133 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Tingkat IV Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kinerja Pegawai (Studi Kasus Pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kabupaten Nganjuk)

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    The implementation of education and training leadership level IV in order to increase performance employees (Study at Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kabupaten Nganjuk): The charges will the slow the employee performance in providing services to the public, lazy, not disciplined at the time of the working hours, often play truant be culture in the practice of work PNS. So as to be a huge challenge for the government to remove the nature of the central and local bureaucrats urged the government to get organized themselves on performance employees. Performance improvement this is done through education and training leadership. One who withdraws to be researched is on the regional governments education and training done at the level of echelon IV or known by education and training leadership level IV. It is held also on BKD district nganjuk aimed at improving the performance of employees in SKPD district nganjuk. Research purposes is analyze and describe the implementation of (Diklatpim level IV) to improve its performance nganjuk, employees in the county the consequences participants (diklatpim IV) to increasing its performance by function ( is expected ) and dysfunctional (not to be expected), and the obstacles BKD as well as a participant in the implementation of (diklatpim IV). This research using methods qualitative with a kind of descriptive. The focus of the study: ( 1 ) the exercise of the results of diklatpim IV in the regentcy of nganjuk, ( 2 ) the consequence participants (diklatpim IV) to increasing its performance by function ( is expected ) and dysfunctional ( not to be expected ), ( 3 ) the obstacles BKD and the participants in the implementation of diklatpim IV

    Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Permintaan dan Penawaran Kedelai di Indonesia Periode 1994 – 2013

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    The purpose of this research are to analyze the factors affecting Soybean Demand in Indonesia, to analyze the factors affecting Soybean Supply in Indonesia, and to know what are the most affecting factors on the supply and demand of soybean in Indonesia. The data are used from 1994-2003 years period, and used simultaneous equations analytical methods. The variables are used in this research have over identified conditions, so the analysis are used Two Stage Least Squares Approach. The results of this research showed that : (1) the variables that affecting to soybean demand in Indonesia are population income, total population and chicken meat price. While the variables that no affecting to soybean demand in Indonesia are soybean price and last year soybean prices. (2) the variables that affecting to soybean supply in Indonesia are soybean prices and crop area. While, the variables that no affecting to soybean supply in Indonesia are Last year soybean demand. (3) The most affecting factor to soybean demand is total population, while the most affecting factor to soybean supply is crop area. The implications of this research are: (1) there needs to be a equilibrium between soybean demand and soybean supply, there needs to be innovation for diversification foods of soybean and notice the substitution goods price of soybean. (2) there needs to be an intensification of farming, so the supply of local soybean can be improved, both of quality and quantity. (3) Total population are the most affecting factor to soybean demand, so the rate of population growth must be suppressed with improving the implementation of Keluarga Berencana (KB) program. Then, domestic soybean production should be improved in order to satisfy the soybean demand in domestic


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    The role of teacher educators is becoming more and more important in fulfilling the need of profesional teachers as stated in the Indonesian Republic Law #14/2005 on Teacher and Lecturer. In order to be able to educate profesional teachers and teacher candidates, the teacher educators alone should be profesional, and have willingness to continuously develop profesionalism. Developing profesionalism is a must for teacher educators, due to four reasons: (1) the nature of profesionalism, (2) the rapid development of science, technology and arts, (3) the life-long learning paradigm, and (4) the demand of Law # 14/2005 on Teacher and Lecturer. But the data on teacher educators from several Teacher Education Institutions indicate that not all of teacher educators show willingness to develop profesionalism. Therefore, profesionalism development should be encouraged by all parties related to teachers and teacher educators. There are many activities that can be undergone by teacher educators in order to develop profesionalism, some of which are: taking further study, taking relevant courses, regular self reflection, joining academic activities (seminar, workshop, training,etc.), school familiarization, conducting research, and publishing scientific article. Peran pendidik guru menjadi lebih dan lebih penting dalam memenuhi kebutuhan guru profesional sebagaimana tercantum dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia # 14/2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen. Agar dapat mendidik guru profesional dan calon guru, pendidik guru sendiri harus profesional, dan memiliki kemauan untuk terus mengembangkan profesionalisme. Mengembangkan profesionalisme adalah suatu keharusan bagi pendidik guru, karena empat alasan: (1) sifat profesionalisme, (2) perkembangan pesat ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni, (3) paradigma pembelajaran seumur hidup, dan (4) permintaan Hukum # 14/2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen. Namun data pada pendidik guru dari Lembaga Pendidikan Guru beberapa menunjukkan bahwa tidak semua pendidik guru menunjukkan kesediaan untuk mengembangkan profesionalisme. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan profesionalisme harus didorong oleh semua pihak yang terkait dengan guru dan pendidik guru. Ada banyak kegiatan yang dapat dialami oleh pendidik guru dalam rangka mengembangkan profesionalisme, beberapa diantaranya adalah: mengambil studi lebih lanjut, mengambil kursus yang relevan, refleksi diri secara teratur, bergabung dengan kegiatan akademik (seminar, lokakarya, pelatihan, dll), pengenalan sekolah , melakukan penelitian, dan penerbitan artikel ilmiah. &nbsp

