7,947 research outputs found

    Flight-test of the glide-slope track and flare-control laws for an automatic landing system for a powered-lift STOL airplane

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    An automatic landing system was developed for the Augmentor Wing Jet STOL Research Airplane to establish the feasibility and examine the operating characteristics of a powered-lift STOL transport flying a steep, microwave landing system (MLS) glide slope to automatically land on a STOL port. The flight test results address the longitudinal aspects of automatic powered lift STOL airplane operation including glide slope tracking on the backside of the power curve, flare, and touchdown. Three different autoland control laws were evaluated to demonstrate the tradeoff between control complexity and the resulting performance. The flight test and simulation methodology used in developing conventional jet transport systems was applied to the powered-lift STOL airplane. The results obtained suggest that an automatic landing system for a powered-lift STOL airplane operating into an MLS-equipped STOL port is feasible. However, the airplane must be provided with a means of rapidly regulation lift to satisfactorily provide the glide slope tracking and control of touchdown sink rate needed for automatic landings

    Friction force microscopy : a simple technique for identifying graphene on rough substrates and mapping the orientation of graphene grains on copper

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    At a single atom thick, it is challenging to distinguish graphene from its substrate using conventional techniques. In this paper we show that friction force microscopy (FFM) is a simple and quick technique for identifying graphene on a range of samples, from growth substrates to rough insulators. We show that FFM is particularly effective for characterizing graphene grown on copper where it can correlate the graphene growth to the three-dimensional surface topography. Atomic lattice stick–slip friction is readily resolved and enables the crystallographic orientation of the graphene to be mapped nondestructively, reproducibly and at high resolution. We expect FFM to be similarly effective for studying graphene growth on other metal/locally crystalline substrates, including SiC, and for studying growth of other two-dimensional materials such as molybdenum disulfide and hexagonal boron nitride

    Inorganic Surface Passivation of PbS Nanocrystals resulting in Strong Photoluminescent Emission

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    Strong photoluminescent emission has been obtained from 3 nm PbS nanocrystals in aqueous colloidal solution, following treatment with CdS precursors. The observed emission can extend across the entire visible spectrum and usually includes a peak near 1.95 eV. We show that much of the visible emission results from absorption by higher-lying excited states above 3.0 eV with subsequent relaxation to and emission from states lying above the observed band-edge of the PbS nanocrystals. The fluorescent lifetimes for this emission are in the nanosecond regime, characteristic of exciton recombination.Comment: Preprint, 23 pages, 6 figure

    Impact-induced acceleration by obstacles

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    We explore a surprising phenomenon in which an obstruction accelerates, rather than decelerates, a moving flexible object. It has been claimed that the right kind of discrete chain falling onto a table falls \emph{faster} than a free-falling body. We confirm and quantify this effect, reveal its complicated dependence on angle of incidence, and identify multiple operative mechanisms. Prior theories for direct impact onto flat surfaces, which involve a single constitutive parameter, match our data well if we account for a characteristic delay length that must impinge before the onset of excess acceleration. Our measurements provide a robust determination of this parameter. This supports the possibility of modeling such discrete structures as continuous bodies with a complicated constitutive law of impact that includes angle of incidence as an input.Comment: small changes and corrections, added reference

    A method for determining landing runway length for a STOL aircraft

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    Based on data obtained from flight tests of the augmentor wing jet STOL research aircraft, a method is proposed for determining the length of the landing runway for powered-lift STOL aircraft. The suggested method determines runway landing length by summing three segments: the touchdown-dispersion distance, the transition distance from touchdown to application of brakes, and the stopping distance after brakes are applied. It is shown how the landing field length can be reduced either through improved autoland system design or by providing the pilot with appropriate information to allow him to identify a "low probability" long or short landing and to execute a go-around. The proposed method appears to determine a safe runway landing length for the STOL application and offers the potential for reducing runway length if great emphasis is placed on a short-runway capability. FAR Parts 25 and 121 appear conservative and suitable for the situation where no great emphasis is placed on reducing the runway length requirement

    When and where do you want to hide? Recommendation of location privacy preferences with local differential privacy

