17,046 research outputs found

    Policy issues and data communications for NASA earth observation missions until 1985

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    The series of LANDSAT sensors with the highest potential data rates of the missions were examined. An examination of LANDSAT imagery uses shows that relatively few require transmission of the full resolution data on a repetitive quasi real time basis. Accuracy of global crop size forecasting can possibly be improved through information derived from LANDSAT imagery. A current forecasting experiment uses the imagery for crop area estimation only, yield being derived from other data sources

    Distribution of the second virial coefficients of globular proteins

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    George and Wilson [Acta. Cryst. D 50, 361 (1994)] looked at the distribution of values of the second virial coefficient of globular proteins, under the conditions at which they crystallise. They found the values to lie within a fairly narrow range. We have defined a simple model of a generic globular protein. We then generate a set of proteins by picking values for the parameters of the model from a probability distribution. At fixed solubility, this set of proteins is found to have values of the second virial coefficient that fall within a fairly narrow range. The shape of the probability distribution of the second virial coefficient is Gaussian because the second virial coefficient is a sum of contributions from different patches on the protein surface.Comment: 5 pages, including 3 figure

    Structure and giant magnetoresistance of granular Co-Cu nanolayers prepared by cross-beam PLD

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    A series of Co_xCu_{100-x} (x = 0, 40...75, 100) layers with thicknesses in-between 13 nm and 55 nm were prepared on silicon substrates using cross-beam pulsed laser deposition. Wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electrical transport measurements revealed a structure consisting of decomposed cobalt and copper grains with grain sizes of about 10 nm. The influence of cobalt content and layer thickness on the grain size is discussed. Electron diffraction (ED) indicates the presence of an intermetallic Co-Cu phase of Cu3Au structure-type. Thermal treatment at temperatures between 525 K and 750 K results in the progressive decomposition of Co and Cu, with an increase of the grain sizes up to about 100 nm. This is tunable by controlling the temperature and duration of the anneal, and is directly observable in WAXRD patterns and TEM images. A careful analysis of grain size and the coherence length of the radiation used allows for an accurate interpretation of the X-ray diffraction patterns, by taking into account coherent and non-coherent scattering. The alloy films show a giant magnetoresistance of 1...2.3 % with the maximum obtained after annealing at around 725 K.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Stellar Collisions and the Interior Structure of Blue Stragglers

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    Collisions of main sequence stars occur frequently in dense star clusters. In open and globular clusters, these collisions produce merger remnants that may be observed as blue stragglers. Detailed theoretical models of this process require lengthy hydrodynamic computations in three dimensions. However, a less computationally expensive approach, which we present here, is to approximate the merger process (including shock heating, hydrodynamic mixing, mass ejection, and angular momentum transfer) with simple algorithms based on conservation laws and a basic qualitative understanding of the hydrodynamics. These algorithms have been fine tuned through comparisons with the results of our previous hydrodynamic simulations. We find that the thermodynamic and chemical composition profiles of our simple models agree very well with those from recent SPH (smoothed particle hydrodynamics) calculations of stellar collisions, and the subsequent stellar evolution of our simple models also matches closely that of the more accurate hydrodynamic models. Our algorithms have been implemented in an easy to use software package, which we are making publicly available (see http://vassun.vassar.edu/~lombardi/mmas/). This software could be used in combination with realistic dynamical simulations of star clusters that must take into account stellar collisions.Comment: This revised version has 37 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables; submitted to ApJ; for associated software package, see http://vassun.vassar.edu/~lombardi/mmas/ This revised version presents additional comparisons with SPH results and slightly improved merger recipe

    Direct strain and elastic energy evaluation in rolled-up semiconductor tubes by x-ray micro-diffraction

