238 research outputs found

    Young children suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm : experiences on entering education

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    Since 2005, the Centre for Child and Family Research, Loughborough University has been tracing the decision-making process influencing the life pathways of a cohort of very young children who were identified as suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm before they reached their first birthdays. The overall objective of the research is to collect evidence which supports decisions concerning which children require permanent out of home placements (such as adoption) and those that can safely remain with their birth parents

    Continuities and discontinuities: issues concerning the establishment of a persistent sense of self amongst care leavers

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    Research in a number of countries has demonstrated the importance of developing a sense of belonging and connectedness as key factors that facilitate the move towards independence for young people leaving care (see Stein, 2008). This paper utilises findings from a longitudinal study of looked after children (including interviews with care leavers) to explore how the evidence from Canadian research into the significance of perceptions of self continuity for identity formation can improve our understanding of care leavers' experiences and the factors that may act as barriers to their making a smooth transition.The findings demonstrate the extent of disruption and instability that care leavers may experience both before, during and after the care episode. This lack of continuity is exemplified for many young people by the loss of treasured possessions such as mementoes of parents and photographs of previous homes and carers. Constant experience of transience may act as a barrier to the establishment of a sense of self continuity. This may increase the likelihood of leaving care becoming a transitional flashpoint during which difficulties in moving on to adulthood increase the propensity for young people to lose sight of the thread that connects their past to their future, and engage in self-destructive behaviours. Premature, compressed and accelerated transitions may increase the chances of this happening. The paper argues that greater attention to the preservation of possessions that have a symbolic value might be a simple means of helping care leavers develop a stronger sense of connectedness

    The Cape and the Kaffirs: A Diary of Five Years\u27 Residence in Kaffirland

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    Hardy and Hunter A Boy\u27s Own Story

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    Safeguarding children across services: messages from research

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    The book begins by defining the different forms of abuse and their effects, and examining the effectiveness of universal preventative measures such as education programmes

    Decision-making within a child’s timeframe: an overview of current research evidence for family justice professionals concerning child development and the impact of maltreatment

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    This overview of research evidence was commissioned in response to the Family Justice Review recommendation for consistent training and development for family justice professionals, including a greater emphasis on child development. Aims and Objectives The aim of this study was to bring together key research evidence to facilitate understanding among professionals working in the family justice system in the following areas: • Neuroscience perspectives on children's cognitive, social and emotional development. • The implications of maltreatment on childhood and adulthood wellbeing. • Evidence on the outcomes of intervention by the courts and children's social care. • Timeframes for intervening and how they fit (or don't) with those for children. The paper is intended to assist decision-making by family justice professionals and facilitate a greater understanding of individual children's needs and appropriate timeframes

    Looking after children: transforming data into management information - report from the first year of data collection

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    The 'Looking After Children: Using Data as Management Information Study' is designed to help local authorities explore how data gathered in the course of social work interactions with individual children can be aggregated and used at a more strategic level. The stated aim of the study is to discover what information local authorities need to monitor the effectiveness of services for looked after children, identify where improvements can be made and decide how scarce resources can be better deployed. Because the Looking After Children materials have been designed for this specific purpose, a secondary aim is to discover how data gathered through their implementation can be used to address this issue

    Basidiomycetae of Central Iowa

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    A number of investigators have listed the Phanerogams in different parts of the state. There are, however, only a few lists of the Saprophytic fungi of the state. Bessey under the head of Preliminary list of Carpophytes of the Ames Flora lists quite a number of species and Macbride also makes a contribution along this line, especially the species found by him in eastern Iowa
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