    Family Support and Glucose Control Related to Microvascular Complications Symptoms

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    Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease whose prevalence continues to increase. WHO predicts that diabetes will be 7 major diseases that will cause the death in 2030. Many people with diabetes are not aware of it so that they get complications. The increasing number of people with diabetes mellitus who develop complications because of the bad controlling of blood sugar levels and the lack of support from family. The Complications were observed in this study is microvascular complications. This study aims to analyze between family support and control blood sugar levels with the incidence of microvascular complications in the patients with symptoms of diabetes mellitus in the Community Health Center Jagir Surabaya.This research uses analytic observational study sample of patients with diabetes mellitus who had diabetes mellitus ≥ 5 years as many as 34 samples. The Sampling was done by the simple random sampling, while the data analysis was done by the Chi Square test.The results showed that there was no relationship between family support with symptoms of microvascular complications (p=0.069), but there is a relationship between the control of blood sugar levels with symptoms of microvascular complications (p=0.002).The Microvascular symptoms that are often experienced by people with diabetes mellitus in the Community Health Center Jagir is symptomatic neuropathy complications . The proportion of patients with diabetes mellitus who received family support at 55.9%, while the patients with diabetes mellitus who control the blood sugar levels well totaling 17 respondents. It is expected that people with diabetes mellitus to control eating diet and regular exercise

    Gaya Desain Kolonial Belanda pada Interior Gereja Katolik Hati Kudus Yesus Surabaya

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    The Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Surabaya is one of the Dutch Catholic Church heritage buildings built in the 1920s. This church still exists today and its architecture and interior aspects remain significantly unchanged. This study aims to observe the characteristics of Dutch Colonial styles that have influenced the interior of this church. The results showed that the elements forming the existing space and furniture were influenced by the Dutch Colonial styles of design that flourished in Surabaya in the period of the 1900s to 1920s

    Identifikasi Gen Transgenik pada Produk Susu Bubuk Kedelai dan Susu Formula Soya dengan Metode PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)

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    Kebutuhan kedelai yang mencapai 2,2 juta ton/tahun memaksa Indonesia mengimpor sebanyak 1,62 juta ton. Sebagian besar kedelai impor berupa kedelai transgenik. Dengan munculnya kedelai transgenik di Indonesia, perlu adanya pelabelan Produk Rekayasa Genetika (PRG) untuk memenuhi hak-hak konsumen. Teknik yang dilakukan untuk mendeteksi PRG salah satunya menggunakan metode PCR. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya gen transgenik pada produk susu bubuk kedelai dan formula soya, sehingga produk dapat digolongkan sebagai PRG atau tidak. Selain itu juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui suhu annealing optimum pada primer yang digunakan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan suhu annealing optimum primer CaMV 35S promotor adalah 60oC. Sedangkan untuk primer gen EPSPS-CP4 suhu annealing optimumnya 59oC. Untuk primer NOS terminator suhu annealing optimum tidak ditemukan. Dari amplifikasi DNA sampel, 6 sampel susu bubuk kedelai dan 5 sampel formula soya terdapat sisipan gen EPSPS-CP4 dan gen Promotor CaMV 35S. Dengan demikian 11 sampel tersebut dapat dikatakan sebagai PRG

