13 research outputs found
Effect sizes for achievement.
<p>The forest plot shows the results of twenty-six experiments from 20 studies that contrasted POGIL pedagogy with control groups. The summary effect size of 0.29 [95% CI = 0.15–0.43] suggests student performance in the POGIL treatment is 0.3 standard deviations higher than that of the control group.</p
Process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL®) marginally effects student achievement measures but substantially increases the odds of passing a course
<div><p>While the inquiry approach to science teaching has been widely recommended as an epistemic mechanism to promote deep content understanding, there is also increased expectation that process and other transferable skills should be integral part of science pedagogy. To test the hypothesis that coupling process skills to content teaching impacts academic success measures, we meta-analyzed twenty-one studies (<i>n</i> = 21) involving 7876 students that compared Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL), a pedagogy that provides opportunities for improving process skills during content learning through guided-inquiry activities, to standard lecture conditions. Based on conventional measures of class performance, POGIL had a small effect on achievement outcomes (effect size = 0.29, [95% CI = 0.15–0.43]) but substantially improved the odds of passing a class (odds ratio = 2.02, [95% CI: 1.45–2.83]). That is, participants in the POGIL pedagogy had higher odds of passing a course and roughly performed 0.3 standard deviations higher on achievement measures than participants in standard lectures. In relative risk terms, POGIL reduced the risk of failing a course by 38%. These findings suggest providing opportunities to improve process skills during class instruction does not inhibit content learning but enhances conventional success measures. We compare these findings with those of recent large meta-analysis that examined the effects of global active learning methods on achievement outcomes and course failure rates in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.</p></div
The influences of group dialog on individual student understanding of science concepts
Abstract Background Cooperative and inquiry-based pedagogies provide a context for classroom discourse in which students develop joint understanding of subject matter knowledge. Using the symbolic interactionist perspective that meaning is constructed as individuals interact with one another, we examined how student groups enrolled in an undergraduate general chemistry course developed sociochemical norms that influenced individual student understanding of chemical concepts. Sociochemical norms refer to the normative aspects of classroom microculture that regulate discourse on what counts as a table chemical justification and explanation. We describe how these sociochemical normative ideas were developed based on observational research and recordings of the student groups as they engaged in classroom discourse. Results Our analysis showed that students routinely developed chemistry-driven criteria within and across groups to explain the nature of dissolving ionic solids in water. Moreover, resultant sociochemical norms led to shifts in student understanding and the ways in which students reasoned about the causes of chemical phenomena under study. Conclusions Our results indicate that group dialog influenced individual student conceptions of ionic compounds in solution and highlight the need to engage students in instructional activities that not only engage them in the multiple ways of representing chemical knowledge but also making public their views and participating in classroom discourse
Meta-regression of course pass rates by moderating variables.
<p>Meta-regression of course pass rates by moderating variables.</p
PRISMA flow diagram showing publication selection process.
<p>Publication selection involved success phases of de-duplication, surface level screening, study design check, and study admission/inclusion analyses.</p
Forest plot of nine studies examining the impact of POGIL on course pass rates.
<p>The number of students receiving grades of D, F, or W (Fail) versus C or better (Pass) in each study is shown. The summary odds ratio of 2.02 [95% CI = 1.45–2.83] suggests the odds of passing were approximately two times higher in a POGIL classroom as opposed to odds of passing when taught by standard lecture.</p
Meta-analysis by class size, disciplinary domains and instructor training.
<p>Panels A and B show random-effects meta-analytic summaries [g or odds ratio plus 95% confidence intervals (CI)] for achievement outcomes (panel A) and course pass rates (panel B). Along with conventional significance levels (***<i>p</i> < 0.001, **<i>p</i> < 0.01, *<i>p</i> < 0.05, +<i>p</i> < 0.1), the numbers above the error bars show effect estimates divided by their standard errors (<i>effect</i>/SE) and the numbers below the error bars show the amount of heterogeneity in each dataset (Q). <i>N</i> refers to the number of studies meta-analyzed under each condition. See main text for degrees of freedom and further details of each factor.</p
Comparison of major findings from present study versus Freeman meta-analysis.
<p>Comparison of major findings from present study versus Freeman meta-analysis.</p
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The Classroom Discourse Observation Protocol (CDOP): A quantitative method for characterizing teacher discourse moves in undergraduate STEM learning environments.
We describe the development and validation of a new instrument, the Classroom Discourse Observation Protocol (CDOP), which quantifies teacher discourse moves (TDMs) from observational data in undergraduate STEM classrooms. TDMs can be conceptualized as epistemic tools that can mediate classroom discussions. Through an inductive-deductive coding process, we identified commonly occurring TDMs among a group of biology instructors (n = 13, 37 class session) teaching in Active Learning Environments. We describe the CDOP coding scheme and its associated matrix that allows observers to reliably characterize TDMs in 2-min time intervals over the course of a class period. We present the protocol, discuss how it differs from existing classroom observation protocols, and describe the process by which it was developed and validated. Also, we show how this protocol is able to discriminate the discursive practices of instructors teaching in undergraduate STEM learning environments with sample qualitative and quantitative results that illustrate its utility for assessing and improving STEM instructional practices