5,184 research outputs found

    (Chloromethyl)pentacarbonylmanganese(I): a crystal structure with a non-crystallographic centre of symmetry

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    There are two molecules in the asymmetric unit of the P2₁/c unit cell of ClCH₂Mn(CO)₅, the first halomethyl complex of manganese to be structurally determined. The molecules are crystallographically independent, despite an apparent local centre of symmetry. The average bond parameters include Mn–Calkyl 2.128(8) Å, C–Cl 1.811(8) Å and Mn–C–Cl 116.4(4)


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    The mol­ecule of the title compound, C17H14N4O4, uses its amide –NH– group to form a hydrogen bond to the amido –C(=O)– group of an adjacent mol­ecule to furnish a linear chain structure. The hydr­oxy group forms an intra­molecular hydrogen bond; the indolyl –NH– unit does not engage in any strong hydrogen-bonding inter­actions

    Bis[4-(dimethyl­amino)pyridinium] tetra­bromidobis(4-methyl­phen­yl)stannate(IV)

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    In the title compound, (C7H11N2)2[SnBr4(C7H7)2], the tetra­bromidobis(4-methyl­phen­yl)stannate(IV) anion possesses a centre of inversion located at the SnIV atom. In the crystal structure, two inversion-related cations are linked to the anion via weak N—H⋯Br hydrogen bonds

    Bis[4-(dimethyl­amino)pyridinium] tetra­bromidobis(4-chloro­phen­yl)stannate(IV)–4-bromo­chloro­benzene (1/1)

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    In the title compound, (C7H11N2)2[SnBr4(C6H4Cl)2]·C6H4BrCl, the SnIV atom in the tetra­bromidobis(4-chloro­phen­yl)stannate(IV) anion lies on a centre of inversion. The distances between the 4-(dimethyl­amino)pyridinium N atom and the Br atoms of the anion are 3.450 (2) and 3.452 (2) Å, suggesting weak hydrogen bonding. The 4-bromo­chloro­benzene solvent mol­ecule, which is a bromination by-product from the reaction, is disordered about a twofold rotation axis with approximately equal occupancy

    Extranuclear X-ray Emission in the Edge-on Seyfert Galaxy NGC 2992

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    We found several extranuclear (r >~ 3") X-ray nebulae within 40" (6.3 kpc at 32.5 Mpc) of the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 2992. The net X-ray luminosity from the extranuclear sources is ~2-3 E39 erg/s (0.3-8.0 keV). The X-ray core itself (r <~ 1") is positioned at 9:45:41.95 -14:19:34.8 (J2000) and has a remarkably simple power-law spectrum with photon index Gamma=1.86 and Nh=7E21 /cm2. The near-nuclear (3" <~ r <~ 18") Chandra spectrum is best modelled by three components: (1) a direct AGN component with Gamma fixed at 1.86, (2) cold Compton reflection of the AGN component, and (3) a 0.5 keV low-abundance (Z < 0.03 Zsolar) "thermal plasma," with ~10% of the flux of either of the first two components. The X-ray luminosity of the 3rd component (the "soft excess") is ~1.4E40 erg/s, or ~5X that of all of the detected extranuclear X-ray sources. We suggest that most (~75-80%) of the soft excess emission originates from 1" < r < 3", which is not imaged in our observation due to severe CCD pile-up. We also require the cold reflector to be positioned at least 1" (158 pc) from the nucleus, since there is no reflection component in the X-ray core spectrum. Much of the extranuclear X-ray emission is coincident with radio structures (nuclear radio bubbles and large-scale radio features), and its soft X-ray luminosity is generally consistent with luminosities expected from a starburst-driven wind (with the starburst scaled from L_FIR). However, the AGN in NGC 2992 seems equally likely to power the galactic wind in that object. Furthermore, AGN photoionization and photoexcitation processes could dominate the soft excess, especially the \~75-80% which is not imaged by our observations.Comment: 34 pages AASTEX, 9 (low-res) PS figures, ApJ, in press. For full-resolution postscript file, visit http://www.pha.jhu.edu/~colbert/n2992_chandra.ps.g


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    The two independent mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit of the title compound, C15H16N2O3S, are each linked by an N—H⋯Osulfon­yl hydrogen bond into a linear chain that runs along the shortest axis of the triclinic unit cell. The hydr­oxy groups are engaged in intra­molecular hydrogen bonding and the amino N atom shows pyramidal coordination


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    In the title compound, C15H11NO2S, a new thio-benzoxazole derivative, the dihedral angle between the benzoxazole ring and the phenyl ring is 9.91 (9)°. An inter­esting feature of the crystal structure is the short C⋯S [3.4858 (17) Å] contact, which is shorter than the sum of the van der Waals radii of these atoms. In the crystal structure, mol­ecules are linked together by zigzag inter­molecular C—H⋯N inter­actions into a column along the a axis. The crystal structure is further stabilized by inter­molecular π–π inter­actions [centroid–centroid = 3.8048 (10) Å]

    N′-[1-(5-Bromo-2-hydroxy­phen­yl)ethyl­idene]-3,4,5-trihydroxy­benzohydrazide dimethyl sulfoxide solvate trihydrate

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    The benzohydrazide mol­ecule in the title compound, C15H13BrN2O5·C2H6OS·3H2O, is almost planar with an r.m.s. deviation for the non-H atoms of 0.078 Å. The organic mol­ecules, water and dimethyl sulfoxide solvent mol­ecules are linked by N—H⋯O, O—H⋯O and O—H⋯S inter­molecular hydrogen bonds, forming zigzag chains along the a axis. Intra­molecular O—H⋯O and O—H⋯N hydrogen bonds also occur

    3,4,5-Trihydr­oxy-N′-(1H-indol-2-ylmethyl­idene)benzohydrazide–1H-indole-2-carbaldehyde azine–methanol (2/1/2)

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    The title compound, 2C16H13N3O4·C18H14N4·2CH4O, was crystallized from the reaction between 3,4,5-trihydroxy­benzoyl­hydrazine and indole-2-carbaldehyde in a mixture of ethanol and methanol. The compound is a stoichiometric 2:1 cocrystal of the methanol-solvated reaction product, 3,4,5-trihydr­oxy-N′-(1H-indol-2-ylmethyl­idene)benzohydrazide and 1H-indole-2-carbaldehyde azine that arose unexpectedly during the synthesis. The former mol­ecules are linked by O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds and also by π–π stacking inter­actions between benzoyl­hydrazide rings into a two-dimensional network. The methanol solvent mol­ecules are hydrogen bonded to this network. The centrosymmetric azine mol­ecules are not engaged in hydrogen bonding

    A second monoclinic polymorph of 2-(diformyl­methyl­idene)-3,3-dimethyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-indole

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    The crystal structure of the title compound, C13H13NO2, is a polymorph of the structure first reported by Helliwell et al. [Acta Cryst. (2006), E62, o737-o738]. It is also monoclinic (space group P21/c), but with completely different cell constants. The mol­ecular conformations of these polymorphs differ by a 180° rotation of one formyl group. The present mol­ecule is planar [maximum deviation 0.089 (2) Å] with the exception of the two methyl groups which lie on either side of the plane. There are strong intra- and inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. The latter link pairs of mol­ecules across crystallographic centers of symmetry. Two aldehyde O atoms are brought close together [2.896 (4) Å in this arrangement but are not hydrogen bonded. In the earlier polymorph, one formyl group is rotated by 180° to yield inter­molecular hydrogen bonding and an infinite polymeric chain. The other formyl group is involved in the same intra­molecular hydrogen bonding as has been found here