9 research outputs found

    Potensi Substans Anti-uv Dari Serangga Laut Family Gerridae Di Tasik Ria Mokupa Manado, Sulawesi Utara

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    Banyak organisme baik yang hidup di air maupun darat mempunyai kemampuan untuk dapat melindungi diri terhadap paparan radiasi sinar UV, adaptasi yang dilakukan dapat secara fisik maupun kimiawi. Senyawa yang dihasilkan dari proses adaptasi secara kimiawi dari organisme saat ini sedang banyak di teliti seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan manusia untuk dapat melindungi kulit terhadap radiasi UV karena adanya global warming. Hasil penelitian lainnya mendapatkan adanya suatu senyawa yaitu Mycosporine yang dihasilkan oleh beberapa organisme laut, mempunyai kemampuan untuk menjadi penghalang terhadap radiasi sinar matahari. Gerridae merupakan salah satu family dalam ordo Hemiptera , biasanya disebut sea skeater, mempunyai kemampuan untuk berjalan di permukaan air. Serangga ini selalu terpapar dengan sinar matahari sehingga layak untuk diteliti bagaimana serangga ini dapat melindungi diri dari paparan sinar matahari. Penelitian ini akan diawali dengan mengoleksi serangga family Gerridae yang ditemukan pada perairan Pantai Manado, Serangga yang dikumpulkan akan diekstrak untuk kemudian diujikan kemampuan anti-UV pada spektorfotometer UV-VIS. Hasil yang diperoleh, serangga family Gerridae yang ditemukan pada perairan Pantai Manado mampu menghasilkan substans anti-UV karena mampu mengabsorbsi UV pada panjang gelombang 300-350 dengan nilai absorban mencapai 3-3,5

    Bioakumulasi Total Merkuri, Arsen, Kromium, Cadmium, Timbal Di Teluk Totok Dan Teluk Buyat, Sulawesi Utara

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    Kajian ilmiah berbagai aspek yang terkait dengan dugaan adanya pencemaran logam berat di Teluk Buyat dan Teluk Totok sedang marak dilakukan, sebagian telah dipaparkan dalam berbagai temu ilmiah. Penelitian ini memberikan informasi seberapa jauh terjadi bioakumulasi dan biomagnifikasi dari logam-logam seperti merkuri, arsen, kromium, cadmium dan timbal dalam ekosistem perairan setempat. Sampel biota laut yang telah diidentifikasi, kemudian dipreparasi dan dianalisa kandungan logam beratnya. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan telah terjadi biomagnifikasi minimal pada kedua logam, yaitu merkuri dan timbal di Teluk Totok, karena sudah terdeteksi pada plankton. Secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa akumulasi logam pada biota di Teluk Totok lebih tinggi dari yang terakumulasi pada biota di Teluk Buyat. Logam-logam berat dalam gastropoda lebih tinggi dari pada ikan, kecuali kadar merkuri pada gastropoda di Teluk Buyat yang tidak terdeteksi. Merkuri total (Hg) pada ikan dan gastropoda dari Teluk Totok masing-masing 0,804 dan 1,02 mg/Kg , lebih tinggi dari yang terdeteksi di Teluk Buyat melampaui batas maksimum yang ditetapkan dengan SNI 7387:2009. Kadar total arsen dalam gastropoda di Teluk Totok tujuh kali kadar maksimum menurut SNI 7387:2009. Kadar logam ini dalam gastropoda di Teluk Buyat juga sudah hampir mencapai batas maksimum. Kadar logam cadmium (Cd) dan timbal (Pb), walaupun belum terdeteksi pada ikan, namun pada gastropoda di Teluk Totok sudah mengandung logam Pb dalam kadar yang sudah melampaui batas maksium menurut SNI 7387:2009. Sedangkan untuk tembaga, ditemukan pada Gastropoda dalam kadar yang sangat tinggi di Teluk Buyat dan Teluk Totok, masing-masing 124 mg/Kg dan 116 mg/Kg

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Dari Ekstrak Kasar Bakteri Yang Berasosiasi Dengan Sponge Acanthostrongylophora SP.

