1,911 research outputs found

    Space-time translational gauge identities in Abelian Yang-Mills gravity

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    We derive and calculate the space-time translational gauge identities in quantum Yang-Mills gravity with a general class of gauge conditions involving two arbitrary parameters. These identities of the Abelian group of translation are a generalization of Ward-Takahasi-Fradkin identities and important for general discussions of possible renormalization of Yang-Mills gravity with translational gauge symmetry. The gauge identities in Yang-Mills gravity with a general class of gauge conditions are substantiated by explicit calculations.Comment: 15 pages. To be published in The European Physical Journal - Plus (2012

    Non-Abelian Tensor Multiplet Equations from Twistor Space

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    We establish a Penrose-Ward transform yielding a bijection between holomorphic principal 2-bundles over a twistor space and non-Abelian self-dual tensor fields on six-dimensional flat space-time. Extending the twistor space to supertwistor space, we derive sets of manifestly N=(1,0) and N=(2,0) supersymmetric non-Abelian constraint equations containing the tensor multiplet. We also demonstrate how this construction leads to constraint equations for non-Abelian supersymmetric self-dual strings.Comment: v3: 23 pages, revised version published in Commun. Math. Phy

    Policy options for including LULUCF in the EU reduction commitment and policy instruments for increasing GHG mitigation efforts in the LULUCF and agriculture sectors

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    Land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) is an inventory sector defined by the Intergovern-mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that covers anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs resulting from changes in terrestrial carbon stocks. The EU has committed unilaterally to reduce its overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 20 % be-low 1990 levels by 2020, and to 30 % below 1990 levels if conditions are right

    A surface potential study of ion-uptake by 5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl-25,27-diethoxycarbonyl methyleneoxy-26,28,dihydroxycalix[4]arene and 5,17-(3-nitrobenzylideneamino)-11,23-di-tert-butyl-25,27- diethoxycarbonyl methyleneoxy-26,28-dihydroxycalix[4]arene Langmuir Blodgett (LB) monolayers

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    A study of surface pressure - area (Π-A) isotherms, surface potential (ΔV) and effective dipole moment () of two calix[4] arenes, 5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl-25,27-diethoxycarbonyl methyleneoxy-26,28,dihydroxycalix[4]arene (calixarene I) and 5,17-(3-nitrobenzylideneamino)-11,23-di-tert-butyl-25,27-diethoxycarbonyl methyleneoxy-26,28-dihydroxycalix[4] arene (calixarene II) LB films which have the same lower rim but different upper rim has been carried out. This work used a NIMA Surface Potential (S-POT) sensor attached to an LB trough. Space filling model or Corey, Pauling and Koltun (CPK) precision molecular models have been used to estimate the size and the flexibility of both calix[4]arenes, which has been confirmed by X-Ray analysis in one case. The Π-A-isotherms confirmed that both of the calix[4]arenes form a monolayer film and the orientations of the plane of the calix ring are parallel with the air-water interface. The value of limiting area, (Alim) increases as a result of adding Fe3+ salt in the water subphase. For I, the value increases from 1.28 nm2 to 1.44 nm2 while for II, it increases from 1.70 nm2 to 1.86 nm2. ΔV measurements were performed on a water subphase containing Fe3+ salt in the concentration range 0 – 1.25 10–1 mM. ΔV of the compressed monolayer films increased with increasing Fe3+ concentration indicating the presence of Fe3+ salt bound within the calix[4]arenes. Using the ΔV values, the effective dipole moment has been found using the Helmholtz equation

    Be a Fulbright Scholar—Lessons and Experiences of AIS Fulbright Scholars

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    To achieve a truly global perspective in information systems (IS) that enhances education and research, IS academics can do more than study and teach global IS topics. We encourage IS academics to engage in an international immersion experience themselves. The article describes experiences of Fulbright Scholars, and argues for the need of more global education for IS academics. These views were presented during a panel session at the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2012. The panelists touched on logistical issues such as grant application, living conditions, working with a host institution’s faculty and students, and receiving support from their home university. Participants shared their experiences in India, Poland, Portugal, the Azores, Mongolia, and Nepal. The article concludes with lessons learned

    Interaction between src family kinases and rho-kinase in agonist-induced Ca2+-sensitization of rat pulmonary artery

