4 research outputs found

    Bilateral invasive lobular breast cancer in a female teenager: A rare finding of a common disease - Case report and review of literature

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    Management of cancer patients in low-resource communities presents enormous challenges. Breast cancer is a public health problem in Cameroon and occurs mostly in elderly women. The predominant histological type is a duct carcinoma. Lobular carcinoma in teenagers is rare. In this report we present a case of bilateral invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast that was confirmed on biopsies in a 22-year-old female. We present this rare finding and review the pathological, clinical and radiographic challenges of the disease. Nodules in the breast from patients of any age should be submitted for histology. Public education is beneficial and should be intensified

    The impact of digital techniques on radiological services

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenAll diagnostic imaging examinations may be performed digitally using computer techniques. The diagnostic reading in the imaging department can be made on a specialised computer screen and the images stored in a digital archive. The referring physician uses his computer to send requests and to read the reports. He can also access the images in the archive and view the images on a standard computer screen. The X-ray departments and their communication with referring physicians will be paper- and filmless, which results in considerable changes in working routines and increased speed of service. Digital X-ray techniques are described and some examples of digital services given.Með hjálp tölvutækni má framkvæma allar myndgreiningarrannsóknir þannig að myndirnar verði á stafrænu formi. Úrlestur rannsókna á röntgendeildum fer þá fram á sérhæfðum tölvuskjám og myndirnar eru geymdar í stafrænni myndgeymslu. Læknar sem vísa sjúklingi til rannsóknar senda beiðni og fá röntgensvör gegnum tölvunet. Tilvísandi læknir getur nálgast myndirnar í myndgeymslunni og skoðað þær á venjulegum tölvuskjá. Öll starfsemi röntgendeilda og samskipti við lækna verða í framtíðinni pappírs- og filmulaus. Þetta hefur veruleg áhrif, ekki einungis á starfsemi sjúkrahúsa, heldur munu sjúklingar heilsugæslulækna og sjálfstætt starfandi lækna njóta betri þjónustu. Raktar eru helstu aðferðir við að framkvæma hefðbundnar röntgenrannsóknir með stafrænni tækni sem og kostir stafrænna mynda. Þá er gerð grein fyrir ýmsum breytingum sem orðið geta á þjónustu röntgendeilda á Íslandi í náinni framtíð

    Application of computed aided detection in breast masses diagnosis

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    Breast cancer is the most widespread cancer in women. The life-time risk of a woman developing this disease has been established as one in eight. Currently mammography is a standard method and could decrease breast cancer mortality. Unfortunately, negative mammograms don\u2032t exclude cancer. The sensitivity of mammography ranges from approximately 70% to 90% and it should be higher. Materials and Methods: The sample contained 255 cases taken from Imaging Center of Imam Khomaini Hospital. Bilateral mammograms in both craniocaudal and mediolateral oblique projections were used. Two experienced Radiologists reviewed images before and after using CAD system. Tumors (including malignant and benign) and normal breast tissues were confirmed by histological correlation. Results: Of 255 cases 92 were not recommended for further work-up. Of 163 cases 90 were normal mass, 23 malignant tumors, 16 benign tumors and 22 cysts were detected by CAD system. The remaining cases were finalized only by biopsy. Conclusion: CAD could be utilized for breast mass detection. This is a practical technique with low cost

    CAD (Computer Aided Detection) for Digital Mammography

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