23 research outputs found

    Brain connectivity mapping with diffusion MRI across individuals and species

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    The human brain is a highly complex organ that integrates functionally specialised subunits. Underpinning this complexity and functional specialisation is a network of structural connections, which may be probed using diffusion tractography, a unique, powerful and non-invasive MRI technique. Estimates of brain connectivity derived through diffusion tractography allow for explorations of how the brain’s functional subunits are inter-linked to subsequently produce experiences and behaviour. This thesis develops new diffusion tractography methodology for mapping brain connectivity, both across individuals and also across species; and explores frameworks for discovering associations of such brain connectivity features with behavioural traits. We build upon the hypothesis that connectional patterns can probe regions of functional equivalence across brains. To test this hypothesis we develop standardised and automated frameworks for mapping these patterns in very diverse brains, such as from human and non-human primates. We develop protocols to extract homologous fibre bundles across two species (human and macaque monkeys). We demonstrate robustness and generalisability of these protocols, but also their ability to capture individual variability. We also present investigations into how structural connectivity profiles may be used to inform us of how functionally-related features can be linked across different brains. Further, we explore how fully data-driven tractography techniques may be utilised for similar purposes, opening the door for future work on data-driven connectivity mapping. Subsequently, we explore how such individual variability in features that probe brain organisation are associated with differences in human behaviour. One approach to performing such explorations is the use of powerful multivariate statisitical techniques, such as canonical correlation analysis (CCA). After identifying issues in out-of-sample replication using multi-modal connectivity information, we perform comprehensive explorations into the robustness of such techniques and devise a generative model for forward predictions, demonstrating significant challlenges and limitations in their current applications. Specifically, we predict that the stability and generalisability of these techniques requires an order of magnitude more subjects than typically used to avoid overfitting and mis-interpretation of results. Using population-level data from the UK Biobank and confirmations from independent imaging modalities from the Human Connectome Project, we validate this prediction and demonstrate the direct link of CCA stability and generalisability with the number of subjects used per considered feature

    Brain connectivity mapping with diffusion MRI across individuals and species

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    The human brain is a highly complex organ that integrates functionally specialised subunits. Underpinning this complexity and functional specialisation is a network of structural connections, which may be probed using diffusion tractography, a unique, powerful and non-invasive MRI technique. Estimates of brain connectivity derived through diffusion tractography allow for explorations of how the brain’s functional subunits are inter-linked to subsequently produce experiences and behaviour. This thesis develops new diffusion tractography methodology for mapping brain connectivity, both across individuals and also across species; and explores frameworks for discovering associations of such brain connectivity features with behavioural traits. We build upon the hypothesis that connectional patterns can probe regions of functional equivalence across brains. To test this hypothesis we develop standardised and automated frameworks for mapping these patterns in very diverse brains, such as from human and non-human primates. We develop protocols to extract homologous fibre bundles across two species (human and macaque monkeys). We demonstrate robustness and generalisability of these protocols, but also their ability to capture individual variability. We also present investigations into how structural connectivity profiles may be used to inform us of how functionally-related features can be linked across different brains. Further, we explore how fully data-driven tractography techniques may be utilised for similar purposes, opening the door for future work on data-driven connectivity mapping. Subsequently, we explore how such individual variability in features that probe brain organisation are associated with differences in human behaviour. One approach to performing such explorations is the use of powerful multivariate statisitical techniques, such as canonical correlation analysis (CCA). After identifying issues in out-of-sample replication using multi-modal connectivity information, we perform comprehensive explorations into the robustness of such techniques and devise a generative model for forward predictions, demonstrating significant challlenges and limitations in their current applications. Specifically, we predict that the stability and generalisability of these techniques requires an order of magnitude more subjects than typically used to avoid overfitting and mis-interpretation of results. Using population-level data from the UK Biobank and confirmations from independent imaging modalities from the Human Connectome Project, we validate this prediction and demonstrate the direct link of CCA stability and generalisability with the number of subjects used per considered feature

    Concurrent mapping of brain ontogeny and phylogeny within a common connectivity space

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    Developmental and evolutionary effects on brain organisation are complex, yet linked, as evidenced by the striking correspondence in cortical expansion changes. However, it is still not possible to study concurrently the ontogeny and phylogeny of cortical areal connections, which is arguably more relevant to brain function than allometric changes. Here, we propose a novel framework that allows the integration of connectivity maps from humans (adults and neonates) and non-human primates (macaques) onto a common space. We use white matter bundles to anchor the definition of the common space and employ the uniqueness of the areal connection patterns to these bundles to probe areal specialisation. This enables us to quantitatively study divergences and similarities in cortical connectivity over both evolutionary and developmental scales. It further allows us to map brain maturation trajectories, including the effect of premature birth, and to translate cortical atlases between diverse brains

    On the stability of canonical correlation analysis and partial least squares with application to brain-behavior associations

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    Associations between datasets can be discovered through multivariate methods like Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) or Partial Least Squares (PLS). A requisite property for interpretability and generalizability of CCA/PLS associations is stability of their feature patterns. However, stability of CCA/PLS in high-dimensional datasets is questionable, as found in empirical characterizations. To study these issues systematically, we developed a generative modeling framework to simulate synthetic datasets. We found that when sample size is relatively small, but comparable to typical studies, CCA/PLS associations are highly unstable and inaccurate; both in their magnitude and importantly in the feature pattern underlying the association. We confirmed these trends across two neuroimaging modalities and in independent datasets with n ≈ 1000 and n = 20,000, and found that only the latter comprised sufficient observations for stable mappings between imaging-derived and behavioral features. We further developed a power calculator to provide sample sizes required for stability and reliability of multivariate analyses. Collectively, we characterize how to limit detrimental effects of overfitting on CCA/PLS stability, and provide recommendations for future studies