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    Aims: We investigated the role of src family kinases (srcFK) in agonist-mediated Ca2+-sensitization in pulmonary artery and whether this involves interaction with the rho/rho-kinase pathway. Methods and results: Intra-pulmonary arteries (IPAs) and cultured pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMC) were obtained from rat. Expression of srcFK was determined at the mRNA and protein levels. Ca2+-sensitization was induced by prostaglandin F(2 alpha) (PGF(2 alpha)) in alpha-toxin-permeabilized IPAs. Phosphorylation of the regulatory subunit of myosin phosphatase (MYPT-1) and of myosin light-chain-20 (MLC20) and translocation of rho-kinase in response to PGF(2 alpha) were also determined. Nine srcFK were expressed at the mRNA level, including src, fyn, and yes, and PGF(2 alpha) enhanced phosphorylation of three srcFK proteins at tyr-416. In alpha-toxin-permeabilized IPAs, PGF(2 alpha) enhanced the Ca2+-induced contraction (pCa 6.9) approximately three-fold. This enhancement was inhibited by the srcFK blockers SU6656 and PP2 and by the rho-kinase inhibitor Y27632. Y27632, but not SU6656 or PP2, also inhibited the underlying pCa 6.9 contraction. PGF(2 alpha) enhanced phosphorylation of MYPT-1 at thr-697 and thr-855 and of MLC20 at ser-19. This enhancement, but not the underlying basal phosphorylation, was inhibited by SU6656. Y27632 suppressed both basal and PGF(2 alpha)-mediated phosphorylation. The effects of SU6656 and Y27632, on both contraction and MYPT-1 and MLC20 phosphorylation, were not additive. PGF(2 alpha) triggered translocation of rho-kinase in PASMC, and this was inhibited by SU6656. Conclusions: srcFK are activated by PGF(2 alpha) in the rat pulmonary artery and may contribute to Ca2+-sensitization and contraction via rho-kinase translocation and phosphorylation of MYPT-1

    Hidden Symmetries and Integrable Hierarchy of the N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Equations

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    We describe an infinite-dimensional algebra of hidden symmetries of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory. Our derivation is based on a generalization of the supertwistor correspondence. Using the latter, we construct an infinite sequence of flows on the solution space of the N=4 SYM equations. The dependence of the SYM fields on the parameters along the flows can be recovered by solving the equations of the hierarchy. We embed the N=4 SYM equations in the infinite system of the hierarchy equations and show that this SYM hierarchy is associated with an infinite set of graded symmetries recursively generated from supertranslations. Presumably, the existence of such nonlocal symmetries underlies the observed integrable structures in quantum N=4 SYM theory.Comment: 24 page

    Innervation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons by peptidergic neurons conveying circadian or energy balance information in the mouse

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    Background: Secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) produced in neurons in the basal forebrain is the primary regulator of reproductive maturation and function in mammals. Peptidergic signals relating to circadian timing and energy balance are an important influence on the reproductive axis. The aim of this study was to investigate the innervation of GnRH neurons by peptidergic neurons. Methodology/Principal Findings: Immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy were used to detect appositions of peptidergic fibers (NPY, β-endorphin, MCH) associated with energy balance and metabolic status in transgenic mice expressing a green fluorescent protein reporter construct in GnRH neurons. The frequency of these appositions was compared to those of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), a hypothalamic neuropeptide likely to convey circadian timing information to the GnRH secretory system. The majority of GnRH neurons (73-87%) were closely apposed by fibers expressing NPY, β-endorphin, or MCH, and a significant proportion of GnRH neurons (28%) also had close contacts with VIP-ir fibers. Conclusions/Significance: It is concluded that GnRH neurons in the mouse receive a high frequency of direct modulatory inputs from multiple hypothalamic peptide systems known to be important in conveying circadian information and signalling energy balance. © 2009 Ward et al

    Splines Are Universal Solutions of Linear Inverse Problems with Generalized TV Regularization

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    Splines come in a variety of flavors that can be characterized in terms of some differential operator L. The simplest piecewise-constant model corresponds to the derivative operator. Likewise, one can extend the traditional notion of total variation by considering more general operators than the derivative. This results in the definitions of a generalized total variation seminorm and its corresponding native space, which is further identified as the direct sum of two Banach spaces. We then prove that the minimization of the generalized total variation (gTV), subject to some arbitrary (convex) consistency constraints on the linear measurements of the signal, admits nonuniform L-spline solutions with fewer knots than the number of measurements. This shows that nonuniform splines are universal solutions of continuous-domain linear inverse problems with LASSO, L1 L _{ 1 } , or total-variationlike regularization constraints. Remarkably, the type of spline is fully determined by the choice of L and does not depend on the actual nature of the measurements

    Operator-Like Wavelet Bases of L2 L _{ 2 } (Rd (\mathbb{R} ^{ d } )

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    The connection between derivative operators and wavelets is well known. Here we generalize the concept by constructing multiresolution approximations and wavelet basis functions that act like Fourier multiplier operators. This construction follows from a stochastic model: signals are tempered distributions such that the application of a whitening (differential) operator results in a realization of a sparse white noise. Using wavelets constructed from these operators, the sparsity of the white noise can be inherited by the wavelet coefficients. In this paper, we specify such wavelets in full generality and determine their properties in terms of the underlying operator