5,138 research outputs found

    The Taurus Boundary of Stellar/Substellar (TBOSS) Survey II. Disk Masses from ALMA Continuum Observations

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    We report 885μ\mum ALMA continuum flux densities for 24 Taurus members spanning the stellar/substellar boundary, with spectral types from M4 to M7.75. Of the 24 systems, 22 are detected at levels ranging from 1.0-55.6 mJy. The two non-detections are transition disks, though other transition disks in the sample are detected. Converting ALMA continuum measurements to masses using standard scaling laws and radiative transfer modeling yields dust mass estimates ranging from \sim0.3-20M_{\oplus}. The dust mass shows a declining trend with central object mass when combined with results from submillimeter surveys of more massive Taurus members. The substellar disks appear as part of a continuous sequence and not a distinct population. Compared to older Upper Sco members with similar masses across the substellar limit, the Taurus disks are brighter and more massive. Both Taurus and Upper Sco populations are consistent with an approximately linear relationship in MdustM_{dust} to MstarM_{star}, although derived power-law slopes depend strongly upon choices of stellar evolutionary model and dust temperature relation. The median disk around early M-stars in Taurus contains a comparable amount of mass in small solids as the average amount of heavy elements in Kepler planetary systems on short-period orbits around M-dwarf stars, with an order of magnitude spread in disk dust mass about the median value. Assuming a gas:dust ratio of 100:1, only a small number of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs have a total disk mass amenable to giant planet formation, consistent with the low frequency of giant planets orbiting M-dwarfs.Comment: 41 pages and 32 figures, with all tables and appendices presented here in their entirety. Accepted for publication in AJ (November 26, 2017

    Behavioural compensation by drivers of a simulator when using a vision enhancement system

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    Technological progress is suggesting dramatic changes to the tasks of the driver, with the general aim of making driving environment safer. Before any of these technologies are implemented, empirical research is required to establish if these devices do, in fact, bring about the anticipated improvements. Initially, at least, simulated driving environments offer a means of conducting this research. The study reported here concentrates on the application of a vision enhancement (VE) system within the risk homeostasis paradigm. It was anticipated, in line with risk homeostasis theory, that drivers would compensate for the reduction in risk by increasing speed. The results support the hypothesis although, after a simulated failure of the VE system, drivers did reduce their speed due to reduced confidence in the reliability of the system

    Hall viscosity, orbital spin, and geometry: paired superfluids and quantum Hall systems

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    The Hall viscosity, a non-dissipative transport coefficient analogous to Hall conductivity, is considered for quantum fluids in gapped or topological phases. The relation to mean orbital spin per particle discovered in previous work by one of us is elucidated with the help of examples, using the geometry of shear transformations and rotations. For non-interacting particles in a magnetic field, there are several ways to derive the result (even at non-zero temperature), including standard linear response theory. Arguments for the quantization, and the robustness of Hall viscosity to small changes in the Hamiltonian that preserve rotational invariance, are given. Numerical calculations of adiabatic transport are performed to check the predictions for quantum Hall systems, with excellent agreement for trial states. The coefficient of k^4 in the static structure factor is also considered, and shown to be exactly related to the orbital spin and robust to perturbations in rotation invariant systems also.Comment: v2: Now 30 pages, 10 figures; new calculation using disk geometry; some other improvements; no change in result

    Role of picornaviruses in flu-like illnesses of adults enrolled in an oseltamivir treatment study who had no evidence of influenza virus infection

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    The primary objective of this study was to determine the role of picornavirus in flu-like episodes (temperature of > or =38.0 degrees C plus one respiratory and one constitutional symptom) among otherwise healthy adults enrolled in a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized oseltamivir treatment study. Combined nasal and pharyngeal swabs were collected at baseline for influenza cultures and picornavirus reverse transcription (RT)-PCR. In addition, acute- and convalescent-serum samples were obtained for serological studies of common respiratory pathogens. From a total of 719 subjects enrolled in the clinical trial within 36 h of the onset of symptoms, 475 (66%) had evidence of recent influenza A or B virus infections by means of culture and/or serological testing. Of the 244 remaining patients, 36 (15%) presented a seroconv

    Measurement of the Total (p,Pi) Cross Sections Through Residual Activity

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    Supported by the National Science Foundation and Indiana Universit

    A New Family of Gauges in Linearized General Relativity

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    For vacuum Maxwell theory in four dimensions, a supplementary condition exists (due to Eastwood and Singer) which is invariant under conformal rescalings of the metric, in agreement with the conformal symmetry of the Maxwell equations. Thus, starting from the de Donder gauge, which is not conformally invariant but is the gravitational counterpart of the Lorenz gauge, one can consider, led by formal analogy, a new family of gauges in general relativity, which involve fifth-order covariant derivatives of metric perturbations. The admissibility of such gauges in the classical theory is first proven in the cases of linearized theory about flat Euclidean space or flat Minkowski space-time. In the former, the general solution of the equation for the fulfillment of the gauge condition after infinitesimal diffeomorphisms involves a 3-harmonic 1-form and an inverse Fourier transform. In the latter, one needs instead the kernel of powers of the wave operator, and a contour integral. The analysis is also used to put restrictions on the dimensionless parameter occurring in the DeWitt supermetric, while the proof of admissibility is generalized to a suitable class of curved Riemannian backgrounds. Eventually, a non-local construction is obtained of the tensor field which makes it possible to achieve conformal invariance of the above gauges.Comment: 28 pages, plain Tex. In the revised version, sections 4 and 5 are completely ne

    Waterpipe smoking in students: Prevalence, risk factors, symptoms of addiction, and smoke intake. Evidence from one British university

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    Background: Anecdotal reports suggest waterpipe smoking is becoming common in students in western countries. The aim was to examine prevalence, risk factors, symptoms of addiction, and smoke intake. Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey of students with subsidiary survey of regular waterpipe user and survey of exhaled carbon monoxide (CO) before and after waterpipe smoking in customers of a waterpipe café. 937 students of Birmingham University completed the initial survey with a follow up of 21 regular waterpipe smokers. 63 customers of a waterpipe café near the University completed the study of CO intake. Results: 355 (37.9%, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 34.8 to 41.1%) students had tried waterpipes,the prevalence of trying rising with duration at University. 75 (8.0%, 95%CI 6.4 to 10.0%) were regular smokers, similar to the prevalence of cigarette smoking (9.4%). Although cigarette smoking was the major risk factor for being a regular waterpipe smoker, odds ratio (95%CI) 2.77 (1.52 to 5.06), 65% of waterpipe smokers did not smoke cigarettes. Seven of 21 (33.3%) regular waterpipe smokers experienced cravings. Nearly all regular waterpipe users thought it less harmful than smoking cigarettes. The mean (standard deviation) rise in CO was 37.4 (25.8)ppm, nearly twice as high as a typical cigarette smoker seeking cessation treatment. Conclusion: Waterpipe smoking is a common part of student culture in one British university, as in the Middle East and in the United States. It poses a potential threat to public health, with evidence of dependence and high smoke intake