59 research outputs found

    The Dutch Recidivism Monitor

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    The Dutch Recidivism Monitor is a long-term research project that conducts standardised measurements of recidivism amongst diverse groups of offenders. This project will enable the Ministry of Security and Justice to obtain a clearer overview as to the disposals of penal interventions and the course of criminal careers amongst both juvenile and adult offenders. Measurements as part of the Recidivism Monitor are carried out using the same fixed method. Consequently, the results of the research are mutually comparable. In the case of important groups of offenders, measurements are repeated at specific intervals, so that it is possible to depict the development of recidivism and to examine the subsequent criminal career courses of offenders in these groups

    Recidivism report 1997-2007. Trends in the reconviction rate of Dutch offenders

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    In the field of Dutch criminal law there is a comprehensive policy programme called ‘Working on Reduction of Recidivism’. Various measures are being implemented to help reduce the risk of prosecuted offenders relapsing into criminal behaviour. Some years ago, definite targets were formulated with respect to two offender groups. Between 2002 and 2010, the medium-term recidivism for both juvenile offenders sanctioned by court or PPS, and adult exprisoners will have to be reduced by 10 percentage points (VbbV, 2007). With regard to the latter group, the target was recently enhanced: by 2020, the reconviction rate of ex-prisoners must be reduced by 25 percent (MvJ, 2009). The Recidivism Monitor study constitutes a means of checking whether the realisation of the target figures holds a steady course. Each year, the WODC calculates the reconviction rate of Dutch offenders. Nearly all persons in the Netherlands who came into contact with the Dutch judicial system as a suspect are included in the study. The measurements relate to five populations: adult offenders sanctioned by court or Public Prosecutor’s Service (PPS), juvenile offenders sanctioned by court or PPS, ex-prisoners, former inmates of juvenile detention centres and former offenders placed under an entrustment order. Recently, the relapse among former offenders placed under an entrustment order was reported separately (Bregman & Wartna, 2010). This fact sheet outlines recidivism in the other four offender populations. Specifically, the study relates to juveniles and adults who were sanctioned by court or PPS or released from a penitentiary institution in the 1997-2007 period

    Recidivism report 2002-2008. Trends in the reconviction rate of Dutch offenders

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    Policy programmes in the field of Dutch criminal law often aim at the reduction of recidivism; measures are taken to lower the risk of prosecuted offenders relapsing into criminal behaviour. Some years ago, specific targets were formulated with respect to two major offender groups. For convicted juvenile offenders, and for adult ex-prisoners, the medium-term recidivism will have to be reduced by 10 percentage points between 2002 and 2010 (VbbV, 2007). The current government also endorses the need to suppress recidivism (DSP, 2011). A substantial part of crime in the Netherlands is committed by persons who have been prosecuted before. Therefore, crime prevention is also the prevention of recidivism. The Recidivism Monitor is an ongoing research project carried out by the WODC. With this instrument the realisation of the recidivism targets can be monitored. Each year, the WODC reports on the reconviction rate of Dutch offenders. Nearly all persons who were suspect in a penal case are included in the study. The standard measurements of the Recidivism Monitor relate to five offender populations: adult offenders sanctioned by court or Public Prosecutor’s Service (PPS), juvenile offenders sanctioned by court or PPS, ex-prisoners, former inmates of juvenile detention centres and former offenders placed under an entrustment order (tbs).1 The reconviction rates in the tbs-sector are reported on separately (see int. al. Bregman & Wartna, 2011). This fact sheet outlines known recidivism in the other four offender populations. Specifically, the study relates to juveniles and adults who were sanctioned by court or PPS or released from a penitentiary institution in the years between 2002, the first year of the target period, and 2008, the latest year for which statistics are currently available

    Preventing Violence in Seven Countries: Global Convergence in Policies

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    Do governments take the measures that are supported by the best scientific evidence available? We present a brief review of the situation in: Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Our findings show surprisingly similar developments across countries. While all seven countries are moving towards evidence-based decision making regarding policies and programs to prevent violence, there remain a number of difficulties before this end can be achieved. For example, there continue to be few randomized controlled trials or rigorous quasi-experimental studies on aggression and violence. Results from experimental research are essential to both policy makers and researchers to determine the effectiveness of programs as well as increase our knowledge of the problem. Additionally, all noted that media attention for violence is high in their country, often leading to management by crisis with the result that policies are not based on evidence, but instead seek to appease public outrage. And perhaps because of attendant organizational problems (i.e., in many countries violence prevention was not under the guise of one particular agency or ministry), most have not developed a coordinated policy focusing on the prevention of violence and physical aggression. It is hypothesized that leaders in democratic countries, who must run for election every 4 to 6 years, may feel a need to focus on short-term planning rather than long-term preventive policies since the costs, but not the benefits for the latter would be incurred while they still served in office. We also noted a general absence of expertise beyond those within scientific circles. The need for these ideas to be more widely accepted will be an essential ingredient to real and sustaining change. This means that there must be better communication and increased understanding between researchers and policy makers. Toward those ends, the recent establishment of the Campbell Collaboration, formed to provide international systematic reviews of program effectiveness, will make these results more available and accessible to politicians, administrators and those charged with making key policy decision

    Bekenden van justitie

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    This research aims to arriveat a useful definition of a frequent offender for the criminal justice system

    Haalbaarheidsstudie 2: Recidivemeting forensische zorg. Nader onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van een recidivemonitor voor de sector forensische zorg

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    Centraal in deze tweede haalbaarheidsstudie staat de vraag in hoeverre door koppeling van reeds bestaande informatievoorzieningen aan de Justitiële Documentatie uit de OBJD, een betrouwbaar beeld kan worden gegeven van de strafrechtelijke recidive van justitiabelen die vóór 2011 uit één van deze vijf Forensische Zorg-titels zijn uitgestroomd. In de beschrijving van de resultaten wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen titels die betrekking hebben op forensische zorg tijdens detentie (overbrenging vanuit het gevangeniswezen naar een psychiatrisch ziekenhuis of de hulpverlening) en forensische zorg in het kader van voorwaarden bij een sanctie (voorwaardelijke veroordeling, sepot met voorwaarden en voorwaardelijke invrijheidstelling met bijzondere voorwaarden). Eerste haalbaarheidsstudie (zie link bij: Meer informatie

    Strafrechtelijke recidive bij plegers van huiselijk geweld. Ontwikkeling in de terugval en lange termijn-effect Wet tijdelijk huisverbod

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    Het WODC heeft in 2013 eerder verslag gedaan van de strafrechtelijke recidive door plegers van huiselijk geweld (zie link bij: Meer informatie). Het ging toen om de groep bestraft in 2007-2009. Sinds enkele jaren kan een verdachte van huiselijk geweld bij een incident op last van de burgemeester maximaal 28 dagen uit huis worden geplaatst. Dit om verdere escalatie te voorkomen en een begin te maken met hulpverlening aan verdachte en slachtoffer. Onderzoek- en adviesbureau Regioplan voerde onderzoek uit naar de effecten van de uithuisplaatsingen in het kader van de Wet tijdelijk huis-verbod (Wth) en vond aanwijzingen dat de recidive in de maanden na het incident bij uithuisgeplaatsten lager was dan in een controlegroep van huiselijk-geweldplegers (HG-plegers) zonder huisverbod (zie link bij: Meer informatie). Dit rapport bespreekt de resultaten van een vervolg op het onderzoek van Regioplan, maar bevat ook een update van de recidivecijfers in de populatie van vervolgde plegers van huiselijk geweld
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