4 research outputs found

    Determinants of Adapted Behaviors on Employee and Entrepreneurs Against the Covid-19 Pandemic: Theory of Planned Behavior

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    New Normal is a change in behavior to continue carrying out normal activities but coupled with the implementation of health protocols to prevent Covid-19 transmission. In Indonesia itself, the new normal is applied as a realistic response from the Indonesian government to the existence of COVID-19 as well as the results of the analysis in various sectors of national life, especially the future of the national economy in the medium and long term. After the implementation of the new normal, it automatically affects the routine activities carried out by the community, especially those activities that were restricted by the government at the time of the New Normal. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence behavior change after the application of the New Normal in the Covid-19 Pandemic. A modified Theory of Planned Behavior is used in this study using testing through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS). A total of 427 respondents who have worked have answered the online questionnaire containing 61 questions. The results of this study indicate that knowledge and understanding of covid-19 make people understand the severity they feel and the vulnerabilities they may experience. The severity and vulnerability they feel also have an influence on their attitudes, behavior control, past behavior, and subjective norms so that they have a strong factor in building their intention to behave during the pandemic when the new normal is enacted. The intention that has been built with the support of attitudinal factors, past behavior, subjective norms, and behavior control also changes people's behavior. Employees are able to more moderate the relationship between attitudes towards intention and the relationship between past behavior and intention than entrepreneurs.New Normal pada masa pandemi Covid-19 berarti menerapkan protocol kesehatan pencegahan penyebaran virus Covid-19 sehingga dapat tetap melakukan aktivitas normal. Di Indonesia sendiri, normal baru ini diterapkan sebagai respon realistis dari pemerintah Indonesia terhadap keberadaan COVID-19 serta hasil analisis di berbagai sektor kehidupan bangsa, khususnya masa depan perekonomian nasional di tingkat menengah dan jangka panjang. Setelah diterapkannya Normal Baru, otomatis berdampak pada kegiatan rutin yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat, terutama kegiatan yang dibatasi oleh pemerintah pada saat Normal Baru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan perilaku setelah penerapan New Normal pada Pandemi Covid-19. Teori Perilaku Berencana yang dimodifikasi digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pengujian melalui Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS). Sebanyak 427 responden yang telah bekerja telah menjawab kuesioner online yang berisi 61 pertanyaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang COVID-19 membuat masyarakat memahami tingkat keparahan yang mereka rasakan dan kerentanan yang mungkin mereka alami. Keparahan dan kerentanan yang mereka rasakan juga berpengaruh pada sikap, pengendalian perilaku, perilaku masa lalu, dan norma subyektif mereka sehingga mereka memiliki faktor yang kuat dalam membangun niat mereka untuk berperilaku selama pandemi ketika normal baru diberlakukan. Niat yang dibangun dengan dukungan faktor sikap, perilaku masa lalu, norma subyektif, dan pengendalian perilaku turut mengubah perilaku masyarakat. Karyawan mampu lebih memoderasi hubungan antara sikap terhadap niat dan hubungan antara perilaku dimasa lalu dan niat daripada wirausahawan

    A Comparison of Perceptions and Adapted Behaviors Between Employees and Entrepreneurs Against Pandemic Covid-19 Pandemic

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    New normal is a change in behavior to continue carrying out normal activities and implementing health protocols to prevent Covid-19 transmission. After the implementation of the new normal, it automatically affects the routine activities carried out by the community, especially those activities which are limited by the government when New Normal is implemented. This study analyzes perceptions and adaptive behavior between employees and entrepreneurs when implementing New Normal during the Covid-19 pandemic. The approach used is a modified Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). A total of 427 respondents who is an employee have answered the online questionnaire containing 61 questions. In this research, after the respondents' characteristics were classified, the descriptive analysis carried out with a standard deviation approach, mean value and an independent sample T-test were done using the SPSS 25 software. Insignificance was found in indicators of vulnerability and understanding of Covid-19. Significant differences between employees and entrepreneurs were found in the attitude indicators of Covid-19, which are easy to spread, the number of cases died, the influence of friends, the ability to have internet quotas, past work behavior, past handwashing behavior, The perceived severity is related to medical costs if exposed to Covid-19 and reduced income due to the severity of Covid-19. Perceptions between employees and entrepreneurs have significant differences on several indicators. These differences arise because of their environment, both the work environment and the environment around where they live. Keywords: Covid-19, adapted behavior, new normal, the theory of planned behavior, employee, entrepreneu


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    Indomaret and Alfamart, two retail giants in Indonesia, compete fiercely for market share. This study focuses on the Competition in the in-store experience, known as "store atmosphere." Store atmosphere is a key factor in the retail business that can influence customer behavior and satisfaction" Store atmosphere is a key factor in the retail business that can influence customer behavior and satisfaction. This study aims to understand the comparison of consumers' assessment of store atmosphere in the two major outlets. A total of 384 respondents provided ratings for 13 store atmosphere attributes, and the results were analyzed using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method. The results showed that both Indomaret and Alfamart have similar challenges in creating a satisfying store atmosphere for customers. Some attributes such as store layout, display, exterior, and interior have performance that is rated low by customers. Both companies need to take corrective actions to meet customer expectations for these attributes. Both companies should understand their customers' preferences and focus on attributes that have a higher priority in creating a satisfying store atmosphere, while maintaining good quality performance on attributes that are already adequate. In conclusion, competition between Indomaret and Alfamart remains fierce, with store atmosphere being an Importance factor in winning over customers