16 research outputs found

    Concentration maxima of methane in the bottom waters over the Chukchi Sea shelf: implication of its biogenic source

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    Knowledge about the distribution of CH4 remains insufficient due to the scarcity of data in the Arctic shelves. We conducted shipboard observations over the Chukchi Sea shelf (CSS) in the western Arctic Ocean in September 2012 to obtain the distribution and source characteristics of dissolved CH4 in seawater. The oceanographic data indicated that a salinity gradient generated a pronounced pycnocline at depths of 20–30 m. The vertical diffusion of biogenic elements was restricted, and these elements were trapped in the bottom waters. Furthermore, high CH4 concentrations were measured below the pycnocline, and low CH4 concentrations were observed in the surface waters. The maximum concentrations of nutrients simultaneously occurred in the dense and cold bottom waters, and significant correlations were observed between CH4 and 2 3 SiO , 3 4 PO , 2 NO , and 4 NH (p < 0.01, n= 44). These results suggest that the production of CH4 in the CSS has a similar trend as that of nutrient regeneration and is probably associated with the degradation of organic matter. The high primary productivity and high concentration of organic matter support the formation of biogenic CH4 in the CSS and the subsequent release of CH4 to the water column

    Experimental Research and Multi-Physical Field Coupling Simulation of Electrochemical Machining Based on Gas&ndash;Liquid Two-Phase Flow

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    In this paper, the forming mechanism of cooling hole electrolytic machining is studied using multi-physical field coupled simulation and experimental observation. A multi-physical field coupled simulation model was established to obtain the gas&ndash;liquid two-phase distribution law inside the machining gap, and a mathematical model of gas&ndash;liquid two-phase flow was established to analyze the change law of the size and morphology of cooling hole electrolytic machining under different process parameter conditions. The simulation and experimental results show that the size of the inlet of the cooling hole is larger, the size of the outlet is smaller, and the middle section is more stable; machining voltage and electrode feed speed have a significant influence on the size and shape of heat dissipation holes. Compared with the experimental data, simulation accuracy is good

    Photovoltaic-Based Residential Direct-Current Microgrid and Its Comprehensive Performance Evaluation

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    The “dual carbon” strategy has drawn attention to distributed PV systems for their flexibility and variability, but the rising need for direct-current (DC) loads on the load side has created additional difficulties for microgrid system upgrades. In this article, a PV-based microgrid design approach for residential buildings is suggested, working on the assumption that distributed PV systems are given top priority to handle domestic DC needs. The residential DC microgrid system’s overall design concept is first put out, and the circuit system is then concentrated to supply the main idea for the ensuing verification of the system’s viability. Secondly, the actual power generation in the selected area was clarified by testing, and then the electricity consumption of DC loads accounted for about 20.03% of the total power consumption according to the survey of 100 users. In addition, the circuit system is subjected to spectral model measurements and physical measurements to verify the operational performance of the circuit system; the feasibility of the PV microgrid system is further verified using dual testing of the PV system and the circuit system. The test results show that the proposed DC microgrid system can accurately provide the required voltage for small household DC appliances, such as 24 V, 14 V, 5 V, etc. Finally, the system economics were analyzed, and the equipment payback years were estimated. The supply and demand of PV power generation and DC appliances can be balanced via the construction of a microgrid. This study offers a fresh concept for the use of PV technology. The concept behind this research can serve as a model for the creation and application of other new energy sources

    Spatiotemporal Distribution of Nitrous Oxide on the Northeastern Bering Sea Shelf

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    Rapid warming and loss of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean could play an important role in the dissolution and emission of greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). We investigated dissolved N2O in spatiotemporal distribution on the northeastern Bering Sea shelf (NEBS) in the summer of 2012. The results showed that N2O concentrations were higher in the Chirikov Basin (mean ± SD, 14.8 ± 2.4 nmol/L) than in the south of St. Lawrence Island (mean ± SD, 17.7 ± 2.3 nmol/L). In the Chirikov Basin, N2O displayed a decreasing distribution pattern from west (~20.4 nmol/L) to east (~12.9 nmol/L). In the area south of St. Lawrence Island, N2O almost presented a two-layer structure, although it showed a vertically homogeneous distribution in the inner shelf. In the cold bottom water, the N2O was affected mainly by in situ production or sediment emission. Longer resident time may cause N2O accumulation in the cold bottom water. The calculated sea–air flux (−1.6~36.2 μmol/(m2·d)) indicates that the NEBS is an important potential source of atmospheric N2O and could play an important role in global oceanic N2O emission with intensifying global issues

    Spatiotemporal Distribution of Nitrous Oxide on the Northeastern Bering Sea Shelf

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    Rapid warming and loss of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean could play an important role in the dissolution and emission of greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). We investigated dissolved N2O in spatiotemporal distribution on the northeastern Bering Sea shelf (NEBS) in the summer of 2012. The results showed that N2O concentrations were higher in the Chirikov Basin (mean ± SD, 14.8 ± 2.4 nmol/L) than in the south of St. Lawrence Island (mean ± SD, 17.7 ± 2.3 nmol/L). In the Chirikov Basin, N2O displayed a decreasing distribution pattern from west (~20.4 nmol/L) to east (~12.9 nmol/L). In the area south of St. Lawrence Island, N2O almost presented a two-layer structure, although it showed a vertically homogeneous distribution in the inner shelf. In the cold bottom water, the N2O was affected mainly by in situ production or sediment emission. Longer resident time may cause N2O accumulation in the cold bottom water. The calculated sea–air flux (−1.6~36.2 μmol/(m2·d)) indicates that the NEBS is an important potential source of atmospheric N2O and could play an important role in global oceanic N2O emission with intensifying global issues

