7,598 research outputs found

    The Bioeconomic Implications of A Bycatch Reduction Device as a Stock Conservation Management Measure

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    The proposed regulation to reduce bycatch and discarding of finfish in the southeastern region is a gear modification that excludes finfish from shrimp trawls. This regulation is analyzed using a simple theoretical model of a multispecies fishery whose bycatch is harvested in a directed fishery consisting of commercial and recreational fishermen. The costless reduction in bycatch fishing mortality imposed on the multispecies fishery does not result in an increased stock size for the bycatch fish species or a substantial increase in its level of harvest. Instead, the fish stock is reallocated from the multispecies fishery to the fishery directed at the bycatch species causing fishing effort to expand in the bycatch species fishery that drives the stock size down to the previously existing equilibrium level. Recreational harvest and effort levels remain unchanged since the model is linear in effort and the commercial fishery is given access to the fishery first.Bycatch, policy analysis, bioeconomic model, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Bounds on Tensor wave and Twisted Inflation

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    We study the bounds on tensor wave in a class of twisted inflation models where D(4+2k)D(4+2k)-branes are wrapped on cycles in the compact manifold and wrap the KK-direction in the corresponding effective field theory. While the lower bound is found to be analogous to that in Type IIB models of brane inflation, the upper bound turns out to be significantly different. This is argued for a range of values for the parameter gsMg_s M satisfying the self-consistency relation and the WMAP data. Further, we observe that the wrapped D8D8-brane appears to be the most attractive from a cosmological perspective.Comment: 5 page

    Modelling of loading, stress relaxation and stress recovery in a shape memory polymer

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    YesA multi-element constitutive model for a lactide-based shape memory polymer has been developed that represents loading to large tensile deformations, stress relaxation and stress recovery at 60, 65 and 70°C. The model consists of parallel Maxwell arms each comprising neo-Hookean and Eyring elements. Guiu-Pratt analysis of the stress relaxation curves yields Eyring parameters. When these parameters are used to define the Eyring process in a single Maxwell arm, the resulting model yields at too low a stress, but gives good predictions for longer times. Stress dip tests show a very stiff response on unloading by a small strain decrement. This would create an unrealistically high stress on loading to large strain if it were modelled by an elastic element. Instead it is modelled by an Eyring process operating via a flow rule that introduces strain hardening after yield. When this process is incorporated into a second parallel Maxwell arm, there results a model that fully represents both stress relaxation and stress dip tests at 60°C. At higher temperatures a third arm is required for valid predictions

    Analysis of the Malaysian Toll Road Public-Private Partnership Program and Recommendations for Policy Improvements

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    Malaysia has relied on toll road public-private partnerships (PPPs) for over twenty years to provide important highway infrastructure. The program has been active with nearly 1800 kilometers either constructed or concessions agreed to. The public has been less supportive of the program due to low transparency and little public involvement. Public protests are common, which may lead to long-term program instability. The CLIOS Process, developed at MIT, is applied to Malaysia’s toll road PPP program to develop new policies that can better meet these public concerns while maintaining the financial viability of the sector. With increases in transparency and public involvement, the political risks of the program should be reduced and long-term stability for the government and concessionaires improved. We argue that the focus should be at the regional transportation planning level where toll road PPPs can be compared with alternatives for meeting transportation needs rather than at the national level where Malaysian toll road PPPs are currently handled

    Evolution of Electrogenic Ammonium Transporters (AMTs)

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    The ammonium transporter gene family consists of three main clades, AMT, MEP, and Rh. The evolutionary history of the AMT/MEP/Rh gene family is characterized by multiple horizontal gene transfer events, gene family expansion and contraction, and gene loss; thus the gene tree for this family of transporters is unlike the organismal tree. The genomes of angiosperms contain genes for both electrogenic and electroneutral ammonium transporters, but it is not clear how far back in the land plant lineage electrogenic ammonium transporters occur. Here, we place Marchantia polymorpha ammonium transporters in the AMT/MEP/Rh phylogeny and we show that AMTs from the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha are electrogenic. This information suggests that electrogenic ammonium transport evolved at least as early as the divergence of bryophytes in the land plant lineage

    Bidding Behavior in Virtual versus Live Auctions: An Examination of the eBay Collectibles Market

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    Over the last few years many consumer-related virtual auction sites have sprung up on the web. One of the most successful of these is eBay. Single item auctions on this site share characteristics with both English and a hybrid combination of first-price and second-price sealed bid auctions. This paper describes research in progress to determine the effects of the specific structure of eBay auctions on bidding strategies while drawing on traditional auction theory which was devised by examining live auctions not mediated by computers. The results of the study should have implications for bidders, sellers, and managers of auction web sites

    Bidder Experience In Online Auctions: Effects On Bidding Choices And Revenue

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    This paper describes research to determine the effects of bidder experience on performance in online auctions. Choice of bid type, the timing of bids, and the price paid are all examined for very experienced and very inexperienced bidders.  The  study draws on information systems empirical research, traditional auction theory, the results of lab experiments involving "live" auctions not mediated by computers, and existing research on online auctions.  The results indicate that bidder experience is related to timing of bids and choice of bid type, but not to revenue realized. These findings have implications for bidders and researchers

    Type I singularities and the Phantom Menace

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    We consider the future dynamics of a transient phantom dominated phase of the universe in LQC and in the RS braneworld, which both have a non-standard Friedmann equation. We find that for a certain class of potentials, the Hubble parameter oscillates with simple harmonic motion in the LQC case and therefore avoids any future singularity. For more general potentials we find that damping effects eventually lead to the Hubble parameter becoming constant. On the other hand in the braneworld case we find that although the type I singularity can be avoided, the scale factor still diverges at late times.Comment: More references added. Final PRD versio

    After Regions: what next for local enterprise partnerships?

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    Standing out as an oddity in comparison to the convergence of policy across EU nations whereby the merits of regional apparatus – however defined – for administering development support appear to be accepted, the UK Government has abandoned England’s experiment with regionalism. Under the banner of localism, providing the thinnest of masks for swingeing public expenditure cuts, sub-national development activity (encompassing planning, regeneration, infrastructure development, enterprise support and spatial leadership) is in the throes of considerable economic shifts, policy flux and institutional upheaval (Ward & Hardy, 2012). This article attempts to address some of the questions posed in The regional lacuna: a preliminary map of the transition from Regional Development Agencies to Local Economic Partnerships (Pugalis, 2011) and helps to advance some of the points relating to the emerging sub-national development landscape published in recent issues of Regions (e.g. Bailey, 2011). The purpose is to take stock of policy developments underway by means of a post-regional sub-national review in order to outline the future development trajectory of Local Enterprise Partnerships
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