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    In recent years, it has become easy to obtain location information quite precisely. However, the acquisition of such information has risks such as individual identification and leakage of sensitive information, so it is necessary to protect the privacy of location information. For this purpose, people should know their location privacy preferences, that is, whether or not he/she can release location information at each place and time. However, it is not easy for each user to make such decisions and it is troublesome to set the privacy preference at each time. Therefore, we propose a method to recommend location privacy preferences for decision making. Comparing to existing method, our method can improve the accuracy of recommendation by using matrix factorization and preserve privacy strictly by local differential privacy, whereas the existing method does not achieve formal privacy guarantee. In addition, we found the best granularity of a location privacy preference, that is, how to express the information in location privacy protection. To evaluate and verify the utility of our method, we have integrated two existing datasets to create a rich information in term of user number. From the results of the evaluation using this dataset, we confirmed that our method can predict location privacy preferences accurately and that it provides a suitable method to define the location privacy preference

    Revitalization in a scattered language community: Problems and methods from the perspective of Mutsun language revitalization

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    This article addresses revitalization of a dormant language whose prospective speakers live in scattered geographical areas. In comparison to increasing the usage of an endangered language, revitalizing a dormant language (one with no living speakers) requires different methods to gain knowledge of the language. Language teaching for a dormant language with a scattered community presents different problems from other teaching situations. In this article, we discuss the types of tasks that must be accomplished for dormant-language revitalization, with particular focus on development of teaching materials. We also address the role of computer technologies, arguing that each use of technology should be evaluated for how effectively it increases fluency. We discuss methods for achieving semi-fluency for the first new speakers of a dormant language, and for spreading the language through the community

    Vacua of N=10 three dimensional gauged supergravity

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    We study scalar potentials and the corresponding vacua of N=10 three dimensional gauged supergravity. The theory contains 32 scalar fields parametrizing the exceptional coset space E6(14)SO(10)×U(1)\frac{E_{6(-14)}}{SO(10)\times U(1)}. The admissible gauge groups considered in this work involve both compact and non-compact gauge groups which are maximal subgroups of SO(10)×U(1)SO(10)\times U(1) and E6(14)E_{6(-14)}, respectively. These gauge groups are given by SO(p)×SO(10p)×U(1)SO(p)\times SO(10-p)\times U(1) for p=6,...10p=6,...10, SO(5)×SO(5)SO(5)\times SO(5), SU(4,2)×SU(2)SU(4,2)\times SU(2), G2(14)×SU(2,1)G_{2(-14)}\times SU(2,1) and F4(20)F_{4(-20)}. We find many AdS3_3 critical points with various unbroken gauge symmetries. The relevant background isometries associated to the maximally supersymmetric critical points at which all scalars vanish are also given. These correspond to the superconformal symmetries of the dual conformal field theories in two dimensions.Comment: 37 pages no figures, typos corrected and a little change in the forma

    Electromagnetic Casimir piston in higher dimensional spacetimes

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    We consider the Casimir effect of the electromagnetic field in a higher dimensional spacetime of the form M×NM\times \mathcal{N}, where MM is the 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime and N\mathcal{N} is an nn-dimensional compact manifold. The Casimir force acting on a planar piston that can move freely inside a closed cylinder with the same cross section is investigated. Different combinations of perfectly conducting boundary conditions and infinitely permeable boundary conditions are imposed on the cylinder and the piston. It is verified that if the piston and the cylinder have the same boundary conditions, the piston is always going to be pulled towards the closer end of the cylinder. However, if the piston and the cylinder have different boundary conditions, the piston is always going to be pushed to the middle of the cylinder. By taking the limit where one end of the cylinder tends to infinity, one obtains the Casimir force acting between two parallel plates inside an infinitely long cylinder. The asymptotic behavior of this Casimir force in the high temperature regime and the low temperature regime are investigated for the case where the cross section of the cylinder in MM is large. It is found that if the separation between the plates is much smaller than the size of N\mathcal{N}, the leading term of the Casimir force is the same as the Casimir force on a pair of large parallel plates in the (4+n)(4+n)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. However, if the size of N\mathcal{N} is much smaller than the separation between the plates, the leading term of the Casimir force is 1+h/21+h/2 times the Casimir force on a pair of large parallel plates in the 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime, where hh is the first Betti number of N\mathcal{N}. In the limit the manifold N\mathcal{N} vanishes, one does not obtain the Casimir force in the 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime if hh is nonzero.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure