37 research outputs found

    Bureaucratic Structure Aspect in Implementation of Indonesian Finance Policy About Accrual Based Accounting in Local Government

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    Financial managementisan importantpartof thepublic administration. Implementation of Finance Policy of Indonesian Government about transparencyandaccountabilityin thefinancial managementsystemis connectedbythe financial report. Accrual-based financialreport has become ahallmarkof modernmanagement but its implementation is not easy. Transition from current accounting based to accrual based needs big changes and long terms project .The problems of accrual based implementation are more difficult in local governmen


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    ndonesian state financial policies have undergone major changes since the release the Law on State Finance package in 2003 and 2004 as well as the Law on Local Government Package of 2004. The legislation has been set up clearly financial management with a transparent and accountable as well as the financial management in the region from President to the Regional Head. This implies a stronger role of the Regional Head in implementing the financial policy in the local government. The financial policy communication to local governments are often disruption whereby the policy is not communicated clearly and consistently. This study is a single case study for examining the phenomenon in which the object of research is the Semarang City Government as the only one that has been implemented government accounting standards accrual-based policy. In adequately of the financial policy’s communication about implementation of government accounting standards accrual-based policy from the central government to the local government can be overcome by the attitude of the Regional Head avoiding uncertainty (uncertainty avoidance) and has a vision for the future (confucian dynamism) so to encourage the attitude of the staff at the local government and also encourage the emergence of support from external parties to support the implementation of the financial policy of the country


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    Career management is one part discussion of human resources management. Human resources reform is a crucial element for the effectiveness of the performance of the bureaucracy. Especially for the Ministry for administrative and Bureaucratic reform of the State apparatus who have the authority to organize community resources bureaucratic apparatus. The challenge to organize community resources the apparatus must first be answered by the Ministry for administrative reform of the State apparatus and bureaucracy by making internal improvements, including revamping the management of careers. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the management career in the Ministry of utilization of State apparatus and reform the bureaucracy. This study used a qualitative approach. The data collected through the study of literature, interviews and observation. The data were analyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques, Miles and Huberman model consisting of data reduction, data display, and data verification. This research concluded that the Ministry for administrative and bureaucratic State apparatus reform (1) hiring employees through the process of recruitment of prospective civil servants abbreviated as (CPNS) and selection of high leadership position open and cannot be released from the problems in the recruitment process, two (2) places employees according the required position or desires, even though there are problems in the analysis of the position and workload analysis, (3) developing employees through learning and a learning permit, and (4) lay off employees appropriate conditions


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    Institutional PNPM-MP in Semarang put poverty alleviation as the main priority of the empowerment-based development policy. The strategy developed is to synergize government agencies with community institutions built by PNPM-MP program at the village and base level, that is, Community Institutional Agency (BKM) and the Community Self-Reliance Group (KSM). The problem studied in this research is: How does PNPM-MP institutional in society involve in poverty reduction, with the aim of describing and analyzing institutional programs in the community. The research approach used phenomenological qualitative, by conducting interviews, observation, focus group discussion to obtain data from informants (BKM / KSM). Informants include two BKM and ten KSM which is purposively selected (deliberately) from two villages in two districts. The analysis was performed interactively, that is, analysis techniques which are integral cycle among data collection, data reduction, data performance and conclusion withdrawal. Research conclusion: PNPM-MP institutional at the village and base level (BKM / KSM) has not been able to be a driving force in poverty reduction and is still seen by the community as a program requirement, not institutionalized on both horizontal and vertical level. Recommendation for the research result is that it needed awareness that poverty reduction requires a synergy between government agencies and community agencies embodied in the development planning of one village one planning

    Why in Various Party And Moving To Other Politics parties : A Case Study Of Chinese Ethnic In Indonesia, North Sumatra Province

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    Chinese Ethic in Indonesia as a minority ethnic in terms of population number and regligion, but on the other hand, it is understood as an ethnic that majority control the private economic sector. Political freedom of Chinese ethnic was only gained when the New Order regime ended in 1998. General elections in 1999 as the initial of Indonesia entered the democracy era which emphasized the right equality in social, economic and politic aspects

