13,174 research outputs found

    Maximum normalized acceleration as a flying qualities parameter

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    In 1984, Maximum Normalized Rate (MNR) was presented as a Flying Qualities parameter. Subsequent analysis of data from ground based simulation and flight test revealed the utility of a companion parameter, Maximum Normalized Acceleration (MNA). MNR and MNA profiles reveal the presence of both continuous and pulsed compensation strategies during discrete attitude tracking. In addition, MNR appears to be a suitable metric for pilot opinion in the LATHOS data base, while the MNR/MNA relationship is sensitive to pilot-induced-oscillation (PIO) and roll ratcheting problems. As part of an investigation of this problem, Northrop has developed an analysis technique known as the Step Target Method. The Step Target method is essentially a one degree-of-freedom simulation, where an attitude command in the form of a step function is presented to a closed-loop pilot/aircraft model. The two parameters MNR and MNA were shown to be useful in Flying Qualities analysis. MNR was shown to correlate with Pilot Opinion Rating in the LATHOS data base, while MNA reflects PIO and roll ratcheting. Profiles of MNR versus MNA reveal the presence of pulsed compensation strategies in both ground based and in-flight simulation. Furthermore, comparison of continuous and discrete attitude tracking simulation data reveals that these two tracking tasks exhibit independent sensitivities to aircraft characteristics

    The role of the helicopter in transportation

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    A general overview is presented of the role that the helicopter plays in the current aviation scene with special emphasis on its use in the airport access function. Technological problems of present-day aircraft are discussed along with some plausible solutions. The economic and regulatory aspects of commercial helicopter operations are presented. Finally six commercial operations utilizing helicopters are reviewed and conditions that enhance the success of the helicopter in the airport access function are proposed

    Continuous distributions of D3-branes and gauged supergravity

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    States on the Coulomb branch of N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory are studied from the point of view of gauged supergravity in five dimensions. These supersymmetric solutions provide examples of consistent truncation from type IIB supergravity in ten dimensions. A mass gap for states created by local operators and perfect screening for external quarks arise in the supergravity approximation. We offer an interpretation of these surprising features in terms of ensembles of brane distributions.Comment: 19 pages, two figures, latex. v2: reference added, small corrections. v3: corrected unbounded spectrum erro

    Renormalization Group Flows from Holography--Supersymmetry and a c-Theorem

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    We obtain first order equations that determine a supersymmetric kink solution in five-dimensional N=8 gauged supergravity. The kink interpolates between an exterior anti-de Sitter region with maximal supersymmetry and an interior anti-de Sitter region with one quarter of the maximal supersymmetry. One eighth of supersymmetry is preserved by the kink as a whole. We interpret it as describing the renormalization group flow in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory broken to an N=1 theory by the addition of a mass term for one of the three adjoint chiral superfields. A detailed correspondence is obtained between fields of bulk supergravity in the interior anti-de Sitter region and composite operators of the infrared field theory. We also point out that the truncation used to find the reduced symmetry critical point can be extended to obtain a new N=4 gauged supergravity theory holographically dual to a sector of N=2 gauge theories based on quiver diagrams. We consider more general kink geometries and construct a c-function that is positive and monotonic if a weak energy condition holds in the bulk gravity theory. For even-dimensional boundaries, the c-function coincides with the trace anomaly coefficients of the holographically related field theory in limits where conformal invariance is recovered.Comment: 56 pages, three figures, harvmac. v2: improved referencing, corrected discussion of energy conditions. v3: one more reference fixe

    Maximum Normalized Rate as a Flying Qualities Parameter

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    Discrete attitude commands have become a standard task for flying qualities evaluation and control system testing. Much pilot opinion data is now available for ground-based and in-flight simulations, but adequate performance measures and prediction methods have not been established. The Step Target Tracking Prediction method, introduced in 1978, correlated time-on-target and rms tracking data with NT-33 in-flight longitudinal simulations, but did not employ parameters easily measured in manned flight and simulation. Recent application of the Step Target Tracking Prediction method to lateral flying qualities analysis has led to a new measure of performance. This quantity, called Maximum Normalized Rate (MNR), reflects the greatest attitude rate a pilot can employ during a discrete maneuver without excessive overshoot and oscillation. MNR correlates NT-33 lateral pilot opinion ratings well, and is easily measured during flight test or simulation. Futhermore, the Step Target MNR method can be used to analyze large amplitude problems concerning rate limiting and nonlinear aerodynamics

    The environmental analysis of helicopter operations by Federal agencies: Current procedures and research needs

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    The technical, economic, and environmental problems restricting commercial helicopter passenger operations are reviewed. The key considerations for effective assessment procedures are outlined and a preliminary model for the environmental analysis of helicopters is developed. It is recommended that this model, or some similar approach, be used as a common base for the development of comprehensive environmental assessment methods for each of the federal agencies concerned with helicopters. A description of the critical environmental research issues applicable to helicopters is also presented

    Auger electron spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectroscopy and optical characterization of a-C-H and BN films

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    The amorphous dielectrics a-C:H and BN were deposited on III-V semiconductors. Optical band gaps as high as 3 eV were measured for a-C:H generated by C4H10 plasmas; a comparison was made with bad gaps obtained from films prepared by CH4 glow discharges. The ion beam deposited BN films exhibited amorphous behavior with band gaps on the order of 5 eV. Film compositions were studied by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The optical properties were characterized by ellipsometry, UV/VIS absorption, and IR reflection and transmission. Etching rates of a-C:H subjected to O2 dicharges were determined

    Ellipsometric and optical study of some uncommon insulator films on 3-5 semiconductors

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    Optical properties of three types of insulating films that show promise in potential applications in the 3-4 semiconductor technology were evaluated, namely a-C:H, BN and CaF2. The plasma deposited a-C:H shows an amorphous behavior with optical energy gaps of approximately 2 to 2.4 eV. These a-C:H films have higher density and/or hardness, higher refractive index and lower optical energy gaps with increasing energy of the particles in the plasma, while the density of states remains unchanged. These results are in agreement, and give a fine-tuned positive confirmation to an existing conjecture on the nature of a-C:H films (1). Ion beam deposited BN films show amorphous behavior with energy gap of 5 eV. These films are nonstoichiometric (B/N approximately 2) and have refractive index, density and/or hardness which are dependent on the deposition conditions. The epitaxially grown CaF2 on GaAs films have optical parameters equal to bulk, but evidence of damage was found in the GaAs at the interface

    Radio and near-infrared observations of the steep spectrum Galactic plane radio source WKB 0314+57.8

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    Radio and near-infared observations towards the steep spectrum Galactic plane radio source WKB 0314+57.8 are presented, in order to clarify the nature of this source. The radio observations include archival and survey data, together with new Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope observations at 617 MHz. The near-infrared observations are in the J and K bands, from the Gemini instrument on the Shane 3-m telescope. The radio observations show that WKB 0314+57.8 is extended, with an very steep spectrum (with flux density proportional to frequency to -2.5 power between 40 MHz and 1.5 GHz). The colour--magnitude diagram constructed from near-infrared observations of the field suggests the presence of a z approx 0.08 galaxy cluster behind the Galactic plane, reddened by about 6 magnitudes of visual extinction. Although the steep spectrum source has no obvious identification, two other radio sources in the field covered by the near-infrared observations have tentative identifications with galaxies. These observations indicate that WKB 0314+57.8 is a relic source in a cluster of galaxies, not a pulsar.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in MNRAS, typos correcte

    A fundamental study of predictive display systems

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    Predictive display systems using repetitive, fast time, on-line computatio