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    We depict the use of x-ray diffraction as a tool to directly probe the strain status in rolled-up semiconductor tubes. By employing continuum elasticity theory and a simple model we are able to simulate quantitatively the strain relaxation in perfect crystalline III-V semiconductor bi- and multilayers as well as in rolled-up layers with dislocations. The reduction in the local elastic energy is evaluated for each case. Limitations of the technique and theoretical model are discussed in detail.Comment: 32 pages (single column), 9 figures, 39 reference

    3-Dimensional Core-Collapse

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    In this paper, we present the results of 3-dimensional collapse simulations of rotating stars for a range of stellar progenitors. We find that for the fastest spinning stars, rotation does indeed modify the convection above the proto-neutron star, but it is not fast enough to cause core fragmentation. Similarly, although strong magnetic fields can be produced once the proto-neutron star cools and contracts, the proto-neutron star is not spinning fast enough to generate strong magnetic fields quickly after collapse and, for our simulations, magnetic fields will not dominate the supernova explosion mechanism. Even so, the resulting pulsars for our fastest rotating models may emit enough energy to dominate the total explosion energy of the supernova. However, more recent stellar models predict rotation rates that are much too slow to affect the explosion, but these models are not sophisticated enough to determine whether the most recent, or past, stellar rotation rates are most likely. Thus, we must rely upon observational constraints to determine the true rotation rates of stellar cores just before collapse. We conclude with a discussion of the possible constraints on stellar rotation which we can derive from core-collapse supernovae.Comment: 34 pages (5 of 17 figures missing), For full paper, goto http://qso.lanl.gov/~clf/papers/rot.ps.gz accepted by Ap

    Jamming transitions in a schematic model of suspension rheology

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    We study the steady-state response to applied stress in a simple scalar model of sheared colloids. Our model is based on a schematic (F2) model of the glass transition, with a memory term that depends on both stress and shear rate. For suitable parameters, we find transitions from a fluid to a nonergodic, jammed state, showing zero flow rate in an interval of applied stress. Although the jammed state is a glass, we predict that jamming transitions have an analytical structure distinct from that of the conventional mode coupling glass transition. The static jamming transition we discuss is also distinct from hydrodynamic shear thickening.Comment: 7 pages; 3 figures; improved version with added references. Accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Automatic Quantum Error Correction

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    Criteria are given by which dissipative evolution can transfer populations and coherences between quantum subspaces, without a loss of coherence. This results in a form of quantum error correction that is implemented by the joint evolution of a system and a cold bath. It requires no external intervention and, in principal, no ancilla. An example of a system that protects a qubit against spin-flip errors is proposed. It consists of three spin 1/2 magnetic particles and three modes of a resonator. The qubit is the triple quantum coherence of the spins, and the photons act as ancilla.Comment: 16 pages 12 fig LaTex uses multicol, graphicx expanded version of letter submitted to Phys Rev Let

    X-ray diffraction peak profiles from threading dislocations in GaN epitaxial films

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    We analyze the lineshape of x-ray diffraction profiles of GaN epitaxial layers with large densities of randomly distributed threading dislocations. The peaks are Gaussian only in the central, most intense part of the peak, while the tails obey a power law. The q−3q^{-3} decay typical for random dislocations is observed in double-crystal rocking curves. The entire profile is well fitted by a restricted random dislocation distribution. The densities of both edge and screw threading dislocations and the ranges of dislocation correlations are obtained

    Demixing in a single-peak distributed polydisperse mixture of hard spheres

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    An analytic derivation of the spinodal of a polydisperse mixture is presented. It holds for fluids whose excess free energy can be accurately described by a function of a few moments of the size distribution. It is shown that one such mixture of hard spheres in the Percus-Yevick approximation never demixes, despite its size distribution. In the Boublik-Mansoori-Carnahan-Starling-Leland approximation, though, it demixes for a sufficiently wide log-normal size distribution. The importance of this result is twofold: first, this distribution is unimodal, and yet it phase separates; and second, log-normal size distributions appear in many experimental contexts. The same phenomenon is shown to occur for the fluid of parallel hard cubes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, needs revtex, multicol, epsfig and amstex style file
