299 research outputs found

    Misfits in Skyrme-Hartree-Fock

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    We address very briefly five critical points in the context of the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock (SHF) scheme: 1) the impossibility to consider it as an interaction, 2) a possible inconsistency of correlation corrections as, e.g., the center-of-mass correction, 3) problems to describe the giant dipole resonance (GDR) simultaneously in light and heavy nuclei, 4) deficiencies in the extrapolation of binding energies to super-heavy elements (SHE), and 5) a yet inappropriate trend in fission life-times when going to the heaviest SHE. While the first two points have more a formal bias, the other three points have practical implications and wait for solution.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Fission modes of mercury isotopes

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    Background: Recent experiments on beta-delayed fission in the mercury-lead region and the discovery of asym- metric fission in 180 Hg [1] have stimulated theoretical interest in the mechanism of fission in heavy nuclei. Purpose: We study fission modes and fusion valleys in 180 Hg and 198 Hg to reveal the role of shell effects in pre-scission region and explain the experimentally observed fragment mass asymmetry and its variation with A. Methods: We use the self-consistent nuclear density functional theory employing Skyrme and Gogny energy density functionals. Results: The potential energy surfaces in multi-dimensional space of collective coordinates, including elongation, triaxiality, reflection-asymmetry, and necking, are calculated for 180 Hg and 198 Hg. The asymmetric fission valleys - well separated from fusion valleys associated with nearly spherical fragments - are found in in both cases. The density distributions at scission configurations are studied and related to the experimentally observed mass splits. Conclusions: The energy density functionals SkM\ast and D1S give a very consistent description of the fission process in 180 Hg and 198 Hg. We predict a transition from asymmetric fission in 180 Hg towards more symmetric distribution of fission fragments in 198 Hg. For 180 Hg, both models yield 100 Ru/80 Kr as the most probable split. For 198 Hg, the most likely split is 108 Ru/90 Kr in HFB-D1S and 110 Ru/88 Kr in HFB-SkM\ast.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    The pygmy dipole strength, the neutron radius of 208{}^{208}Pb and the symmetry energy

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    The accurate characterization of the nuclear symmetry energy and its density dependence is one of the outstanding open problems in nuclear physics. A promising nuclear observable in order to constrain the density dependence of the symmetry energy at saturation is the neutron skin thickness of medium and heavy nuclei. Recently, a low-energy peak in the isovector dipole response of neutron-rich nuclei has been discovered that may be correlated with the neutron skin thickness. The existence of this correlation is currently under debate due to our limited experimental knowledge on the microscopic structure of such a peak. We present a detailed analysis of Skyrme Hartree-Fock (HF) plus random phase approximation (RPA) predictions for the dipole response in several neutron-rich nuclei and try to elucidate whether models of common use in nuclear physics confirm or dismiss its possible connection with the neutron skin thickness. Finally, we briefly present theoretical results for parity violating electron scattering on 208{}^{208}Pb at the conditions of the PREx experiment and discuss the implications for the neutron skin thickness of 208{}^{208}Pb and the slope of the symmetry energy.Comment: Contribution to the 2nd Iberian Nuclear Astrophysics Meeting on Compact Stars proceeding

    Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Koperasi pada Koperasi Serba USAha (Ksu) Rejosari Kelurahan Rejosari Kecamatan Tenayan Raya Kota Pekanbaru

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    Abstrack: The research aims to identify and analyze the financial performance of Co-operative Serba Usaha (KSU) Rejosari Pekanbaru city views from its financial ratios 2011-2015. Where the research was conducted in the environment Co-operative Serba Usaha (KSU) Rejosari in Pekanbaru. Research of the month August 2016 to March 2017. The type of research is quantitative descriptive, which describes the results of research in the form of financial reporting data related to the financial performance of the co-operative. Source of research data is the data obtained from the Co-operative Serba Usaha (KSU) Rejosari Management Accountability Reports Pekanbaru City years from 2011-2015. The data collection techniques used is the method of documentation. The results showed that the financial performance of Pekanbaru City Cooperative of the years 2011-2015 showed good results. This is because the conditions Liquidity Ratio (Current Ratio), Solvency Ratio (Debt to Equity Ratio and Debt to Total Assets), Ratios Profitability (Return on Equity, Return on Assets and Net Profit Margin) and Activity Ratios (Asset Tours Over, Recaivable Turn Over and Co-operative Business Transactions with Members Cooperative). Most of the financial performance of cooperatives have a very good performance, and there are some ratio performance is quite good and not good. Thus it can be said that the Co-operative Serba Usaha (KSU) Rejosari of Pekanbaru included in the category of good