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    Sponges have a potential to produce bioactive compounds. Their ability to do it since there is a symbiotic relationship with microorganisms in these bacteria. Because of this critical role, the bacteria symbiotic with sponge allegedly have great potential in terms of producing bioactive compounds that have been isolated from sponges (Lee, et al, 2001). In this study, using bacterial culture preparations isolated from the sponge, Acanthostrongylophora sp., the bacterial isolates were tested for their antibacterial activities using a well diffusion test. Based on the antibacterial activity test, the bacterial isolates known as BPO (shaped wavy white dots) and BPB (white threadlike have a certain type of thread) had antibacterial activity. ODS had a broad spectrum as potent against all three types of tested bacteria (Vibrio cholerae, Staphyloccocus aureus, Bacillus subtillis)


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    In the world there are 60 species of seagrass, and 12 types are found in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the results of the description of the community structure and the percentage cover of seagrass in the waters of the Marine Fields Station, observations were made at 2 (ST.1 & ST.2) stations using themethod seagrass watch and the results of data analysis of the community structure using the equation formula from Cox, 1967. In the waters of the Marine Fields Station, there are 6 species, namely Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule pinifolia, and Halophile ovalis. The results of the percentage of seagrass cover at ST.1 were 58.85% and ST.2 53.13% and the average value obtained from these 2 stations was 55.99%. Overall, the community structure of ST.1 species Thalassia hemprichii has the highest important value index of 80.66%. And in ST.2 Syringodium isoetifolium which has the highest important value index is 93.27%. Parameters in the waters of Maine Field Station, namely pH, salinity, temperature, substrate are good. Keywords: Seagrass, Percentage Cover, Community Structure

    Memaksimalkan Potensi Dormansi Pada Rotifer Brachionus Rotundiformius Melalui Mating Eksperimen

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    The rotifer Brachionus sp is widely used in aquaculture as a live prey, but problem remain with less utilization. It is often difficult to synchronize rotifer production with larvae demand. Rotifer also produce resting egg with sexual reproduction, this resting egg is thick-walled encysted stages which can remain dorman for extended period. Used resting egg as a stock can be solved the problem. With mating eksperiment we found resting egg produced by female rotifer that have not produce egg before. Suggestion proportion of male and female to produce resting egg is 4 male : 10 female

    The Size Variation of Rotifer Brachionus Rotundiformis Cultivated with Different Feed at 40 Ppt Salinity

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    Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Variasi ukuran rotifer Brachionus rotundiformisyang diberi pakan berbeda pada salinitas 40 ppt RotiferBrachionus rotundiformisis a group of zooplankton which is used by fish larvae for feeding to initiate their growth. This zooplankton is widely favored by marine fauna larvae because of its small size can fits well with various larval mouth; thus, it is easily preyed by larvae. This study aimed to determine the variation of rotifer B. rotundiformismorphometry if cultured with different feed at 40 ppt. The use of 40 ppt salinity is expected to provide a variable morphometric size because B. rotundiformishas a polymorphism property. Microalgae used as feed for rotifer B. rotundiformiswere Prochloronsp. and Nanochloropsis oculata. Microalgae were cultured with Hirata medium. In the early stages, B. rotundiformiswas cultured at optimum temperature (28 ºC) and salinity 20 ppt, then it was cultured at salinity 40 ppt. Salinity adaptation was done by raising the salinity of the medium by 2 ppt every two days in a 10 ml reaction tube containing 10 individuals. After adaptation, B. rotundiformiswas transferred in a 1000 ml container with a density of 50 individuals. For the morphometric aspect, the total length, the length of the lorica, the width of the lorica and the anterior width were measured. The result showed the morphometric of rotiferB. rotundiformisfed with microalgae Prochloronsp. at 40 ppt salinity was smaller than that of the rotifer fed with N. oculata. Based on that finding it can be concluded that B. rotundiformis fed with Prochloronsp. at a salinity of 40 ppt has the potential to be developed as feed for fish larvae. Further investigations on how to accelerate the cultivation of microalgae Prochloronsp. as feeding for B. rotundiformisare needed.RotiferBrachionus rotundiformismerupakan golongan zooplankton yang digunakan sebagai makanan bagi larva ikan. Zooplankton ini banyak disukai oleh larva fauna laut, karena ukurannya kecil yang cocok dengan berbagai bukaan mulut larva. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui variasi morfometri rotifer B. rotundiformis, jika dikultur pada salinitas yang tinggi (40 ppt) dengan pemberian pakan berbeda. Penggunaan salinitas 40 ppt diharapkan bisa memberikan ukuran morfometrik yang bervariasi, karena rotifer jenis ini memiliki sifat polimorfisme. Alga mikro yang digunakan sebagai pakan adalah Prochloronsp. Dan Nanochloropsis oculata.Alga mikro tersebut dikultur dalam media Hirata. Pada tahap awal, B. rotundiformisdikultur pada suhu optimum (28 ºC) dengan salinitas 20 ppt; kemudian, dikultur pada salinitas 40 ppt. Adaptasi salinitas dilakukan dengan menaikkan salinitas medium sebanyak 2 ppt setiap dua hari dalam tabung reaksi berukuran 10 ml, yang berisi 10 individu. Setelah diadaptasikan, rotifer dipindahkan ke wadah berukuran 1000 ml dengan kepadatan sebanyak 50 individu dan dikultur pada salinitas 40 ppt. Aspek morfometri berupa panjang total, panjang lorica, lebar lorica, dan lebar anterior diukur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa panjang total rotifer B. rotundiformis, yang diberi pakan Prochloronsp. berukuran lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan rotifer yang diberi pakan N. oculata. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan, bahwa B. rotundiformisyang diberi pakan Prochloronsp. pada salinitas 40 ppt memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan pakan bagi larva ikan. Penelitian lebih lanjut tentang cara mempercepat budidaya microalgae Prochloronsp. sebagai makan untuk B. rotundiformis diperlukan