    Policy Standardization Implementation Guarantying at the Private University in Semarang City

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    The purpose of this research is designed to describe and analyze the implementation of the quality assurance policy at a private college in the city of Semarang and the identification of those aspects that support and hinder the implementation of a quality assurance policy at a private University in the city of Semarang. As for specific targets to be achieved in the research is to formulate quality assurance policy implementation model for effective education (proposed model) and corresponding needs in supporting improved quality of education at Private Colleges in the city of Semarang. The study was designed with a qualitative research approach and use descriptive analysis. The analysis of the data collected is done after through interviews and observations directly in the field. Because it uses a qualitative approach then the data analysis processes in inductive data collection method in dept Interview, observation, documentation, and test the validity of library studies with data using two methods, namely the technique of triangulation and peer debriefing. The activity of this data analysis consists of, i.e., data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. To test the design quality assurance policy implementation model at a private college in the city of Semarang using consultation with experts guarantee quality (peer debriefing) for evaluation and improvement be alternative models. The next stage of the evaluation with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) by presenting a quality assurance team of experts from several universities to discuss alternative models these models are proposed so that/later can be implemented at private colleges. The location of the research done at Private Colleges include: Dian Nuswantoro University Semarang (UDINUS), Republic Indonesia Semarang Teachers Union University (UPGRIS), a high school computer (STEKOM), Indonesia Cruise Academy (AKPELNI), the maritime high school (STIMART) and site Quality Assurance Agency on research at the private University

    The Reform of Service Bureaucracy in the County Building Permit in Banyumas

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    Article licensing service bureaucracy reform is more focusing on three aspect, they are; restructuring the bureaucracy, standard operational procedure rearrangement and the rearrangement of resource agencies. The process of implementation of the restructuring of the bureaucratic Ministry licensing is done through the strengthening of the Organization, with the revamp of the bureaucracy of the Echelon like: Echelon III becomes II, that is equivalent to Echelon team conducting multiple instances servicing building permit, to facilitate coordination and the process of determination of the worth or whether the proposed creation of an IMB permitted by the citizens, and to get the authority publishing letters IMB from Regent to the head of BPMPP in order to shorten the time of clearance process IMB hierarchy; Preparation of the SOP are simpler, clearer and transparent; Apparatus Setup through recruitment and placement apparatus based on competencies, making the details of the task is clear and unequivocal, as well as the development of the ability of the apparatus through the various types of training. Bureaucratic reform is done through the three aspects, are able to improve the quality of service of IMB, one of them was able to shorten the time of completion of the IMB, which had 60-74 completing time work days to 14 working days

    Quality of the Preschool Education in the Raihat Subdistrict Belu Regency Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    One form of the basic needs of the Ministry became the responsibility of the Government is the aspect of education, especially basic education. Quality education contributing to the welfare of the community improvement efforts refers to the concept of the vicious circle of poverty, where education is one of the chains, than the efforts of elimination poverty levels must be done through the efforts of improvement of quality. With regard to the reality of people's lives in district Raihat as district boundary at the border of Belu and RDTL characterized by poverty, underdevelopment, lack of human resources, expensive Staples, as well as infra structure is inadequate, then the existence of a quality basic education services is the responsibility of the Government in the context of the welfare state, and the paradigm shift the management of the border region. This article tries to present a portrait of basic education services in district of Raihat as one of the districts in the border area of Belu, province of NTT

    Quality of the Preschool Education in the Raihat Subdistrict Belu Regency Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    One form of the basic needs of the Ministry became the responsibility of the Government is the aspect of education, especially basic education. Quality education contributing to the welfare of the community improvement efforts refers to the concept of the vicious circle of poverty, where education is one of the chains, than the efforts of elimination poverty levels must be done through the efforts of improvement of quality. With regard to the reality of people's lives in district Raihat as district boundary at the border of Belu and RDTL characterized by poverty, underdevelopment, lack of human resources, expensive Staples, as well as infra structure is inadequate, then the existence of a quality basic education services is the responsibility of the Government in the context of the welfare state, and the paradigm shift the management of the border region. This article tries to present a portrait of basic education services in district of Raihat as one of the districts in the border area of Belu, province of NTT