120 research outputs found

    Application Research on Rank Return Method in Mathematics Achievement Appraisal

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    AbstractCompared with ordinary least squares, quantile regression can more fully reflect that the dependent variable has different effects in the different parts of the distribution of the independent variables, and has a very wide range of applications. The paper makes a brief introduction to the idea of quantile regression, applying the methods into mathematics achievements achievement and having a comparative analysis of the good or bad results about quantile regression and ordinary least squares under two kinds of external pressures to mathematics achievement

    Note on Gray codes for permutation lists

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    Endemic chronic arsenic poisoning - China

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    Chronic arsenic poisoning in China caused by intake of high arsenic in drinking water and in dried local staple foods affects millions of inhabitants in vast rural areas resulting in endemic arsenicosis since 1950’s with tens of thousands of confirmed arsenicosis patients. The Chinese government adopts a twofold approach to eliminate sources of arsenic intake. These are: - early detection and prevention; and provision of alternative arsenic-safe water supply and improved stoves to affected areas and families. Follow up studies indicate that consumption of arsenic-safe water could gradually improve symptoms of arsenicosis after 6 and 18 months. However, long term continuous cancerization of organs in arsenicosis patients requires close follow-up and research studies need urgently to be carried out

    Iodine nutritional status and its associations with thyroid function of pregnant women and neonatal TSH

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    IntroductionIodine serves as a crucial precursor for the synthesis of thyroid hormones and plays an import role in both pregnant women and their offspring. The relationships between iodine nutritional status and maternal thyroid function and neonatal outcomes remain inconclusive in areas with adequate iodine nutrition. This study aims to investigate their correlations.MethodsBlood, morning urine and 24-hour urine were collected from the pregnant women to measure thyroid functions, serum iodine concentration (SIC), morning urine iodine concentration (UIC) and 24-hour urine iodine excretion (24-hour UIE). Indicators of their offspring’s neonatal indexes were recorded.ResultsA total of 559 pregnant women were enrolled in this study. The iodine indicators including Tg, 24-hour UIE and morning UIC were significantly different among the euthyroid pregnant women and those with different thyroid disorders. The levels of FT3, FT4, and SIC exhibited a gradual decline and the concentration of TSH exhibited a gradual increase trend throughout the progression of pregnancy in euthyroid pregnant women. There were no significant differences in neonatal outcomes and neonatal TSH values among euthyroid pregnant women and thyroid disorders pregnant women. SIC had a significant impact on maternal FT4 levels throughout all three trimesters, with varying degrees of importance observed in each trimester. TSH level emerged as the primary determinant of FT4 during the first trimester, while SIC exerted a predominant influence on FT4 levels in the second and third trimesters. The prevalence of thyroid disorders in pregnant women was the lowest when the SIC of pregnant women was probable in the range of 60~70 μg/L, 24-hours UIE was in the range of 250~450 μg, and Tg was in the range of 9~21 μg/L. Maternal TSH exhibited a notable influence on neonatal TSH levels, particularly at the 50th and 75th quantiles. Among the iodine nutritional indicators, SIC and morning UIC demonstrated higher AUC values for abnormal FT4 and TSH, respectively.DiscussionThe iodine nutrition status of pregnant women exerts an impact on their thyroid function and prevalence of thyroid disorders, and neonatal TSH was affected by maternal TSH. SIC may be a better indicator for iodine nutritional assessment than other indexes

    Effect of Fluorosis on Liver Cells of VC Deficient and Wild Type Mice

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    For decades, mouse and other rodents have been used for the study of oxidative or related studies such as the effect of fluoride. It is known that rodents normally synthesize their own vitamin C (VC) due to the presence of a key enzyme in ascorbic acid synthesis, l-gulono-lactone-γ-oxidase (Gulo), while humans do not have the capacity of VC synthesis due to the deletion of most parts of the GULO gene. The spontaneous fracture (sfx) mouse recently emerged as a model for study of VC deficiency. We investigated the effect of fluoride on liver cells from wild type Balb/c and sfx mice. We found that activities of SOD, GPx, and CAT were reduced in both wild type and sfx mice; however, the amount of reduction in the sfx cells is more than that in Balb/c cells. In addition, while both cells increased MDA, the increase in the sfx cells is greater than that in Balb/c cells. Gene networks of Sod, Gpx, and Cat in the liver of humans and mice are also different. Our study suggests that reaction to fluoride in vitamin C deficient mice might be different from that of wild type mice