    Nuclear Symmetry Energy: constraints from Giant Quadrupole Resonances and Parity Violating Electron Scattering

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    Experimental and theoretical efforts are being devoted to the study of observables that can shed light on the properties of the nuclear symmetry energy. We present our new results on the excitation energy [X. Roca-Maza et al., Phys. Rev. C 87, 034301 (2013)] and polarizability of the Isovector Giant Quadrupole Resonance (IVGQR), which has been the object of new experimental investigation [S. S. Henshaw et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 222501 (2011)]. We also present our theoretical analysis on the parity violating asymmetry at the kinematics of the Lead Radius Experiment [S. Abrahamyan et al. (PREx Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 112502 (2012)] and highlight its relation with the density dependence of the symmetry energy [X. Roca-Maza et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 252501 (2011)].Comment: Proceedings - International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC), Firenze 2 - 7 June 201

    Device for electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve

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    A device for auricular electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve was developed. The advantage of the developed product is the possibility of changing the shape of the stimulation signal, setting the duration of the stimulation session and monitoring the impedance of the load during the stimulation procedure

    Role of the target orientation angle and orbital angular momentum in the evaporation residue production

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    The influence of the orientation angles of the target nucleus symmetry axis relative to the beam direction on the production of the evaporation residues is investigated for the 48^{48}Ca+154^{154}Sm reaction as a function of the beam energy. At low energies (Ec.m.<E_{\rm c.m.}<137 MeV), the yield of evaporation residues is observed only for collisions with small orientation angles (αT<450\alpha_T<45^0). At large energies (about Ec.m.=E_{\rm c.m.}=140--180 MeV) all the orientation angles αT\alpha_T can contribute to the evaporation residue cross section σER\sigma_{ER} in the 10--100 mb range, and at Ec.m.>E_{c.m.}>180 MeV σER\sigma_{ER} ranges around 0.1--10 mb because the fission barrier for a compound nucleus decreases by increasing its excitation energy and angular momentum.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, submitted to JPS

    Financial Consequences of Ill Health and Informal Coping Mechanisms in Indonesia

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    We assess the financial risk of ill health for households in Indonesia, the role of informal coping strategies, and the effectiveness of these strategies in smoothing consumption. based on household panel data, we find evidence of financial risk from illness through medical expenses, while income from informal wage labor is exposed to risk for the poor and income from self-employed business activities for the non-poor. however, only for the rural population and the poor does this lead to imperfect consumption smoothing, while the non-poor seem to be able to protect current spending. borrowing and drawing on buffers, such as savings and assets, seem to be key informal coping strategies for the poor, which infers potential negative long term effects. while these results suggest scope for public intervention, the financial risk from income loss for the rural poor is beyond public health care financing reforms. rather, formal sector employment seems to be a key instrument for financial protection from illness, by also reducing income risk. key words: illness, income, consumption smoothing, coping strategies, Indonesia jel: o15, i1

    Effects of Preoperative Sublingual Misoprostol on Uterine Tone during Isoflurane Anesthesia for Cesarean Section

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    SummaryBackground and objectivesMisoprostol would reduce the uterine bleeding after cesarean delivery without harmful effects on either mother or baby. We aimed to evaluate the effects of preoperative misoprostol on maternal blood loss, uterine tone, and the need for additional oxytocin after cesarean delivery under isoflurane anesthesia.MethodsAfter ethical approval, 366 patients scheduled for elective cesarean delivery were randomly allocated to receive either sublingual misoprostol 400μg (n=179) or placebo tablet (n=187) after intubation. Anesthesia was maintained with 0.5–0.7 MAC isoflurane with nitrous oxide. All patients received intravenous infusion of 10IU of oxytocin after placental delivery. Perioperative estimated blood loss, uterine tone, need for supplementary oxytocin, hematocrit, Apgar scores at 1 and 5 min and adverse effects were recorded.ResultsAfter induction, patients receiving sublingual misoprostol had significant less perioperative estimated blood loss (202±383.1 vs. 708±204.3mL, p<0.001), need for oxytocin (p<0.001), higher hematocrit levels (p<0.001) and uterine tone (p<0.02). The incidence of shivering was higher in the misoprostol group (p=0.04). There were no differences between the two groups as regarding Apgar scores, nausea and vomiting, gastrointestinal disturbances and pyrexia.ConclusionPreoperative administration of sublingual misoprostol 400μg is safe and effective in attenuating the maternal bleeding and uterine atony from isoflurane anesthesia for cesarean delivery