6 research outputs found

    Adverse Externalities: Impact of the Jatibaru Raya Road Closure Policy on Third Parties

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    In his 100 days of leadership, Governor Anies issued a policy of closing one of the roads for the street vendor selling area (PKL), which led to pros and cons. The Jatibaru Raya road closure policy is seen as a step towards the realization of Anies campaign promise to establish 200,000 UMKM during the DKI Jakarta Election in 2017. Deeply examined by the externality model of neo-classical economics, the third party who is disadvantaged from the road closure policy is Block G traders, pedestrians, and city transport drivers. These problems are examined using the externality model of the neo-classical economic theory. The externality model is a model that views the impact (of transactions) of a third party (who does not participate in a transaction) in an agreement made between the first party and the second party. This research is about to answer the reasons why Governor Anies issued a policy on managing the Blok G Tanah Abang Market by closing one of the Jatibaru Raya Road segments and who benefited from the management policy of the Blok G Tanah Abang Market and which parties were disadvantaged for the implementation of the policy. In establishing the policy, Governor Anies reasoned to accommodate the street vendors so that the disadvantaged parties emerged from the policy so that Governor Anies was deemed to have mal-administrated the Ombudsman, one of which was by violating Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation

    Ketahanan Deformasi Campuran Beraspal Modifikasi Polimer Hangat Dengan Bahan Aditif Zeolit Alam

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    Polymer modified asphalt mixture can be developed using warm mix technology by adding the mixture using synthetic or natural additives. This mixture can increase the deformation resistance with lower temperature in the process of mixing and compaction. This study proposes the development of warm Polymer Modified Asphalt mix with natural zeolite, which is natural additives from Bayat (Central Java), and the performance of the mixture, in terms of volumetric and mechanical properties, and deformation resistance, which was evaluated using the Marshall method and wheel tracking test. The results showed that the Polymer Modified Asphalt mix with 1 % of natural zeolite have a Marshall stability greater than that of Polymer Modified Asphalt mix without zeolite. Wheel tracking test at 60 °C shows that Polymer Modified Asphalt mix with 1 % of natural zeolite showed better performance than that without zeolite

    Faktor Risiko Terjadinya Karies Baru Dengan Pendekatan Kariogram Pada Pasien Anak Di Klinik Kedokteran Gigi Anak RSGMP Prof. Soedomo YOGYAKARTA

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    Latar belakang. Faktor risiko karies adalah faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian karies pada individu dan populasi. Faktor risiko karies berbeda antar individu. Untuk menggambarkan interaksi antara faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan karies digunakan kariogram. Tujuan. Penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran urutan faktor risiko karies dengan pendekatan kariogram pada pasien anak di klinik Kedokteran Gigi Anak RSGMP Prof. Soedomo. Metode. Subjek terdiri dari 26 anak dalam periode gigi-geligi bercampur. Dilakukan pemeriksaan tentang pengalaman karies, riwayat penyakit sistemik, frekuensi makan, skor plak, aktivitas Streptococcus mutans, volume sekresi saliva, pH saliva dan program fluoridasi. Hasil pemeriksaan dianalisis menggunakan program kariogram. Hasil. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata persentase faktor bakteri adalah 21,1%, faktor pola makan: 18,1%, faktor kerentanan gigi: 16,1% dan faktor lain-lain: 9,5%. Kesimpulan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa urutan faktor risiko karies dengan pendekatan kariogram adalah bakteri, pola makan, kerentanan gigi dan faktor lain-lain. Background. Caries risk factor is factor related with caries incidence in individu and population. The caries risk factor is different between individu. For illustrating the interaction between caries related factors may be used cariogram. Aim. The aim of this research was to find out the sequence of caries risk factors from cariogram on children patients at the Clinic of Pediatric Dentistry Prof. Soedomo dental hospital. Method. Subjects were comprised 26 children in the periode of mixed dentition. Examinations were included: experience of caries, the history of systemic disease, daily meal frequency, plaque scoring, activity of Streptococcus mutans, the volume of saliva secretion, pH of saliva, and the participations of fluoridation program. The examination result were analyzed with programme cariogram. Result. The result showed that the mean of percentage bacteria factor was 21,1%, meal pattern factor: 18,1%, susceptible teeth factor: 16,1% and others factors 9,5%. Conclusion. It could be concluded that the sequence of caries risk factors from cariogram were bacteria, meal pattern, susceptible teeth and others factors