10 research outputs found
Validation Manual : how to design and run school pilots
Comprend des références bibliographique
Quels usages pour les jeux Ă©lectroniques en classe?
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 7 mai 2009)
Policy recommendations for learning analytics from three stakeholder workshops
This document presents policy recommendations related to the use of learning analytics and educational data mining from three LACE workshops
Raising Teacher Retention in Online Courses through Personalized Support. Evidence from a Cross-National Randomized Controlled Trial
Online courses have become an increasingly attractive format for delivering teacher training. However, the low retention rates are a critical and still unsolved issue. This paper presents the results of a randomized controlled trial aimed at testing the impact of a personalized support model on teachers’ retention in online training courses. The support consisted of a package of nine messages triggered by teachers’ characteristics and their specific (in)actions on the course platform. The study involved 3,777 lower-secondary education professional and student teachers from nine European Union Member States and Turkey, who were invited to participate in four new online courses in school year 2018/2019. The experimental estimates show that the offered support increased course completion by 10 percentage points among professional teachers in EU Member States, while it had no effects among student teachers nor in Turkey. Implications for online teacher training providers—such as the importance of reaching out to participants with poor online training experience and who do not start the courses in time—are discussed
Effects of an Online Self-Assessment Tool on Teachers' Digital Competencies
We evaluate the effects of an online self-assessment tool on teachers' competencies and beliefs about ICT in education. The causal impact of the tool is evaluated through a randomized encouragement design, involving 7,391 lower secondary teachers across 11 European countries. Short-run impact estimates show that the use of the tool led teachers to critically revise their technology-enhanced teaching competencies (-0.14 standard deviations) and their beliefs about ICT in education (-0.35 s.d.), while there is no impact on their probability of taking specific training. The effects are concentrated among teachers in the top-end tail of the distribution of pre-treatment outcomes. We provide suggestive evidence that the feedback score provided by the tool triggered such results by providing a negative information shock
Reviewing computational thinking in compulsory education: state of play and practices from computing education /
In recent years, many European countries have revised their statutory compulsory education curriculum, introducing basic Computer Science concepts. This has paved the way for the development of students’ Computational Thinking (CT) skills. Further impetus in this direction is coming from the European Commission’s Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027, where quality Computing Education is a key element under the priority “Enhancing digital skills and competences for the digital transformation”. Despite increasing uptake, a range of issues and challenges are emerging for the effective integration of CT skills in compulsory education. This report updates and extends findings from the 2016 CompuThink study, providing an updated overview in 22 EU Member States and eight non-EU countries. The study has gathered a wide range of evidence from a systematic literature review, a survey with representatives of Ministries of Education, two online consultation events, and through in-depth case studies in nine European countries involving semi-structured interviews (with experts, policy makers, school leaders, teachers) and focus groups (with students). The report discusses significant developments concerning the integration of CT skills in compulsory education in Europe between 2016 and 2021. It also provides a comprehensive summary of evidence, including eleven recommendations for policy and practice