    Produksi Etanol dari Tetes Tebu oleh Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Pembentuk Flok (NRRL – Y 265)

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    Efisiensi produksi bioetanol diperoleh melalui ketepatan pemilihan jenis mikroorganisme, bahan baku, dan kontrol proses fermentasi. Alternatif proses untuk meminimalisasi biaya produksi etanol adalah dengan mengeliminasi tahap pemisahan sentrifugasi sel dari produk karena memerlukan biaya instalasi dan biaya perawatan yang tinggi. Proses sentrifugasi merupakan tahapan penting untuk memisahkan sel mikroba dari medium fermentasi pada produksi bioetanol. Untuk meminimalisir biaya produksi akibat proses tersebut digunakan inokulum Saccharomyces cerevisiae pembentuk flok dan tetes tebu sebagai sumber gula. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi penambahan inokulum Saccharomyces cerevisiae pembentuk flok dan konsentrasi sumber gula dalam tetes tebu yang tepat dalam produksi etanol yang maksimum. Saccharomyces cerevisiae sebanyak 5%, 10%, dan 15% (v/v) diinokulasikan pada medium tetes tebu hasil pretreatment dengan kandungan gula 15%, 20%, dan 25% (b/v) pada pH 5. Fermentasi dilakukan pada suhu 30°C dan agitasi 100 rpm selama 72 jam. Etanol tertinggi didapat pada kondisi konsentrasi inokulum 10% (v/v) dan konsentrasi sumber gula 15% (b/v) yaitu sebesar 8, 792% (b/v) dengan yield etanol sebesar 65%

    Analisis Struktur Modal Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Sektor Utama Yang Terdaftar Di Indeks LQ45 Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The main sectors (industries producing raw materials) of Indonesian Stock Exchange consist of agriculture and mining sectors. The number of primary sector companies listed in LQ45 tend to decrease in each period. Companies included into LQ45 are those with relatively good performance. On the other hand,the proper capital structure policy can optimize the performance of finance companies. The purposes of this research are: 1) to analyze capital structure of the main sector companies; 2) to analyze financial performance of the main sector companies; 3) to analyze theinfluence of capital structure on financial performance of the main sector companies. This research uses primary data from 2009-2013 sector companies with sample selection purposive of sampling technique. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling. Debt to Assets Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, andLong Term Debt to Equity Ratio are the loading factors of latent capital structure. Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, and Cash TurnoverRatio are the loading factors of latent liquidity. Profit Margin, Return on Asset, and Return on Equity are the loading factors of latent profitability. Assets Turnover Ratio, Inventory Turnover Ratio, and Working Capital Turnover Ratio are the loading factors of latent activity. Price Earning Ratiois a loading factor of latent market value. The results show that capital structure has positive and significant effects on activity, negative but not significant effects on liquidity, and significantly negative effects on profitability, but no effect on market value

    Gaya Desain pada Interior Restoran Dewa Ndaru Culture Resto di Surabaya

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    Dewa Ndaru Culture Resto is a restaurant designed with different interior styles to invite visitors to enjoy the cultural values and nostalgic experience of the past. Although the various styles have been implemented separately in terms of location, the design of the restaurant reflects a connection between the form and colour used in the interior space. The objective of this research is to analyse the combination of styles and how they have been applied in order to gain more knowledge regarding design styles, particularly in this restaurant. It is a qualitative mode of research which will be descriptive in its critical analysis to obtain verbal data and will depend on comparisons in which the findings would be in the form of a conclusion drawn to answer the summary of issues addressed previously. From the research findings, it has been found that Dewa Ndaru Restaurant has adopted cultural values from Traditional Java, Chinese houses, Colonial buildings and Modern restaurant designs
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