    A resource for development and comparison of multimodal brain 3T MRI harmonisation approaches

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    Despite the huge potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in mapping and exploring the brain, MRI measures can often be limited in their consistency, reproducibility and accuracy which subsequently restricts their quantifiability. Nuisance nonbiological factors, such as hardware, software, calibration differences between scanners, and post-processing options can contribute to, or drive trends in, neuroimaging features to an extent that interferes with biological variability. Such lack of consistency, known as lack of harmonisation, across neuroimaging datasets poses a great challenge for our capabilities in quantitative MRI. Here, we build a new resource for comprehensively mapping the extent of the problem and objectively evaluating neuroimaging harmonisation approaches. We use a travelling-heads paradigm consisting of multimodal MRI data of 10 travelling subjects, each scanned at 5 different sites on 6 different 3T scanners from all the 3 major vendors and using 5 neuroimaging modalities, providing more comprehensive coverage than before. We also acquire multiple within-scanner repeats for a subset of subjects, setting baselines for multimodal scan-rescan variability. Having extracted hundreds of imaging-derived phenotypes, we compare three forms of variability: (i) between-scanner, (ii) within-scanner (within-subject), and (iii) biological (between-subject). We characterise the reliability of features across scanners and use our resource as a testbed to enable new investigations that until now have been relatively unexplored. Specifically, we identify optimal pipeline processing steps that minimise between-scanner variability in extracted features (implicit harmonisation). We also test the performance of post-processing harmonisation tools (explicit harmonisation) and specifically check their efficiency in reducing between-scanner variability against baseline standards provided by our data. Our explorations allow us to come up with good practice suggestions on processing steps and sets of features where results are more consistent, while our publicly-released dataset (which we refer to as ON-Harmony) establishes references for future studies in this field

    QuNex—An integrative platform for reproducible neuroimaging analytics

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    Introduction: Neuroimaging technology has experienced explosive growth and transformed the study of neural mechanisms across health and disease. However, given the diversity of sophisticated tools for handling neuroimaging data, the field faces challenges in method integration, particularly across multiple modalities and species. Specifically, researchers often have to rely on siloed approaches which limit reproducibility, with idiosyncratic data organization and limited software interoperability.Methods: To address these challenges, we have developed Quantitative Neuroimaging Environment & Toolbox (QuNex), a platform for consistent end-to-end processing and analytics. QuNex provides several novel functionalities for neuroimaging analyses, including a “turnkey” command for the reproducible deployment of custom workflows, from onboarding raw data to generating analytic features.Results: The platform enables interoperable integration of multi-modal, community-developed neuroimaging software through an extension framework with a software development kit (SDK) for seamless integration of community tools. Critically, it supports high-throughput, parallel processing in high-performance compute environments, either locally or in the cloud. Notably, QuNex has successfully processed over 10,000 scans across neuroimaging consortia, including multiple clinical datasets. Moreover, QuNex enables integration of human and non-human workflows via a cohesive translational platform.Discussion: Collectively, this effort stands to significantly impact neuroimaging method integration across acquisition approaches, pipelines, datasets, computational environments, and species. Building on this platform will enable more rapid, scalable, and reproducible impact of neuroimaging technology across health and disease

    Identification of Amino Acid Residues in the Capsid Proteins of Adeno-Associated Virus Type 2 That Contribute to Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan Binding

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    The adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV2) uses heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) as its primary cellular receptor. In order to identify amino acids within the capsid of AAV2 that contribute to HSPG association, we used biochemical information about heparin and heparin sulfate, AAV serotype protein sequence alignments, and data from previous capsid studies to select residues for mutagenesis. Charged-to-alanine substitution mutagenesis was performed on individual residues and combinations of basic residues for the production and purification of recombinant viruses that contained a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene cassette. Intact capsids were assayed for their ability to bind to heparin-agarose in vitro, and virions that packaged DNA were assayed for their ability to transduce normally permissive cell lines. We found that mutation of arginine residues at position 585 or 588 eliminated binding to heparin-agarose. Mutation of residues R484, R487, and K532 showed partial binding to heparin-agarose. We observed a general correlation between heparin-agarose binding and infectivity as measured by GFP transduction; however, a subset of mutants that partially bound heparin-agarose (R484A and K532A) were completely noninfectious, suggesting that they had additional blocks to infectivity that were unrelated to heparin binding. Conservative mutation of positions R585 and R588 to lysine slightly reduced heparin-agarose binding and had comparable effects on infectivity. Substitution of AAV2 residues 585 through 590 into a location predicted to be structurally equivalent in AAV5 generated a hybrid virus that bound to heparin-agarose efficiently and was able to package DNA but was noninfectious. Taken together, our results suggest that residues R585 and R588 are primarily responsible for heparin sulfate binding and that mutation of these residues has little effect on other aspects of the viral life cycle. Interactive computer graphics examination of the AAV2 VP3 atomic coordinates revealed that residues which contribute to heparin binding formed a cluster of five basic amino acids that presented toward the icosahedral threefold axis from the surrounding spike protrusion. Three other kinds of mutants were identified. Mutants R459A, H509A, and H526A/K527A bound heparin at levels comparable to that of wild-type virus but were defective for transduction. Another mutant, H358A, was defective for capsid assembly. Finally, an R459A mutant produced significantly lower levels of full capsids, suggesting a packaging defect