    Effect of Fluorosis on liver cells of VC deficient and wild type mice

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    ABSTRACT For decades, mouse and other rodents have been used for study of oxidative or related studies such as the effect of fluoride. It is known that rodents normally synthesize their own vitamin C (VC) due to the presence of a key enzyme in ascorbic acid synthesis, lgulono-lactone-γ-oxidase (Gulo), while humans do not have the capacity of VC synthesis due to the deletion of most part of the GULO gene. The spontaneous fracture (sfx) mouse recently emerged as a model for study of VC deficiency. We investigated the effect of fluoride on liver cells from wild type Balb/c and sfx mice. We found that reduction of SOD, GPx and CAT activities were reduced in both wild type and sfx mice; however, the amount of reduction in the sfx cells is more than that in Balb/c cells. In addition, while both cells increased MDA, the increase in the sfx cells is greater than that in Balb/c cells. Gene networks of Sod, Gpx and Cat in the liver of humans and mice are also different. Our study suggests that reaction to fluoride in Vitamin C deficient mice might be different from that of wild type mice

    Health Effects of Exposure to Natural Arsenic in Groundwater and Coal in China: An Overview of Occurrence

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    Between 2001 and 2005, 21,155 of 445,638 wells in 20,517 villages in 292 counties in 16 provinces from China, or 5% of wells, were found to contain > 50 μg/L arsenic (As) by field testing with the Merck As kit. We achieved quality assurance of analysis of at least 10% of the wells containing > 50 μg/L As using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry and silver dithiodicarbomate spectrometry. Our best estimate of the population exposed to > 50 μg/L As in drinking water was 582,769. This is probably an underestimate for China because of the limited area surveyed. In a survey of 135,492 individuals in eight provinces, we used the National Diagnosis Standard for Endemic Arsenicosis and identified 10,096 cases of arsenicosis with various degrees of skin lesions. The arsenicosis occurrence rate of 7.5% is likely an overestimate, because the survey focused more on known and suspected endemic areas of arsenicosis. The occurrence of arsenicosis correlates positively with the percentage of wells containing > 50 μg/L As, or at a ratio of 1 to 5%. Based on both the amount of As in well water and the rate of occurrence of arsenicosis, Shanxi province, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, and Jilin province are the top three areas in China as of 2005 for exposure to endemic As from drinking water. Our survey also identified exposure to high levels of As from wells in several provinces and from the indoor burning of coal containing high levels of As in Shaanxi province. These areas, however, have not had any reports of previous arsenicosis endemics. In the endemic areas, the average rate of occurrence of arsenicosis at advanced stages was 1.2%, possibly because of a long exposure time of > 20 years; the rate of occurrence increased to 2.7% when we included a high dose of As exposure from the indoor burning of coal. Mitigation to reduce As exposure remains a challenge in rural China

    Effect of Fluorosis on Liver Cells of VC Deficient and Wild Type Mice

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    For decades, mouse and other rodents have been used for the study of oxidative or related studies such as the effect of fluoride. It is known that rodents normally synthesize their own vitamin C (VC) due to the presence of a key enzyme in ascorbic acid synthesis, l-gulono-lactone--oxidase (Gulo), while humans do not have the capacity of VC synthesis due to the deletion of most parts of the GULO gene. The spontaneous fracture (sfx) mouse recently emerged as a model for study of VC deficiency. We investigated the effect of fluoride on liver cells from wild type Balb/c and sfx mice. We found that activities of SOD, GPx, and CAT were reduced in both wild type and sfx mice; however, the amount of reduction in the sfx cells is more than that in Balb/c cells. In addition, while both cells increased MDA, the increase in the sfx cells is greater than that in Balb/c cells. Gene networks of Sod, Gpx, and Cat in the liver of humans and mice are also different. Our study suggests that reaction to fluoride in vitamin C deficient mice might be different from that of wild type mice