83 research outputs found

    The influence of Unmanned Agricultural Aircraft System design on spray drift

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    Es wurden Feldversuche durchgeführt, um den Einfluss der Bauart von unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen (Unmanned Agricultural Aircraft Systems, UAAS) auf das Bodense­diment der Abdrift im Ackerbau festzustellen. Zudem wurde die Verteilung der Spritzflüssigkeit auf der Behand­lungsfläche ermittelt. Zusätzlich wurde als mögliche Alternative zur Messung des Bodensediments auch das luftgetragene Abdriftpotenzial am Rand der Behandlungsfläche bestimmt.Vier verschiedene UAAS dreier unterschiedlicher Bauarten, ein 1-Rotor-, ein 6-Rotor- und zwei 8-Rotor-UAAS wurden untersucht. Alle UAAS hatten unterschiedliche Spritzgestänge, wurden aber jeweils mit gleichen Düsen bestückt: Lechler TR 80–0067 und Lechler IDK 120–015, mit denen jeweils 40 l ha–1 bzw. 75 l ha–1 appliziert wurden.Weder für die UAAS-Bauart noch für die Düse konnte ein Einfluss auf die Verteilung der Spritzflüssigkeit auf der Behandlungsfläche festgestellt werden; der Variationskoeffizient der Querverteilung lag generell zwischen 40% und 50%.Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigen, dass der Einfluss der UAAS-Bauart gegenüber dem Einfluss der Düse vernachlässigbar ist. Wie bei anderen Pflanzenschutzgeräten verursachte die Hohlkegeldüse TR 80–0067 wesentlich mehr Abdrift als die Luftinjektor-Flachstrahldüse IDK 120–015. Bei beiden Düsentypen lag das Bodensediment wesentlich über den in Deutschland für die Risikobewertung im Ackerbau verwendeten Abdrifteckwerten.Zwischen dem Bodensediment und dem am Rand der Behandlungsfläche ermittelten luftgetragenen Abdriftpotenzial wurde eine enge Korrelation gefunden. Somit scheint das Abdriftpotenzial eine brauchbare Alternative, zumindest für den Vergleich unterschiedlicher Appli­kationstechniken, darzustellen. Für gesicherte Aussagen hierzu sind jedoch weitere Untersuchungen notwendig.Field experiments were conducted to determine the influence of the Unmanned Agricultural Aircraft Systems (UAAS) design on spray drift sediment during a common arable field application in consideration of the spray deposit distribution. In addition, airborne drift collectors were used to determine the initial drift potential as a possible alternative for characterising the spray drift.Four models of UAAS representing three different designs, one single rotor, one 6-rotor and two 8-rotor designs, were involved in the study. All UAASs where equipped with individual spraying systems but the same nozzles were used: Lechler TR 80–0067 and Lechler IDK 120–015, providing nominal application rates of 40 l ha–1 and 75 l ha–1, respectively.There was no influence of the UAAS design or the nozzle type on the spray distribution quality on the treated area. In general, the coefficient of spray deposit variation was 40% to 50%.The results of the study show that the effect of the UAAS design on spray drift was relatively low compared to the influence of the type of nozzles used. As for other application techniques, the conventional hollow cone nozzle TR 80–0067 produced much more spray drift compared to the air induction flat fan nozzle IDK 120–015. With both types of nozzles, the ground sediment of spray drift was much higher than the standard drift values used by German authorities for drift risk assessments for boom sprayers in arable crops.A good correlation was found between drift sediment and airborne drift potential. As the latter seems to be a suitable alternative, at least for comparing different spraying systems, further studies should be conducted also for other application techniques

    Generation of Human Epidermis-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell-like Pluripotent Cells and their reprogramming in mouse chimeras

