakened but not absent in ASD children and that both French and Japanese ASD children do spontaneously and unconsciously discern non verbal actions of non human partners through a direct matching process that occurs via automatic mapping

    miRNA-based rapid differentiation of purified neurons from hPSCs advancestowards quick screening for neuronal disease phenotypes in vitro

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    Obtaining differentiated cells with high physiological functions by an efficient, but simple and rapid differentiation method is crucial for modeling neuronal diseases in vitro using human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). Currently, methods involving the transient expression of one or a couple of transcription factors have been established as techniques for inducing neuronal differentiation in a rapid, single step. It has also been reported that microRNAs can function as reprogramming effectors for directly reprogramming human dermal fibroblasts to neurons. In this study, we tested the effect of adding neuronal microRNAs, miRNA-9/9*, and miR-124 (miR-9/9*-124), for the neuronal induction method of hPSCs using Tet-On-driven expression of the Neurogenin2 gene

    KEGG for taxonomy-based analysis of pathways and genomes

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    KEGG (https://www.kegg.jp) is a manually curated database resource integrating various biological objects categorized into systems, genomic, chemical and health information. Each object (database entry) is identified by the KEGG identifier (kid), which generally takes the form of a prefix followed by a five-digit number, and can be retrieved by appending /entry/kid in the URL. The KEGG pathway map viewer, the Brite hierarchy viewer and the newly released KEGG genome browser can be launched by appending /pathway/kid, /brite/kid and /genome/kid, respectively, in the URL. Together with an improved annotation procedure for KO (KEGG Orthology) assignment, an increasing number of eukaryotic genomes have been included in KEGG for better representation of organisms in the taxonomic tree. Multiple taxonomy files are generated for classification of KEGG organisms and viruses, and the Brite hierarchy viewer is used for taxonomy mapping, a variant of Brite mapping in the new KEGG Mapper suite. The taxonomy mapping enables analysis of, for example, how functional links of genes in the pathway and physical links of genes on the chromosome are conserved among organism groups

    Evaluating outcomes of the child and adolescent psychiatric unit: A prospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aims of this prospective study are to clarify the outcomes of child psychiatric inpatient treatment and to identify factors associated with patient improvement.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The attending psychiatrist used the Children's Global Assessment Scale (CGAS) to assess youths at admission to and discharge from a child and adolescent psychiatric unit in Japan(N = 126, mean age = 12.8, SD = 1.9). Hospital records gathered sociodemographic and clinical variables. In addition, youths and their primary caregivers assessed themselves using the Youth Self Report (YSR) and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), respectively. Longitudinal analyses compared each scales' baseline and discharge scores. We also examined factors associated with changes in functioning (CGAS).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Longitudinal comparisons revealed that CGAS, CBCL and YSR scores showed improvement over time (CGAS: t = -14.40, p = 0.00; CBCL: t = 3.80, p = 0.00; YSR: t = 2.40, p = 0.02). Linear regressions determined that the factors associated with improvement in CGAS included age, lower CGAS scores at admission, frequency of group therapy and psychiatric diagnosis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This evaluation of children and adolescents in an inpatient unit demonstrated clinical improvement over time and identified factors associated with said improvement.</p
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