14 research outputs found
A note on weighted likelihood and Jeffreys modal estimation of proficiency levels in polytomous item response models
Warm (1989) established the equivalence between the so-called Jeffreys modal and the weighted likelihood estimators of proficiency level with some dichotomous item response models. The purpose of this note is to extend this result to polytomous item response models. First, a general condition is derived to ensure the perfect equivalence between these two estimators. Second, it is shown that this condition is fulfilled by two broad classes of polytomous models including, among others, the partial credit, rating scale, graded response and nominal response models
On the Relationships Between Jeffreys Modal and Weighted Likelihood Estimation of Ability Under Logistic IRT Models
logistic model, Bayesian modal estimation, Jeffreys’ prior, weighted likelihood estimation,
A Note on the Reliability Coefficients for Item Response Model-Based Ability Estimates
reliability coefficient, ability estimates, item response theory,
Sufficiency and Conditional Estimation of Person Parameters in the Polytomous Rasch Model
polytomous Rasch model, sufficiency, pseudo-likelihood, person estimation, test equating,