    Distribution and Driving Mechanism of N<sub>2</sub>O in Sea Ice and Its Underlying Seawater during Arctic Melt Season

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    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is the third most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, and the ocean is an important source of N2O. As the Arctic Ocean is strongly affected by global warming, rapid ice melting can have a significant impact on the N2O pattern in the Arctic environment. To better understand this impact, N2O concentration in ice core and underlying seawater (USW) was measured during the seventh Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition (CHINARE2016). The results showed that the average N2O concentration in first-year ice (FYI) was 4.5 ± 1.0 nmol kg−1, and that in multi-year ice (MYI) was 4.8 ± 1.9 nmol kg−1. Under the influence of exchange among atmosphere-sea ice-seawater systems, brine dynamics and possible N2O generation processes at the bottom of sea ice, the FYI showed higher N2O concentrations at the bottom and surface, while lower N2O concentrations were seen inside sea ice. Due to the melting of sea ice and biogeochemical processes, USW presented as the sink of N2O, and the saturation varied from 47.2% to 102.2%. However, the observed N2O concentrations in USW were higher than that of T-N2OUSW due to the sea–air exchange, diffusion process, possible N2O generation mechanism, and the influence of precipitation, and a more detailed mechanism is needed to understand this process in the Arctic Ocean

    Enhanced transport of dissolved methane from the Chukchi Sea to the Central Arctic

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    Rising temperatures in the Arctic Ocean can cause considerable changes, such as decreased ice cover and increased water inflow from the Pacific/Atlantic sector, which may alter dissolved methane (CH4) cycles over the Arctic Ocean. However, the fate of dissolved CH4 in the Arctic remains uncertain. Here, we show that CH4 in the Chukchi Sea is enhanced in the shelf/slope areas, stored in the Upper Halocline (UHC), and transported to the central Arctic, contributing to the CH4 excess (ΔCH4) in the basins. The concentration of ΔCH4 in the UHC was increasing (0.1 nM per year) and the ΔCH4 has been distributed deeper and farther in the last decade than in the 1990s because of the intensification of Pacific water inflow due to oceanographic (currents) and atmospheric forcings (winds). We found heterogeneous CH4 (208.4% ± 131.7%) in the Polar Mixed Layer and CH4 supersaturation (1,100.9%–1,245.4%) in the below-ice seawater in the basins, which may indicate the effect of sea ice cycles with the support of sediment-origin CH4. We estimate the sea-to-air flux to be 1.1–2.4 μmol CH4 m −2 day −1 during the ice-free period in the Chukchi Sea, which suggests that the Chukchi Sea is currently a minor source (0.003 Tg in summer) of atmospheric CH4. Taken together, we propose a bottom-up mechanism for CH4 transport and emission and are concerned that the increases in the concentration of ΔCH4 and the transport distance/rate of ΔCH4 plume are occurring, with the potential to affect CH4 emissions in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean

    Significant methane undersaturation during austral summer in the Ross Sea (Southern Ocean)

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    Abstract Methane (CH4) is a climate‐relevant trace gas that is emitted from the open and coastal oceans in considerable amounts. However, its distribution in remote oceanic areas is largely unknown. To fill this knowledge gap, dissolved CH4 was measured at nine stations at 75°S in the Ross Sea during austral summer in January 2020. CH4 undersaturation (mean: 82 ± 20%) was found throughout the water column. In subsurface waters, the distribution of CH4 mainly resulted from mixing of water masses and in situ consumption, whereas the CH4 concentrations in the surface mixed layer were mainly driven by air–sea exchange and diapycnal diffusion between the surface and subsurface layers, as well as consumption of CH4. With a mean air–sea CH4 flux density of −0.44 ± 0.34 μmol m−2 d−1, the Ross Sea was a substantial sink for atmospheric CH4 during austral summer, which is in contrast with most oceanic regions, which are known sources

    Significant methane undersaturation during austral summer in the Ross Sea (Southern Ocean)

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    Methane (CH4) is a climate-relevant trace gas that is emitted from the open and coastal oceans in considerable amounts. However, its distribution in remote oceanic areas is largely unknown. To fill this knowledge gap, dissolved CH4 was measured at nine stations at 75°S in the Ross Sea during austral summer in January 2020. CH4 undersaturation (mean: 82 ± 20%) was found throughout the water column. In subsurface waters, the distribution of CH4 mainly resulted from mixing of water masses and in situ consumption, whereas the CH4 concentrations in the surface mixed layer were mainly driven by air–sea exchange and diapycnal diffusion between the surface and subsurface layers, as well as consumption of CH4. With a mean air–sea CH4 flux density of −0.44 ± 0.34 μmol m−2 d−1, the Ross Sea was a substantial sink for atmospheric CH4 during austral summer, which is in contrast with most oceanic regions, which are known sources