978 research outputs found

    Teresa of Avila on Theology and Shame

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    This article examines Teresa of Avila's understanding of the relationship between spiritual dryness, intellectual frustration, and shame. It argues that Teresa presents these experiences as interconnected, as well as spiritually and intellectually valuable. This aspect of Teresa's thought provides important resources for theologians in the contemporary age in its insistence on the necessarily dynamic relationship between the spiritual and the intellectual in the life of the theologian. The article concludes with an examination of shame and its impact on theological developments in our time, as well as the possibilities for integrating shame productively

    A Survey Instrument to Develop, Tailor, and Help Measure Law Student Cultural Diversity Education Learning Outcomes

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    Despite the importance of cultural competence for effective legal practice, law schools have not yet developed a systematic method for helping students develop awareness of how cultural perspectives shape lawyer-client interactions, affect transactions, and influence the development of the law. This article identifies ways law schools might conceptualize learning outcomes that will enhance law students\u27 abilities to effectively represent clients in today\u27s multicultural world and global legal environment. It provides legal educators with a statistically valid and reliable survey instrument developed to help identify, and potentially measure, some of those learning outcomes. It discusses the survey design and findings. Finally, this article suggests several ways our survey instrument and research can help legal educators conceptualize ways to integrate the inclusion of cultural sensibility learning and learning outcomes into the law school curricula

    Deconstructing Pre-service Teachers’ Field Experience Narratives: The Role of Epistemological Beliefs

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    Teacher development programs incorporate field experiences for pre-service teachers (PTs) to gain first hand teaching experiences. The purpose of this study is to examine PTs’ perceptions of field experiences, and more specifically, to investigate whether these perceptions relate to PTs epistemological beliefs. A sample of 115 undergraduate educational psychology students completed the Epistemological Beliefs Inventory (EBI) and a Field Experience Questionnaire. Results indicated that PTs’ beliefs about teaching and learning influenced their perception of teaching. Students holding more sophisticated epistemological beliefs, as measured by the EBI, reported more positive perceptions of field experiences, while students holding more naïve epistemological beliefs focused on negative classroom issues such as behavior management. Results inform designers of field experiences on how to better prepare PTs for student teaching and underline the importance of efforts to foster more mature epistemological outlooks in developing teachers

    Aporte al conocimiento de los nematodes libres marinos de la Ría Deseado y áreas vecinas, Provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina

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    La Presente Tesis Doctoral consta de dos Partes una sistemáticay una ecológica. En la primera se describen 114 especies de nematodes marinos devida libre de la ria Deseado, de las cuales 40 son especies nuevaspara la ciencia y 47 constituyen citas nuevas para la Argentina. Seincluyen además las descripciones del aparato genital de otras 12especies descriptas en trabajos previos. En esta sección también se presenta el estudio de una serie decaracteres que se considera podrán ayudar a esclarecer en el futurola evolución de la superfamilia Chromadoroidea. Los mismos son:número de hileras de puntuaciones por anillo; enganche entreanillos, bandas longitudinales, presencia de dos esfínteres en elgonoducto en hembras, presencia de un segundo par de glándulasinternas en la vagina, número de espermátidas, forma del primeresfínter del gonoducto en machos, tipo de glándulas cloacales enmachos y número de piezas externas e internas de los órganospre-cloacales. En la segunda parte del presente trabajo se enfoca el estudioecológico de los nematodes libres en la Ria Deseado. Se analizan,por un lado, los agrupamientos probables de muestras en correlacióncon variables físicas. Por otro lado se determinan cuáles especiespertenecen a cada grupo y su grado de presencia en ellos. Porúltimo se correlacionan variables biológicas con grupos de especiescaracterísticas de cada ambiente. A modo de información complementaria se agregan en esta últimasecció, registros de contenidos intestinales hallados en algunasde las especies estudiadas.The present Doctoral Thesis consists of two Parts; the first oneis systematic and the second an ecological one. In the systematic part 114 species of free-living marinenemetodes of the Ria Deseado are described, 40 of them are new toscience and 47 are new records for Argentina. Also are included thedescriptions of the genital apparatus of another 12 speciesmentioned in previous papers. A series of characteristics, thoughtto be helpful to clarify the future evolution of the superfamily Chromadoroidea is presented. These are: the number of punctuationsrows per ring; hooking between rings; longitudinal bands; presenceof two sphincters in the female gonoduct; presence of a secondpair of glands in the vagina; the number of spermatids; the shapeof the first sphincter in the male sonoduct; type of cloacal glandsin males and the number of extrenal and internal pieces ofpre-cloacal organs. The ecological part focuses on the ecology of free-livingnematodes of the Ria Deseado. Here studies are made on the probablegroupins of samples; which are in turn correlated with physicalvariables. Also it is determined which species belong to each groupand their degree of presence in the latter. Additionally,biological variables are correlated with groups of speciescharacteristic to each environment. In this section descriptions of intestine contents found in someof the species studied are incorporated.Fil: Pastor de Ward, Catalina Teresa. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    Septate junction proteins are required for cell shape changes, actomyosin reorganization and cell adhesion during dorsal closure in Drosophila

