213 research outputs found


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    Pendidikan diartikan sebagai proses mengubah sikap dan tata laku seseorang atau kelompok orang dalam usaha mendewasakan manusia melalui upaya pengajaran dan pelatihan. Karakter diartikan sebagai “Cara berpikir dan berperilaku yang khas tiap individu untuk hidup dan bekerja sama, baik dalam lingkup keluarga, masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara” (Samani dan Hariyanto, 2013: 41). “Kesehatan mental, karakter luhur atau karakter yang mulia sangat penting bagi perkembangan peradaban dan kekarakter suatu bangsa, di samping kecerdasan berpikir dan kemampuan intelektual. Nabi Muhammad Swa. diturunkan Tuhan untuk memperbaiki akhlak kaum Quraish Mekkah yang tidak beradap/jahiliyah, begitu juga Nabi Isa AS diturunkan sebagai gembala umatnya yang sesat, Sidarta Gautama, Tau Tse, rupanya Tuhan masih sayang pada manusia sehingga mengutus berbagai orang suci penuntun umat manusia pada kaumnya” (Fathurrohman, dkk., 2013:14).  Pendidikan karakter yang kita kenal mencakup 9 pilar pendidikan karakter yaitu: 1) cinta Tuhan dan alam semesta, 2) tanggung jawab, kedisiplinan dan kemandirian, 3) kejujuran, 4) hormat dan santun, 5) kasih sayang, kepedulian dan kerja sama, 6) percaya diri, kreatif, kerja keras, pantang menyerah, 7) keadilan dan kepemimpinan, 8) baik dan rendah hati, 9) toleransi, cinta damai, dan persatuan. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan, Karakter, Panggil Aku Kartini Saja Abstract: Education is defined as the process of changing attitudes and behaviour  of  a person or group of people in human mature  through teaching and training. Character is defined as "a way of thinking and behaving that is typical of each individual to live and work together in the family, community, nation, and the state" (Samani and Hariyanto, 2013: 41). "Mental health,  noble character,  intelligence thought and intellectual capabilities is very important for the development of civilization and character of  a nation. Prophet Muhammad SAW  was revealed by God to edify the uncivilized/ignorant Quraysh of Mecca, as did by Prophet Isa AS is derived as a shepherd his flock astray. God also sent  Sidarta Gautama and Tau Tse to guide human being as the way  to love mankind."(Fathurrohman, et al., 2013: 14).  Character education includes nine pillars namely: 1) the love of God and the universe, 2) responsibility, discipline and independence, 3) honesty, 4) respect and courtesy, 5) compassion, care and cooperation, 6 ) confident, creative, work hard, never give up, 7) justice and leadership, 8) kind and humble, 9) tolerance, love peace, and unity.Keywords: Education, Character, Panggil Aku Kartini Saja


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    This research aims to find out objectively about the Structure and Function of Malay Folklore of Simpang Hilir District of North Kayong Regency. This research uses a structural approach. The research method used is descriptive with qualitative research forms. The source of this research data is data that comes from speakers. While the data in this study is the folklore "Meriam Bujang Koreng, Riye Rupe, Ujang Mali Budiman". Implementation of research results on Indonesian learning in the form of quotations in the form of words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. The results of research into folklore are as follows. First, the character and characterization in folklore. Both events take place in folklore. The three lines in folklore. The four mandates contained in folklore. The fifth describes the function of folklore for people's lives. In addition, the results of this study can also be used as learning materials for even-sized X classes in the 2013 curriculum. With Basic Basic Competence (KD) 3.7 Identify the values and content contained in folklore (hikyat) both oral and written. 4.7 Retelling the contents of folklore (hikayata) heard or read


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    Abstract This research is motivated by student learning outcomes, especially in determining the structure and language of the good review text. Therefore, researchers want to find out how the implementation of learning carried out by the teacher so that the grades from class VIII D are very satisfying. The problems of this study are: (1) how is the process of implementing learning, (2) the material presented, (3) the method used, (4) the assessment process, (5) learning outcomes identify the structure and language of the review text. The purpose of this study is: describing (1) the process of implementing learning, (2) the material presented, (3) the method used, (4) the assessment process, and (5) learning outcomes identify the structure and language of the review text. This research is theoretically and practically useful. The theory used in this study is the understanding of the structure and language of the review text, learning methods, learning materials, learning implementation plans, assessment of learning outcomes. Keywords: structure, linguistic text review, SMPN 15 Pontiana


