13,607 research outputs found

    Molecular films associated with LDEF

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    The molecular films deposited on the surface of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) originated from the paints and room-temperature-vulcanized (RTV) silicone materials intentionally used on the satellite and not from residual contaminants. The high silicone content of most of the films and the uniformity of the films indicates a homogenization process in the molecular deposition and suggests a chemically most favored composition for the final film. The deposition on interior surfaces and vents indicated multiple bounce trajectories or repeated deposition-reemission cycles. Exterior surface deposits indicated a significant return flux. Ultraviolet light exposure was required to fix the deposited film as is indicated by the distribution of the films on interior surfaces and the thickness of films at the vent locations. Thermal conditions at the time of exposure to ultraviolet light seems to be an important factor in the thickness of the deposit. Sunrise facing (ram direction) surfaces always had the thicker film. These were the coldest surfaces at the time of their exposure to ultraviolet light. The films have a layered structure suggesting cyclic deposition. As many as 34 distinct layers were seen in the films. The cyclic nature of the deposition and the chemical uniformity of the film one layer to the next suggest an early deposition of the films though there is evidence for the deposition of molecular films throughout the nearly six year exposure of the satellite. A final 'spray' of an organic material associated with water soluble salts occurred very late in the mission. This may have been the result of one of the shuttle dump activities

    The Economics of Smoking

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    While the tobacco industry is among the most substantial and successful economic enterprises, tobacco consumption kills more people than any other product. Economic analysis of tobacco product markets, particularly for cigarettes, has contributed considerable insight to debates about the industry's importance and appropriate public policy roles in grappling with health consequences of tobacco. The most significant example is the rapidly expanding and increasingly sophisticated body of research on the effects of price increases on cigarette consumption. Because excise tax is a component of price, the resultant literature has been prominent in legislative debates about taxation as a tool to discourage smoking, and has contributed theory and empirical evidence to the growing interest in modeling demand for addictive products. This chapter examines the research and several equity and efficiency concerns accompanying cigarette taxation debates. It includes economic analysis of other tobacco control policies, such as advertising restrictions, prominent in tobacco control debates. Research addressing the validity of tobacco-industry arguments that its contributions to employment, tax revenues, and trade balances are vital to economic health in states and nations is also considered, as it is the industry's principal weapon in the battle against policy measures to reduce tobacco consumption.

    Maximum normalized acceleration as a flying qualities parameter

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    In 1984, Maximum Normalized Rate (MNR) was presented as a Flying Qualities parameter. Subsequent analysis of data from ground based simulation and flight test revealed the utility of a companion parameter, Maximum Normalized Acceleration (MNA). MNR and MNA profiles reveal the presence of both continuous and pulsed compensation strategies during discrete attitude tracking. In addition, MNR appears to be a suitable metric for pilot opinion in the LATHOS data base, while the MNR/MNA relationship is sensitive to pilot-induced-oscillation (PIO) and roll ratcheting problems. As part of an investigation of this problem, Northrop has developed an analysis technique known as the Step Target Method. The Step Target method is essentially a one degree-of-freedom simulation, where an attitude command in the form of a step function is presented to a closed-loop pilot/aircraft model. The two parameters MNR and MNA were shown to be useful in Flying Qualities analysis. MNR was shown to correlate with Pilot Opinion Rating in the LATHOS data base, while MNA reflects PIO and roll ratcheting. Profiles of MNR versus MNA reveal the presence of pulsed compensation strategies in both ground based and in-flight simulation. Furthermore, comparison of continuous and discrete attitude tracking simulation data reveals that these two tracking tasks exhibit independent sensitivities to aircraft characteristics

    Maximum Normalized Rate as a Flying Qualities Parameter

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    Discrete attitude commands have become a standard task for flying qualities evaluation and control system testing. Much pilot opinion data is now available for ground-based and in-flight simulations, but adequate performance measures and prediction methods have not been established. The Step Target Tracking Prediction method, introduced in 1978, correlated time-on-target and rms tracking data with NT-33 in-flight longitudinal simulations, but did not employ parameters easily measured in manned flight and simulation. Recent application of the Step Target Tracking Prediction method to lateral flying qualities analysis has led to a new measure of performance. This quantity, called Maximum Normalized Rate (MNR), reflects the greatest attitude rate a pilot can employ during a discrete maneuver without excessive overshoot and oscillation. MNR correlates NT-33 lateral pilot opinion ratings well, and is easily measured during flight test or simulation. Futhermore, the Step Target MNR method can be used to analyze large amplitude problems concerning rate limiting and nonlinear aerodynamics

    Laser ablated high T(sub c) superconducting thin YBa2Cu3O(7-x) films on substrates suitable for microwave applications

