28,717 research outputs found

    Concorde noise-induced building vibrations John F. Kennedy International Airport

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    The outdoor and indoor noise levels resulting from aircraft flyovers and certain nonaircraft events were recorded at six home sites along with the associated vibration levels in the walls, windows, and floors of these test homes. Limited subjective tests conducted to examine the human detection and annoyance thresholds for building vibration and rattle caused by aircraft noise showed that both vibration and rattle were detected subjectively in several houses for some operations of both the Concorde and subsonic aircraft. Preliminary results indicate that the relationship between window vibration and aircraft noise is: (1) linear, with vibration levels being accurately predicted from OASPL levels measured near the window; (2) consistent from flyover to flyover for a given aircraft type under approach conditions; (3) no different for Concorde than for other conventional jet transports (in the case of window vibrations induced under approach power conditions); and (4) relatively high levels of window vibration measured during Concorde operations are due more to higher OASPL levels than to unique Concorde source characteristics

    Levels of genetic polymorphism: marker loci versus quantitative traits

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    Species are the units used to measure ecological diversity and alleles are the units of genetic diversity. Genetic variation within and among species has been documented most extensively using allozyme electrophoresis. This reveals wide differences in genetic variability within, and genetic distances among, species, demonstrating that species are not equivalent units of diversity. The extent to which the pattern observed for allozymes can be used to infer patterns of genetic variation in quantitative traits depends on the forces generating and maintaining variability. Allozyme variation is probably not strictly neutral but, nevertheless, heterozygosity is expected to be influenced by population size and genetic distance will be affected by time since divergence. The same is true for quantitative traits influenced by many genes and under weak stabilizing selection. However, the limited data available suggest that allozyme variability is a poor predictor of genetic variation in quantitative traits within populations. It is a better predictor of general phenotypic divergence and of postzygotic isolation between populations or species, but is only weakly correlated with prezygotic isolation. Studies of grasshopper and planthopper mating signal variation and assortative mating illustrate how these characters evolve independently of general genetic and morphological variation. The role of such traits in prezygotic isolation, and hence speciation, means that they will contribute significantly to the diversity of levels of genetic variation within and among species

    The dispersive self-dual Einstein equations and the Toda lattice

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    The Boyer-Finley equation, or SU()SU(\infty)-Toda equation is both a reduction of the self-dual Einstein equations and the dispersionlesslimit of the 2d2d-Toda lattice equation. This suggests that there should be a dispersive version of the self-dual Einstein equation which both contains the Toda lattice equation and whose dispersionless limit is the familiar self-dual Einstein equation. Such a system is studied in this paper. The results are achieved by using a deformation, based on an associative \star-product, of the algebra sdiff(Σ2)sdiff(\Sigma^2) used in the study of the undeformed, or dispersionless, equations.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX. To appear: J. Phys.

    Land resource survey of Rottnest Island - an aid to land use planning

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    This report provides a description of the landforms, soils and vegetation of Rottnest Island. In addition, it provides a discussion of the relative capability of each of the landforms of the island to sustain various forms of development. The primary objective of this work is to direct development into areas of high capability (low risk of land degradation) in preference to areas of lower capability (higher risk of land degradation). Rottnest Island is located approximately 30 km west of Perth. The proximity of the island to the capital city of Western Australia, its warm Mediterranean climate and the subsequent likelihood of further development, mean that there will be increasing pressure on the natural resources of the island. This report details the nature and inherent stability of those natural resources, and provides a guide for their management.https://researchlibrary.agric.wa.gov.au/bulletins/1062/thumbnail.jp

    Concorde noise-induced building vibrations: John F. Kennedy International Airport

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    Outdoor and indoor noise levels resulting from aircraft flyovers and certain nonaircraft events were recorded at eight homesites and a school along with the associated vibration levels in the walls, windows, and floors at these test sites. Limited subjective tests were conducted to examine the human detection and annoyance thresholds for building vibration and rattle caused by aircraft noise. Both vibration and rattle were detected subjectively in several houses for some operations of both the Concorde and subsonic aircraft. Seated subjects more readily detected floor vibrations than wall or window vibrations. Aircraft noise generally caused more window vibrations than common nonaircraft events such as walking and closing doors. Nonaircraft events and aircraft flyovers resulted in comparable wall vibration levels, while floor vibrations were generally greater for nonaircraft events than for aircraft flyovers. The relationship between structural vibration and aircraft noise is linear, with vibration levels being accurately predicted from overall sound pressure levels (OASPL) measured near the structure. Relatively high levels of structural vibration measured during Concorde operations are due more to higher OASPL levels than to unique Concorde-source characteristics

    Threshold Corrections in Precision LHC Physics: QED otimes QCD

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    With an eye toward LHC processes in which theoretical precisions of 1 percent are desired, we introduce the theory of the simultaneous YFS resummation of QED and QCD to compute the size of the expected resummed soft radiative threshold effects in precision studies of heavy particle production at the LHC. Our results show that both QED and QCD soft threshold effects must be controlled to be on the conservative side to achieve such precision goals.Comment: 4 pages, no figures; presented by B.F.L. Ward in DPF200

    On the connection between Gaussian statistics and excited-state linear response for time-dependent fluorescence

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/126/21/10.1063/1.2747237.Time-dependent fluorescence (TDF) of a chromophore in a polar or nonpolar solvent is frequently simulated using linear-response approximations. It is shown that one such linear-response-type approximation for the TDF Stokes shift derived by Carter and Hynes [J. Chem. Phys.94, 5961 (1991)] that is based on excited-statedynamics gives the same result as that obtained by assuming Gaussian statistics for the energy gap. The derivation provides insight into the much discussed relationship between linear response and Gaussian statistics. In particular, subtle but important differences between the two approximations are illuminated that suggest that the result is likely more generally applicable than suggested by the usual linearization procedure. In addition, the assumption of Gaussian statistics directly points to straightforward checks of the validity of the approximation with essentially no additional computational effort

    Noise-Induced Building Vibrations Caused by Concorde and Conventional Aircraft Operations at Dulles and Kennedy International Airports

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    Outdoor and indoor noise levels resulting from aircraft flyovers and certain nonaircraft events were recorded, as were the associated vibration levels in the walls, windows, and floors at building test sites. In addition, limited subjective tests were conducted to examine the human detection and annoyance thresholds for building vibration and rattle caused by aircraft noise. Representative peak levels of aircraft noise-induced building vibrations are reported and comparisons are made with structural damage criteria and with vibration levels induced by common domestic events. In addition, results of a pilot study are reported which indicate the human detection threshold for noise-induced floor vibrations