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pendeskripsian proses pembelajaran model Make A Match dan mengapresiasikan seni tari Serampang 12 pada materi mengapresiasi karya seni tari di kelas VII D SMP Negeri 22 Pontianak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan (action research), berbentuk kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan sebanyak II siklus dan masing-masing siklus memiliki empat tahap. Teknik pengumpul data yang digunakan yaitu teknik observasi langsung, pengukuran dan dokumentasi. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan yaitu lembar observasi, angket, tes tertulis dan praktik. Setelah melaksanakan tindakan siklus I sebanyak 8 orang siswa yang tidak mencapai nilai ketuntasan atau 28,57 % dan yang mencapai nilai ketuntasan sebanyak 20 orang atau 71,42% dengan nilai rata-rata 72,28. Setelah di laksanakan siklus 2, siswa dinyatakan tuntas 100% dengan rata-rata 88,17. Berarti adanya peningkatan rata-rata nilai siswa yaitu 15,89. Seluruh siswa mengalami peningkatan hasil belajar dan ketuntasan KKM. Simpulan penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penggunaan pembelajaran model Make A Match pada materi serampang 12 siswa kelas VII D SMP Negeri 22 pontianak dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa.   Kata kunci: Make A Match, Prestasi belajar, Tari Serampang 12.   Abstract: This study aims to delineate the learning process model of Make A Match and appreciate the art of dance Serampang 12 on the material to appreciate works of art of dance in class VII D SMPN 22 Pontianak. This study is an action research (action research), the form of qualitative descriptive analysis with qualitative approach. This research was conducted as the second cycle and each cycle has four stages. Data collection technique used is the technique of direct observation, measurement and documentation. Data collection tool used is the observation sheets, questionnaires, written and practical tests. After the first cycle of implementing the action as much as 8 students who do not achieve the completeness or 28.57% and reach a value of mastery as many as 20 people or 71.42% with an average value of 72.28. Having carried on cycle 2, students declared complete 100% with an average of 88.17. Means an increase in the average value of students is 15.89. All students experience learning outcome and completeness KKM. The conclusion of this study indicate that the use of model study material Make A Match on serampang 12 students of class VII D SMP Negeri 22 pontianak can improve student learning outcomes.   Keywords: Make A Match, Learning Achievement, Dance Serampang 12


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    This study aims to improve the skills of writing expository texts in class VIII C students of Sungai Raya Junior High School 4. The method used is an action method which is described in the form of a qualitative research. The subjects of this study are class VIII C students who collected of 32 students. The data obtained is the result of writing an exposition text made by students using the CBL or Case-Based Model with media narration, the results of interviews with subject teachers, and an APKG 2. The actions taken in this study were based on three cycles. The results obtained shown that the skill of writing expository texts using the CBL model and broadcast media has increased with an average score of 83.28 from pre-cycle activities which obtained an average score of 62.12. This is because students are increasingly understanding the themes used in writing exposition texts. While in the pre-cycle students still do not understand the structure of the text so that some students only write one paragraph. The structure in the exposition text consists of three aspects, namely the thesis, argumentation, and reaffirmation. After the application of the model and media, it is easier for students to give their arguments in writing of exposition texts


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    Abstract The study was against the backdrop of the idea of documenting oral literature of people dayak kanayatn. The general problem of this study is the structure and function of oral literature of the Dayak kanayatn. Analysed oral literature included abstinence from meals in the neem communities. The purpose of the study is to describe the issues discussed, while the benefits of this study are able to contribute to the development of oral literature research in particular folklore, can be used as school material, and as reference to other researchers, and as an effort to preserve the culture of the region in particular. The methods used are qualitative. The source of the data in this study is the text of folklore dayak kanayatn by an informant named lulusanto. Data collection techniques using observation techniques, interview techniques, transcription techniques. Analysis indicates that the digestive environment is where stories come from and storytelling situations are acquired. These structures, Settings, characters, themes, and studies correlate to the 2013 curriculum for the Indonesian semester of the xs high school students, which is suggested for the implementation of the learning plan (RPP) in the process of learning activities at school.Keywords: Dayak Kanayatn, folktale, function, structure

    A Psycholinguistic Study on Communication Impairments by an Autistic Child with Pdd-nos at Slb Muhammadiyah Sidayu Gresik