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    Stem cells can be derived from the embryo (embryonic stem cells, ESCs), from adult tissues (adult stem cells, ASCs), and by induction of fibroblasts (induced pluripotent stem cells, iPSs). Ethical problems, immunological rejection, and difficulties in obtaining human tissues limit the use of ESCs in clinical medicine. Induced pluripotent stem cells are difficult to maintain in vitro and carry a greater risk of tumor formation. Furthermore, the complexity of maintenance and propagation is especially difficult in the clinic. Adult stem cells can be isolated from several adult tissues and present the possibility of self-transplantation for the clinical treatment of a variety of human diseases. Recently, several ASCs have been successfully isolated and cultured in vitro, including hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) , mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), epidermis stem cells, neural stem cells (NSCs), adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs), islet stem cells, and germ line stem cells. Human mesenchymal stem cells originate mainly from bone marrow, cord blood, and placenta, but epidermis-derived MSCs have not yet been isolated. We isolated small spindle-shaped cells with strong proliferative potential during the culture of human epidermis cells and designed a medium to isolate and propagate these cells. They resembled MSCs morphologically and demonstrated pluripotency in vivo; thus, we defined these cells as human epidermis-derived mesenchymal stem cell-like pluripotent cells (hEMSCPCs). These hEMSCPCs present a possible new cell resource for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

    Development of multifunctional unmanned aerial vehicles versus ground seeding and outplanting: What is more effective for improving the growth and quality of rice culture?

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    The agronomic processes are complex in rice production. The mechanization efficiency is low in seeding, fertilization, and pesticide application, which is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Currently, many kinds of research focus on the single operation of UAVs on rice, but there is a paucity of comprehensive applications for the whole process of seeding, fertilization, and pesticide application. Based on the previous research synthetically, a multifunctional unmanned aerial vehicle (mUAV) was designed for rice planting management based on the intelligent operation platform, which realized three functions of seeding, fertilizer spreading, and pesticide application on the same flight platform. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were used for machine design. Field trials were used to measure operating parameters. Finally, a comparative experimental analysis of the whole process was conducted by comparing the cultivation patterns of mUAV seeding (T1) with mechanical rice direct seeder (T2), and mechanical rice transplanter (T3). The comprehensive benefit of different rice management processes was evaluated. The results showed that the downwash wind field of the mUAV fluctuated widely from 0 to 1.5 m, with the spreading height of 2.5 m, and the pesticide application height of 3 m, which meet the operational requirements. There was no significant difference in yield between T1, T2, and T3 test areas, while the differences in operational efficiency and input labor costs were large. In the sowing stage, T1 had obvious advantages since the working efficiency was 2.2 times higher than T2, and the labor cost was reduced by 68.5%. The advantages were more obvious compared to T3, the working efficiency was 4 times higher than in T3, and the labor cost was reduced by 82.5%. During the pesticide application, T1 still had an advantage, but it was not a significant increase in advantage relative to the seeding stage, in which operating efficiency increased by 1.3 times and labor costs were reduced by 25%. However, the fertilization of T1 was not advantageous due to load and other limitations. Compared to T2 and T3, operational efficiency was reduced by 80% and labor costs increased by 14.3%. It is hoped that this research will provide new equipment for rice cultivation patterns in different environments, while improving rice mechanization, reducing labor inputs, and lowering costs

    Research on the Stability of a Rabbit Dry Eye Model Induced by Topical Application of the Preservative Benzalkonium Chloride

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    Dry eye is a common disease worldwide, and animal models are critical for the study of it. At present, there is no research about the stability of the extant animal models, which may have negative implications for previous dry eye studies. In this study, we observed the stability of a rabbit dry eye model induced by the topical benzalkonium chloride (BAC) and determined the valid time of this model.). Decreased levels of mucin-5 subtype AC (MUC5AC), along with histopathological and ultrastructural disorders of the cornea and conjunctiva could be observed in Group BAC-W4 and particularly in Group BAC-W5 until day 21.A stable rabbit dry eye model was induced by topical 0.1% BAC for 5 weeks, and after BAC removal, the signs of dry eye were sustained for 2 weeks (for the mixed type of dry eye) or for at least 3 weeks (for mucin-deficient dry eye)

    Conjunctival Reconstruction with Progenitor Cell-Derived Autologous Epidermal Sheets in Rhesus Monkey