    Analysis of Leading Commodities From Capture Fisheries Resources at Bitung Oceanic Fishing Port, North Sulawesi

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    Bitung City is one of the centers of fishery production in Indonesia. Analysis of capture fisheries resources, especially at the Bitung Oceanic Fishing Port (BOFP) as a fish landing center in Bitung city, needs to be done scientifically in order to find out the need for sustainable capture fisheries. The purpose of this research is to analyze the potential of the types of superior commodities that have the opportunity to be developed. Data was collected using survey methods and in-depth interviews with fishermen and local stakeholders. Analysis of the potential of fish resources was carried out using the surplus production method. From the results of the study, it is found that there are 8 (eight) types of leading commodities in BOFP which can be developed with different potentials. They are: 1) Marlin with a sustainable potential of 159 tons, utilization rate of 44%; 2) Tongkol with sustainable potential of 10.485 tons, utilization rate is 58%; 3) Kembung with a sustainable potential of 183 tons utilization rate of 61%; 4) Big-eye tuna with sustainable potential of 111 tons utilization rate of 69%; 5) Selar with sustainable potential of 450 tons utilization rate of 85%; 6) Yellow Fin Tuna with a sustainable potential of 15.251 tons utilization rate of 86%; 7) Layang with sustainable potential of 7.152 tons utilization rate of 95%, and 8) Cakalang.Indonesian title: Analisis komoditas unggulan dari sumber daya perikanan tangkap di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bitung, Sulawesi Utar

    The Relationship Between El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Oceanographic Parameters in North Sulawesi Waters

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    Information about oceanographic conditions is important to determine the fertility level of waters. Oceanographic parameters in water can be influenced by global climate factors, one of them is the ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) phenomenon. There have been many studies on the effect of ENSO phenomenon on oceanographic variability, but no studies have been carried out in the waters of North Sulawesi. This study aims to determine the effect of the ENSO phenomenon on the variability distribution of oceanographic parameters in North Sulawesi waters. The data used for this study were Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a from the AQUA-MODIS imaging results, wind reanalysis results from ECMWF, and Nino 3.4 index as an indicator of ENSO from NOAA. The data were processed and analyzed using quantitative analysis methods in the form of graphics. The results showed an indirect effect of the ENSO phenomenon on SST parameters and chlorophyll-a. This is because the effect of the ENSO phenomenon occurred in a certain period: when strong El Niño triggered low temperatures of sea surface and high chlorophyll-a, and when La Niña was strong it triggered high temperatures of sea surface and low chlorophyll-a. Meanwhile, the wind speed pattern showed an insignificant effect because the wind speed was still dominated by the influence of the monsoon pattern.Indonesian title: Hubungan antara El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) dan parameter oseanografi di perairan Sulawesi Utar