16,349 research outputs found

    Solutions of the Yang-Mills-Higgs equations in 2+1 dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time

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    The solutions of the Bogomolny equation in anti-de Sitter space-time are obtained by using Darboux transformations with both constant spectral parameters and variable "spectral parameters". These solutions give the Yang-Mills-Higgs fields in anti-de Sitter space-time. Some examples in SU(2) case are considered and qualitative asymptotic behaviors of the solutions as t tends to infinity are discussed in detail.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, 11 PS figure

    Genomic organization and chromosomal localization of the murine 2 P domain potassium channel gene Kcnk8: conservation of gene structure in 2 P domain potassium channels.

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    A 2 P domain potassium channel expressed in eye, lung, and stomach, Kcnk8, has recently been identified. To initiate further biochemical and genetic studies of this channel, we assembled the murine Kcnk8 cDNA sequence, characterized the genomic structure of the Kcnk8 gene, determined its chromosomal localization, and analyzed its activity in a Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system. The composite cDNA has an open reading frame of 1029 bp and encodes a protein of 343 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 36 kDa. Structure analyses predict 2 P domains and four potential transmembrane helices with a potential single EF-hand motif and four potential SH3-binding motifs in the COOH-terminus. Cloning of the Kcnk8 chromosomal gene revealed that it is composed of three exons distributed over 4 kb of genomic DNA. Genome database searching revealed that one of the intron/exon boundaries identified in Kcnk8 is present in other mammalian 2 P domain potassium channels genes and many C. elegans 2P domain potassium channel genes, revealing evolutionary conservation of gene structure. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization, the murine Kcnk8 gene was mapped to chromosome 19, 2B, the locus of the murine dancer phenotype, and syntenic to 11q11-11q13, the location of the human homologue. No significant currents were generated in a Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system using the composite Kcnk8 cDNA sequence, suggesting, like many potassium channels, additional channel subunits, modulator substances, or cellular chaperones are required for channel function

    Sulfur isotope fractionation during incorporation of sulfur nucleophiles into organic compounds

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    34S enrichment is shown to occur during sulfurization reactions and for the first time conclusively attributed to an isotope equilibrium effect rather than selective addition of 34S enriched nucleophiles

    Comparison of Randomized Multifocal Mapping and Temporal Phase Mapping of Visual Cortex for Clinical Use

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    fMRI is becoming an important clinical tool for planning and guidance of surgery to treat brain tumors, arteriovenous malformations, and epileptic foci. For visual cortex mapping, the most popular paradigm by far is temporal phase mapping, although random multifocal stimulation paradigms have drawn increased attention due to their ability to identify complex response fields and their random properties. In this study we directly compared temporal phase and multifocal vision mapping paradigms with respect to clinically relevant factors including: time efficiency, mapping completeness, and the effects of noise. Randomized, multifocal mapping accurately decomposed the response of single voxels to multiple stimulus locations and made correct retinotopic assignments as noise levels increased despite decreasing sensitivity. Also, multifocal mapping became less efficient as the number of stimulus segments (locations) increased from 13 to 25 to 49 and when duty cycle was increased from 25% to 50%. Phase mapping, on the other hand, activated more extrastriate visual areas, was more time efficient in achieving statistically significant responses, and had better sensitivity as noise increased, though with an increase in systematic retinotopic mis-assignments. Overall, temporal phase mapping is likely to be a better choice for routine clinical applications though random multifocal mapping may offer some unique advantages for selected applications

    Narrowing the filter cavity bandwidth via optomechanical interaction

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    We propose using optomechanical interaction to narrow the bandwidth of filter cavities for achieving frequency-dependent squeezing in advanced gravitational-wave detectors, inspired by the idea of optomechanically induced transparency. This not only allows us to achieve narrow bandwidth, comparable to the detection band of few hundred Hz, with tabletop optical cavities, but also to tune the bandwidth over a wide range, which is ideal for optimizing sensitivity for different gravitational-wave sources. The experimental challenge for its implementation is the stringent requirement on low thermal noise, which would need superb mechanical quality factor that is quite difficult to achieve by using currently-available low-loss mechanical oscillators; one possible solution is to use optical dilution of the mechanical damping, which can considerably relax the requirement on the mechanics.Comment: 5 pages + 3 appendix. 4 figures and 2 tables Accepted by Physical Review Letter

