3 research outputs found


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    pemanfaatan limbah batu bara menjadi bahan baku pengganti semen. Beton memiliki kekurangan yaitu sifatnya yang getas dan sering retak membuat beton sering dianggap tidak memiliki kuat tarik atau tidak mampu menahan gaya tarik. Untuk mengatasi munculnya retak halus dan sifat getas beton dapat ditambahkan serat pada adukan beton. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peningkatan kuat lentur akibat penambahan serat kawat bendrat pada beton geopolimer. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan acuan SNI terhadap beberapa pengujian diantaranya pengujian agregat, pengujian kuat tekan beton normal K225, pengujian kuat lentur beton normal dan beton geopolimer dengan campuran larutan alkali berupa natrium hidroksida (NaOH) dan natrium silikat (Na2SiO3) dengan perbandingan 1:5. Sedangkan bahan tambah lainnya berupa serat kawat bendrat. Penelitian yang dilakukan berupa pembuatan balok lentur 10 cm x 10 cm x 50 cm dengan variasi serat 0%, 0,5%, dan 1,0% pada umur 14 dan 28 hari. Hasil pengujian kuat lentur balok BN pada umur 28 hari memiliki kemampuan menahan beban dari pada BG. Kuat lentur rata-rata didapat dengan variasi BN, BN+SB 0,5% dan BN+SB 1,0% secara berurutan adalah 2,796 MPa, 3,113 MPa, dan 3,879 MPa. Hasil pengujian kuat lentur rata-rata balok beton geopolimer pada 28 hari, didapatkan variasi BG, BG+SB 0,5%, dan BG+SB 1,0% secara berurutan adalah 0 MPa, 0,055 MPa, dan 0,104 MPa. Selain itu beton geopolimer tidak dapat dijadikan balok dan penambahan serat kawat bendrat pada beton geopolimer tidak bisa menahan beban tarik pada beton


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    Learning is part of one's efforts to be more advanced. By learning can change one's fate for the better than ever, from the inconserable to the understanding, from the ordinary to the extraordinary. By learning will add knowledge so that it can be useful for the crowd. Vocational school is one of the high schools that produces graduates who are ready for work. One of the vocational schools in Palembang is SMKN 2 which is located on Demang Lebar Daun street. SMKN 2 has a major in Geomatics Engineering that studies mapping. Department of Geomatic Engineering (mapping) is a major that no other should be able to apply the theory obtained from teachers to programs that are digital. The program that students must understand is the Autocad program, which points to the contours of a location or place. Teachers who teach geomatics techniques only teach contouring but give no deeper explanation of the continuation of a region's contours. Because with the contours of an area we can plan a connecting road from village to city by making road planning

    Pengaruh Penambahan Serat Kawat Bendrat Terhadap Kuat Lentur Beton Geopolimer

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    Currently, innovation continues to be developed to replace cement with other materials so that the use of cement as a building material can be reduced. Utilization of coal waste (fly ash) is an alternative to subtitude cement. From previous studies, fly ash mixed with alkaline materials in the form of NaOH and Na2SiO3 in a ratio of 1:5 can produce geopolymer concrete. This geopolymer concrete research was continued by adding bendrat wire fibers into the geopolymer concrete mixture. The method used in testing the aggregate, testing the compressive strength of normal concrete K225, testing the flexural strength of normal concrete and geopolymer concrete refers to SNI. Another additional material that is mixed is bendrat wire fiber. The research was carried out in the form of making flexible beams of 10 cm x 10 cm x 50 cm with fiber variations of 0%, 0.5%, and 1,0% at the age of 14 and 28 days. The results of the flexural strength test of the BN beam at the age of 28 days can withstand loads than BG. The average flexural strength obtained with variations of BN, BN+SB 0.5% and BN+SB 1.0% respectively were 2.796 MPa, 3.113 MPa, and 3.879 MPa. The results of testing the average flexural strength of geopolymer concrete beams at 28 days, obtained variations of BG, BG+SB 0.5%, and BG+SB 1.0% respectively were 0 MPa, 0.055 MPa and 0.104 MPa. In addition, geopolymer concrete cannot be used as a beam and the addition of bendrat wire fiber to geopolymer concrete cannot withstand the tensile load on the concrete.Currently, innovation continues to be developed to replace cement with other materials so that the use of cement as a building material can be reduced. Utilization of coal waste (fly ash) is an alternative to subtitude cement. From previous studies, fly ash mixed with alkaline materials in the form of NaOH and Na2SiO3 in a ratio of 1:5 can produce geopolymer concrete. This geopolymer concrete research was continued by adding bendrat wire fibers into the geopolymer concrete mixture. The method used in testing the aggregate, testing the compressive strength of normal concrete K225, testing the flexural strength of normal concrete and geopolymer concrete refers to SNI. Another additional material that is mixed is bendrat wire fiber. The research was carried out in the form of making flexible beams of 10 cm x 10 cm x 50 cm with fiber variations of 0%, 0.5%, and 1,0% at the age of 14 and 28 days. The results of the flexural strength test of the BN beam at the age of 28 days can withstand loads than BG. The average flexural strength obtained with variations of BN, BN+SB 0.5% and BN+SB 1.0% respectively were 2.796 MPa, 3.113 MPa, and 3.879 MPa. The results of testing the average flexural strength of geopolymer concrete beams at 28 days, obtained variations of BG, BG+SB 0.5%, and BG+SB 1.0% respectively were 0 MPa, 0.055 MPa and 0.104 MPa. In addition, geopolymer concrete cannot be used as a beam and the addition of bendrat wire fiber to geopolymer concrete cannot withstand the tensile load on the concrete