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    Severe ocular surface diseases are some of the most challenging problems that the clinician faces today. Conventional management is generally unsatisfactory, and the long-term ocular consequences of these conditions are devastating. It is significantly important to find a substitute for conjunctival epithelial cells. This study was to explore the possibility of progenitor cell-derived epidermal sheets on denuded amniotic membrane to reconstruct ocular surface of conjunctiva damaged monkeys. We isolated epidermal progenitor cells of rhesus monkeys by type IV collagen adhesion, and then expanded progenitor cell-derived epidermal sheets on denuded amniotic membrane ex vivo. At 3 weeks after the conjunctiva injury, the damaged ocular surface of four monkeys was surgically reconstructed by transplanting the autologous cultivated epidermal progenitor cells. At 2 weeks after surgery, transplants were removed and examined with Hematoxylin-eosin staining, Periodic acid Schiff staining, immunofluorescent staining, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Histological examination of transplanted sheets revealed that the cell sheets were healthy alive, adhered well to the denuded amniotic membrane, and had several layers of epithelial cells. Electron microscopy showed that the epithelial cells were very similar in appearance to those of normal conjunctival epithelium, even without goblet cell detected. Epithelial cells of transplants had numerous desmosomal junctions and were attached to the amniotic membrane with hemidesmosomes. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the presence of the conjunctival specific markers, mucin 4 and keratin 4, in the transplanted epidermal progenitor cells. In conclusion, our present study successfully reconstructed conjunctiva with autologous transplantation of progenitor cell-derived epidermal sheets on denuded AM in conjunctival damaged monkeys, which is the first step toward assessing the use of autologous transplantation of progenitor cells of nonocular surface origin. Epidermal progenitor cells could be provided as a new substitute for conjunctival epithelial cells to overcome the problems of autologous conjunctiva shortage

    Increased Oxidative Stress as a Selective Anticancer Therapy

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are closely related to tumorgenesis. Under hypoxic environment, increased levels of ROS induce the expression of hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs) in cancer stem cells (CSCs), resulting in the promotion of the upregulation of CSC markers, and the reduction of intracellular ROS level, thus facilitating CSCs survival and proliferation. Although the ROS level is regulated by powerful antioxidant defense mechanisms in cancer cells, it is observed to remain higher than that in normal cells. Cancer cells may be more sensitive than normal cells to the accumulation of ROS; consequently, it is supposed that increased oxidative stress by exogenous ROS generation therapy has an effect on selectively killing cancer cells without affecting normal cells. This paper reviews the mechanisms of redox regulation in CSCs and the pivotal role of ROS in anticancer treatment

    Open Data Based Urban For-Profit Music Venues Spatial Layout Pattern Discovery

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    The spatial pattern of music venues is one of the key decision-making factors for urban planning and development strategies. Understanding the current configurations and future demands of music venues is fundamental to scholars, planners, and designers. There is an urgent need to discover the spatial pattern of music venues nationwide with high precision. This paper aims at an open data solution to discover the hidden hierarchical structure of the for-profit music venues and their dynamic relationship with urban economies. Data collected from the largest two public ticketing websites are used for clustering-based ranking modeling and spatial pattern discovery of music venues in 28 cities as recorded. The model is based on a multi-stage hierarchical clustering algorithm to level those cities into four groups according to the website records which can be used to describe the total music industry scale and activity vitality of cities. Data collected from the 2018 China City Statistical Year Book, including the GDP per capita, disposable income per capita, the permanent population, and the number of patent applications, are used as socio-economic indicators for the city-level potential capability of music industry development ranking. The Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and the Kendall rank correlation coefficient are applied to test the consistency of the above city-level rankings. The results are 0.782 and 0.744 respectively, which means there is a relatively significant correlation between the scale level of current music venue configuration and the potential to develop the music industry. Average nearest neighbor index (ANNI), quadrate analysis, and Moran’s I are used to identify the spatial patterns of music venues of individual cities. The results indicate that music venues in urban centers show more spatial aggregation, where the spatial accessibility of music activity services takes the lead significantly, while a certain amount of venues with high service capacity distribute in suburban areas. The findings can provide decision support for urban planners to formulate effective policies and rational site-selection schemes on urban cultural facilities, leading to smart city rational construction and sustainable economic benefit
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