6 research outputs found

    Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna untuk Menurunkan Kasus Penyakit Scabies Santri Pondok Pesantren An-Nur di Kecamatan Walantaka, Provinsi Banten

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    Pondok pesantren (ponpes) merupakan lembaga pendidikan Islam tertua di Indonesia yang dijadikan sebagai tempat anak-anak untuk menimba ilmu pengetahuan agama. Banten dikenal sebagai salah satu provinsi yang memiliki jumlah ponpes terbanyak di Indonesia, salah satunya adalah Pondok Pesantren An-Nur yang berada di Banten, tepatnya di Kampung Jaha, Desa Pager Agung, Kecamatan Walantaka, Serang. Pondok pesantren An-Nur merupakan salah satu ponpes yatim dan dhuafa yang didirikan pada tahun 2012 diatas lahan seluas 950 m2. Saat ini pondok pesantren masih menjadi salah satu tempat yang sangat rentan terjadinya berbagai penyakit menular, salah satunya adalah penyakit kulit jenis scabies. Penyakit kulit jenis scabies paling sering ditemukan di pondok pesantren. Scabies dapat menular dengan mudah kepada para santri melalui kebiasaan menggaruk bagian tubuh yang terkena scabies, memakai pakaian secara bergantian, menggunakan alat mandi secara bersamaan, dan kebiasaan tidur yang saling berhimpit-himpitan dengan santri lainnya. Mengacu pada analisis situasi, maka dibutuh­kan upaya pencegahan serta melakukan penanganan awal terhadap penyakit ini dengan cara melaksanakan pola hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS), serta melakukan pengobatan penyakit scabies salah satunya dengan meng­gunakan sabun belerang. Pembuatan sabun belerang ini sangat mengun­tungkan untuk dikembangkan di pondok pesantren, karena dapat dimanfaat­kan oleh para santri dalam meningkatkan keterampilan serta mewujudkan kehidupan yang bersih dan sehat dan terhindar dari penyakit kulit scabies. Dari hasil pengabdian yang telah dilakukan dapat terlihat adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan pembiasaan pola hidup bersih dan sehat dari para santri, selain itu juga penggunaan produk sabun belerang secara rutin yang dibuat oleh para santri dapat mengurangi  penyakit kulit scabies yang diderita pada santri mengalami penurunan sebesar 15.99% dan pada santriwati juga mengalami penurunan sebesar 10.64%.&nbsp

    Determination of Model Kinetics for Forced Unsteady State Operation of Catalytic CH

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    The catalytic oxidation of methane for abating the emission vented from coal mine or natural gas transportation has been known as most reliable method. A reverse flow reactor operation has been widely used to oxidize this methane emission due to its capability for autothermal operation and heat production. The design of the reverse flow reactor requires a proper kinetic rate expression, which should be developed based on the operating condition. The kinetic rate obtained in the steady state condition cannot be applied for designing the reactor operated under unsteady state condition. Therefore, new approach to develop the dynamic kinetic rate expression becomes indispensable, particularly for periodic operation such as reverse flow reactor. This paper presents a novel method to develop the kinetic rate expression applied for unsteady state operation. The model reaction of the catalytic methane oxidation over Pt/-Al2O3 catalyst was used with kinetic parameter determined from laboratory experiments. The reactor used was a fixed bed, once-through operation, with a composition modulation in the feed gas. The switching time was set at 3 min by varying the feed concentration, feed flow rate, and reaction temperature. The concentrations of methane in the feed and product were measured and analysed using gas chromatography. The steady state condition for obtaining the kinetic rate expression was taken as a base case and as a way to judge its appropriateness to be applied for dynamic system. A Langmuir-Hinshelwood reaction rate model was developed. The time period during one cycle was divided into some segments, depending on the ratio of CH4/O2. The experimental result shows that there were kinetic regimes occur during one cycle: kinetic regime controlled by intrinsic surface reaction and kinetic regime controlled by external diffusion. The kinetic rate obtained in the steady state operation was not appropriate when applied for unsteady state operation. On the other hand, the kinetic rate expression obtained in the unsteady state operation fitted quite well. It was proven that in one cycle period the kinetic rate would always shift according to the ratio of CH4/O2

    Determination of Model Kinetics for Forced Unsteady State Operation of Catalytic CH4 Oxidation

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    The catalytic oxidation of methane for abating the emission vented from coal mine or natural gas transportation has been known as most reliable method. A reverse flow reactor operation has been widely used to oxidize this methane emission due to its capability for autothermal operation and heat production. The design of the reverse flow reactor requires a proper kinetic rate expression, which should be developed based on the operating condition. The kinetic rate obtained in the steady state condition cannot be applied for designing the reactor operated under unsteady state condition. Therefore, new approach to develop the dynamic kinetic rate expression becomes indispensable, particularly for periodic operation such as reverse flow reactor. This paper presents a novel method to develop the kinetic rate expression applied for unsteady state operation. The model reaction of the catalytic methane oxidation over Pt/-Al2O3 catalyst was used with kinetic parameter determined from laboratory experiments. The reactor used was a fixed bed, once-through operation, with a composition modulation in the feed gas. The switching time was set at 3 min by varying the feed concentration, feed flow rate, and reaction temperature. The concentrations of methane in the feed and product were measured and analysed using gas chromatography. The steady state condition for obtaining the kinetic rate expression was taken as a base case and as a way to judge its appropriateness to be applied for dynamic system. A Langmuir-Hinshelwood reaction rate model was developed. The time period during one cycle was divided into some segments, depending on the ratio of CH4/O2. The experimental result shows that there were kinetic regimes occur during one cycle: kinetic regime controlled by intrinsic surface reaction and kinetic regime controlled by external diffusion. The kinetic rate obtained in the steady state operation was not appropriate when applied for unsteady state operation. On the other hand, the kinetic rate expression obtained in the unsteady state operation fitted quite well. It was proven that in one cycle period the kinetic rate would always shift according to the ratio of CH4/O2

    W/O Emulsion Destabilization and Release of a Polysaccharide Entrapped in the Droplets

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    This study was conducted as part of European project VEGEPHY to develop a product for the crop protection purposes. It concerns first the destabilization of a W/O emulsion containing water droplets in which the polysaccharide carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) is trapped, the droplets being dispersed in a vegetable oil made of rapeseed methyl ester. Polyglycerolpolyricinoleate (PGPR) is used as surfactant and glycerol is added to enhance the dispersion of the CMC. The second part is dealing with the study of the release and dilution of the CMC obtained by dilution of the destabilized emulsion in water in order to obtain the required final amount of CMC for practical purposes. The destabilization of the emulsion by the demulsifier (cynthiorex PMH 1125) has been followed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) that permits by studying the freezing of the dispersed water to detect the presence of bulk water. The release and dilution in water of the CMC versus time was followed and quantified by measuring the conductivity of the sample. The release kinetic was modeled using a first-order empirical model. The results showed that the release process of the W/O emulsion depends on the concentration of the demulsifier, on the stirring rate, and on the temperature. The optimum amount of the non-ionic surfactant was found to be 10% and the full release of the CMC has been obtained in 600 seconds