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    The development of high temperature superconducting YBa2Cu3O(7-x) thin films on substrates suitable for microwave applications is of great interest for evaluating their applications for space radar, communication, and sensor systems. Thin films of YBa2Cu3O(7-x) were formed on SrTiO3, ZrO2, MgO, and LaAlO3 substrates by laser ablation. The wavelength used was 248 nm from a KrF excimer laser. During deposition the films were heated to 600 C in a flowing oxygen environment, and required no post annealing. The low substrate temperature during deposition with no post annealing gave films which were smooth, which had their c-axis aligned to the substrates, and which had grains ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 microns in size. The films being c-axis aligned gave excellent surface resistance at 35 GHz which was lower than that of copper at 77 K. At present, LaAlO3 substrates with a dielectric constant of 22, appears suitable as a substrate for microwave and electronic applications. The films were characterized by resistance-temperature measurements, scanning electron microscopy, and x ray diffraction. The highest critical transition temperatures (T sub c) are above 89 K for films on SrTiO3 and LaAlO3, above 88 K for ZrO2, and above 86 K for MgO. The critical current density (J sub c) of the films on SrTiO3 is above 2 x 10(exp 6) amperes/sq cm at 77 K. The T(sub c) and J(sub c) are reported as a function of laser power, composition of the substrate, and temperature of the substrate during deposition

    Radio and near-infrared observations of the steep spectrum Galactic plane radio source WKB 0314+57.8

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    Radio and near-infared observations towards the steep spectrum Galactic plane radio source WKB 0314+57.8 are presented, in order to clarify the nature of this source. The radio observations include archival and survey data, together with new Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope observations at 617 MHz. The near-infrared observations are in the J and K bands, from the Gemini instrument on the Shane 3-m telescope. The radio observations show that WKB 0314+57.8 is extended, with an very steep spectrum (with flux density proportional to frequency to -2.5 power between 40 MHz and 1.5 GHz). The colour--magnitude diagram constructed from near-infrared observations of the field suggests the presence of a z approx 0.08 galaxy cluster behind the Galactic plane, reddened by about 6 magnitudes of visual extinction. Although the steep spectrum source has no obvious identification, two other radio sources in the field covered by the near-infrared observations have tentative identifications with galaxies. These observations indicate that WKB 0314+57.8 is a relic source in a cluster of galaxies, not a pulsar.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in MNRAS, typos correcte

    Regional variation in digital cushion pressure in the forefeet of horses and elephants

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    In this study, we seek to understand how the digital cushion morphologies evident in horse and elephant feet influence internal and external foot pressures. Our novel use of invasive blood pressure monitoring equipment, combined with a pressure pad and force plate, enabled measurements of (ex vivo) digital cushion pressure under increasing axial loads in seven horse and six elephant forefeet. Linear mixed effects models (LMER) revealed that internal digital cushion pressures increase under load and differ depending on region; elephant feet experienced higher magnitudes of medial digital cushion pressure, whereas horse feet experienced higher magnitudes of centralised digital cushion pressure. Direct comparison of digital cushion pressure magnitudes in both species, at equivalent loads relative to body weight, revealed that medial and lateral pressures increased more rapidly with load in elephant limbs. Within the same approximate region, internal pressures exceeded external, palmar pressures (on the sole of the foot), supporting previous Finite Element (FE) predictions. High pressures and large variations in pressure may relate to the development of foot pathology, which is a major concern in horses and elephants in a captive/domestic environment

    Quantification of contaminants associated with LDEF

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    The quantification of contaminants on the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) and associated hardware or tools is addressed. The purpose of this study was to provide a background data base for the evaluation of the surface of the LDEF and the effects of orbital exposure on that surface. This study necessarily discusses the change in the distribution of contaminants on the LDEF with time and environmental exposure. Much of this information may be of value for the improvement of contamination control procedures during ground based operations. The particulate data represents the results of NASA contractor monitoring as well as the results of samples collected and analyzed by the authors. The data from the tapelifts collected in the Space Shuttle Bay at Edwards Air Force Base and KSC are also presented. The amount of molecular film distributed over the surface of the LDEF is estimated based on measurements made at specific locations and extrapolated over the surface area of the LDEF. Some consideration of total amount of volatile-condensible materials available to form the resultant deposit is also presented. All assumptions underlying these estimates are presented along with the rationale for the conclusions. Each section is presented in a subsection for particles and another for molecular films

    Introduction to the Apollo collections: Part 2: Lunar breccias

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    Basic petrographic, chemical and age data for a representative suite of lunar breccias are presented for students and potential lunar sample investigators. Emphasis is on sample description and data presentation. Samples are listed, together with a classification scheme based on matrix texture and mineralogy and the nature and abundance of glass present both in the matrix and as clasts. A calculus of the classification scheme, describes the characteristic features of each of the breccia groups. The cratering process which describes the sequence of events immediately following an impact event is discussed, especially the thermal and material transport processes affecting the two major components of lunar breccias (clastic debris and fused material)