    The effects of peer influence on adolescent pedestrian road-crossing decisions

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    Objective: Adolescence is a high-risk period for pedestrian injury. It is also a time of heightened susceptibility to peer influence. The aim of this research was to examine the effects of peer influence on the pedestrian road-crossing decisions of adolescents. Methods: Using 10 videos of road-crossing sites, 80 16- to 18-year-olds were asked to make pedestrian road-crossing decisions. Participants were assigned to one of 4 experimental conditions: negative peer (influencing unsafe decisions), positive peer (influencing cautious decisions), silent peer (who observed but did not comment), and no peer (the participant completed the task alone). Peers from the adolescent’s own friendship group were recruited to influence either an unsafe or a cautious decision. Results: Statistically significant differences were found between peer conditions. Participants least often identified safe road-crossing sites when accompanied by a negative peer and more frequently identified dangerous road-crossing sites when accompanied by a positive peer. Both cautious and unsafe comments from a peer influenced adolescent pedestrians’ decisions. Conclusions: These findings showed that road-crossing decisions of adolescents were influenced by both unsafe and cautious comments from their peers. The discussion highlighted the role that peers can play in both increasing and reducing adolescent risk-taking

    Terahertz generation in Czochralski grown periodically poled Mg:Y:LiNbO3 via optical rectification

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    Using a canonical pump-probe experimental technique, we studied the terahertz (THz) waves generation and detection via optical rectification and mixing in Czochralski-grown periodically poled Mg:Y:LiNbO3 (PPLN) crystals. THz waves with frequencies at 1.37 THz and 0.68 THz as well as 1.8 THz were obtained for PPLN with nonlinear grating periods of 0.03 and 0.06 mm, respectively. A general theoretical model was developed by considering the dispersion and damping of low frequency phonon-polariton mode. Our results show that THz waves are generated in forward and backward directions via pumping pulse rectification. The generated THz waves depend on the spectral shape of the laser pulses, quasi-phase mismatches and dispersion characteristics of a crystal.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    Boosting the oxygen evolution activity in non-stoichiometric praseodymium ferrite-based perovskites by A site substitution for alkaline electrolyser anodes

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    Sustainable fossil fuel free systems are crucial for tackling climate change in the global energy market, and the identification and understanding of catalysts needed to build these systems plays a vital role in their development. ABO3−δ perovskite oxides have been observed to be potential replacement materials for the high-performing, but low ionic conducting and economically unfavourable Pt and IrO2 water splitting catalysts. In this work increased addition of Sr2+ aliovalent dopant ions into the crystal lattice of Pr1−xSrxFeO3−δ perovskites via A site substitution was seen to drastically improve the electrocatalytic activity of the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in alkaline environments. The undoped PrFeO3−δ catalyst was not catalytically active up to 1.70 V against the reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE), whilst an onset potential of 1.62 V was observed for x = 0.5. Increased strontium content in Pr1−xSrxFeO3−δ was found to cause a reduction in the lattice parameters and crystal volume whilst retaining the orthorhombic Pbnm space group throughout all dopant levels, analysed using the Rietveld method. However, it was noted that the orthorhombic distortion was reduced as more Sr2+ replaced Pr3+. The mechanism for the increased electrocatalytic activity with increased strontium is due to the increasing concentration of oxygen vacancy (δ), leading to increased catalyst site availability, and the increased average oxidation state of Fe cations, consistent with the iodometric titration results. This results in shifting the average d shell eg electron filling further towards unity. X-ray photoelectron spectrum of the O 1s core level also shows the presence of lattice oxide and surface hydroxide/carbonate. This work shows promise in that using the more abundant and more economically friendly material of strontium allows for improved OER catalytic activity in otherwise inactive perovskite catalyst oxides

    Coupled KdV equations of Hirota-Satsuma type

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    It is shown that the system of two coupled Korteweg-de Vries equations passes the Painlev\'e test for integrability in nine distinct cases of its coefficients. The integrability of eight cases is verified by direct construction of Lax pairs, whereas for one case it remains unknown