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    Every person needs language to express something from someone to someone else, which is communication. Communication will be successful if the speakers and the hearers are successfully producing and comprehending the speech. In this case, an autistic child is unable to communicate successfully because he has difficulty in understanding speech. This research aims to investigate about: (1) the types of communication impairments and (2) the patterns of nonverbal communication done by an autistic child with PDD-NOS at SLB Muhammadiyah This study obtained the data through on observation and video recordings of interactions by the autistic student and his teacher at school. The participant was a student at grade three SDLB with PDD-NOS. NIDCD (2010) is the theory that used to analyze the types of communication impairments, and the theory of Ambady and Rosental (1998) is used to analyze the types of Non-Verbal communication.Sidayu Gresik.The result of this study shows that the student had communication impairments and difficulty in nonverbal communication. In communication impairments the student had four types of communication impairments namely repetitive or rigid language, narrow interests, uneven language development, and poor nonverbal language. The dominant communication impairments appeared was repetitive or rigid language with 30 occurrences. Moreover, the student has poor nonverbal communication since there where 32 situations in which he did not use nonverbal language in his communication.In conclusion, the student has difficulties to use and understand the context of the communication. There are four types with 46 occurrences in communication impairments, 32 situations with three types of nonverbal communication are by the participant. He had difficulties to use and understanding the meaning of the communication. So, it will be better to use simple instructions and sentences to communicate with children with PDD-NOS.Beside, the next researcher will be good to investigate how the way people with PDD-NOS can product and comprehension the language as the normal people do


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    Abstract This reseacrh aims to find and analyze the moral values contained in the novel Di Ujung Subuh by M. Tanwirul A.Z. These moral values can be a lesson for readers. This research uses descriptive method with qualitative research form and a sociological literature approach. Sources of research data were obtained from the novel Di Ujung Subuh, with data in the form of words, sentences, and discourses that are used as quotations. Data collection techniques using documentary study techniques, with the data collection tool is the researcher and paper notes. The technique of testing the validity of the data is done by observing persistence/regularity, triangulation, and reference adequacy. The first research results: the moral value of the human relationship with God, namely praying to Allah, praying, giving thanks, and believing in Allah's destiny. Second: the moral value of human relationships with other humans, namely help to help, love, and care for others. Third: the moral value of the human relationship with himself, namely honesty, responsibility, never giving up, wisdom, strong will, courage, patience, forgiveness, fairness, and sincerity. The learning implementation plan using the results of this analysis is used in class XII SMA, with basic competence 3.9 and 4.9. Key words: Moral Value, Novel, Di Ujung Subu


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    This study aims to describe the results of the analysis of the psychology of the main character in the novel Trauma by Boy Candra. The research method used is descriptive in the form of qualitative research. The data source of this research is the novel Trauma by Boy Candra and the data is the psychology of the main character related to the id, ego, and superego in the form of words, phrases, sentences that lead to the object of analysis. Data collection techniques using documentary study techniques. The technique of testing the validity of the data is done by observing persistence, triangulation, and referential coverage. The results showed that the psychology of the main character from the id aspect includes smiling reflexes, imagining or imagining, seeking justification, ignoring prohibitions, leaving without permission, waking reflexes, crying sadly, damaging facilities, obeying invitations, saving oneself, falling asleep, daring to face problems, avoiding reality . The psychology of the main character from the ego aspect includes sublimation, thinking before acting, asking out of curiosity, diversion, giving explanations, unselfishness, repression, and being able to accept reality. The psychology of the main character from the aspect of the superego includes accepting punishment, apologizing, listening to parents' advice, saying goodbye, and being grateful. The materials researcher designed a lesson plan that used the novels Trauma by Boy Candra as a special lesson to achieve KD 3.9 and 4.9 for grade XII SMA


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    Abstract The research was motivated to see the realization of politeness of important figures in the novel Gajah Mada Bergelut dalam Kemelut Takhta dan Angkara. The research problem is divided into the realization of the imperative modesty, the imperative modesty markers and the imperative modesty ratings.Theories are language politeness, imperative politeness, research politeness markers and politeness ratings. The research method is descriptive method. The form of research is qualitative research. Data techniques, namely reading techniques and note taking techniques.The results of the data analysis has 117 imperative politeness speeches which were divided into command, orders, requests, adjuration, insistences, appeals, persuasions, courtesies, invitations, requests for permission, allow, prohibitions, suggestions, hopes. The markers of decency imperative markers 10 are markers try, would, beg, must, let, come on, please, preferably, markers please, and hopefully. The imperative politeness rating is 82 more polite and 35 less polite. Provided that in Gajah Mada's bergelut dalam kemelut tahta dan angkara there are more than 100 imperative goals that contain politeness. The speech varies and uses a marker of politeness so that it can be distinguished whether it is polite or not. Keywords: imperative politeness, nove