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    Septate junctions (SJs) serve as occluding barriers in invertebrate epithelia. In Drosophila, at least 30 genes are required for the formation or maintenance of SJs. Interestingly, loss-of-function mutations in core SJ components are embryonic lethal, with defects in developmental events such as head involution and dorsal closure (DC) that occur prior to the formation of a mature SJ, indicating a role for these proteins in mid-embryogenesis independent of their occluding function. To understand this novel function in development, we examined loss-of-function mutations in three core SJ proteins during the process of DC. DC occurs during mid-embryogenesis to seal a dorsal gap in the epidermis following germ band retraction. Closure is driven by contraction of the extraembryonic amnioserosa cells that temporarily cover the dorsal surface and by cell shape changes (elongation) of lateral epidermal cells that bring the contralateral sheets together at the dorsal midline. Using live imaging and examination of fixed tissues, we show that early events in DC occur normally in SJ mutant embryos, but during later closure, coracle, Macroglobulin complement-related and Neurexin-IV mutant embryos exhibit slower rates of closure and display aberrant cells shapes in the dorsolateral epidermis, including dorsoventral length and apical surface area. SJ mutant embryos also show mild defects in actomyosin structures along the leading edge, but laser cutting experiments suggest similar tension and viscoelastic properties in SJ mutant versus wild type epidermis. In a high percentage of SJ mutant embryos, the epidermis tears free from the amnioserosa near the end of DC and live imaging and immunostaining reveal reduced levels of E-cadherin, suggesting that defective adhesion may be responsible for these tears. Supporting this notion, reducing E-cadherin by half significantly enhances the penetrance of DC defects in coracle mutant embryos

    Rhythms of Consciousness: Binocular Rivalry Reveals Large-Scale Oscillatory Network Dynamics Mediating Visual Perception

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    Consciousness has been proposed to emerge from functionally integrated large-scale ensembles of gamma-synchronous neural populations that form and dissolve at a frequency in the theta band. We propose that discrete moments of perceptual experience are implemented by transient gamma-band synchronization of relevant cortical regions, and that disintegration and reintegration of these assemblies is time-locked to ongoing theta oscillations. In support of this hypothesis we provide evidence that (1) perceptual switching during binocular rivalry is time-locked to gamma-band synchronizations which recur at a theta rate, indicating that the onset of new conscious percepts coincides with the emergence of a new gamma-synchronous assembly that is locked to an ongoing theta rhythm; (2) localization of the generators of these gamma rhythms reveals recurrent prefrontal and parietal sources; (3) theta modulation of gamma-band synchronization is observed between and within the activated brain regions. These results suggest that ongoing theta-modulated-gamma mechanisms periodically reintegrate a large-scale prefrontal-parietal network critical for perceptual experience. Moreover, activation and network inclusion of inferior temporal cortex and motor cortex uniquely occurs on the cycle immediately preceding responses signaling perceptual switching. This suggests that the essential prefrontal-parietal oscillatory network is expanded to include additional cortical regions relevant to tasks and perceptions furnishing consciousness at that moment, in this case image processing and response initiation, and that these activations occur within a time frame consistent with the notion that conscious processes directly affect behaviour
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