311 research outputs found

    The Constructing of Mobile Internet-Based Ideological and Political Education of University Students Based on the Idea of U-Learning

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    As a type of educational concept, u-learning has gradually stepped from theory to practice relying on the continuous development of modern educational technology. While mobile Internet has provided a good opportunity to implant the idea of u-learning into the ideological and political education of university students, universities should be vigorously constructing the mobile Internet-based ideological and political education of university students, breaking through the restrictions of time and space of the traditional educational pattern, thus realizing an ubiquitous ideological and political education of university students

    Quantum Phase Recognition via Quantum Kernel Methods

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    The application of quantum computation to accelerate machine learning algorithms is one of the most promising areas of research in quantum algorithms. In this paper, we explore the power of quantum learning algorithms in solving an important class of Quantum Phase Recognition (QPR) problems, which are crucially important in understanding many-particle quantum systems. We prove that, under widely believed complexity theory assumptions, there exists a wide range of QPR problems that cannot be efficiently solved by classical learning algorithms with classical resources. Whereas using a quantum computer, we prove the efficiency and robustness of quantum kernel methods in solving QPR problems through Linear order parameter Observables. We numerically benchmark our algorithm for a variety of problems, including recognizing symmetry-protected topological phases and symmetry-broken phases. Our results highlight the capability of quantum machine learning in predicting such quantum phase transitions in many-particle systems

    Scenario Generation for Cooling, Heating, and Power Loads Using Generative Moment Matching Networks

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    Scenario generations of cooling, heating, and power loads are of great significance for the economic operation and stability analysis of integrated energy systems. In this paper, a novel deep generative network is proposed to model cooling, heating, and power load curves based on a generative moment matching networks (GMMN) where an auto-encoder transforms high-dimensional load curves into low-dimensional latent variables and the maximum mean discrepancy represents the similarity metrics between the generated samples and the real samples. After training the model, the new scenarios are generated by feeding Gaussian noises to the scenario generator of the GMMN. Unlike the explicit density models, the proposed GMMN does not need to artificially assume the probability distribution of the load curves, which leads to stronger universality. The simulation results show that the GMMN not only fits the probability distribution of multi-class load curves well, but also accurately captures the shape (e.g., large peaks, fast ramps, and fluctuation), frequency-domain characteristics, and temporal-spatial correlations of cooling, heating, and power loads. Furthermore, the energy consumption of generated samples closely resembles that of real samples.Comment: This paper has been accepted by CSEE Journal of Power and Energy System

    A Review of Graph Neural Networks and Their Applications in Power Systems

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    Deep neural networks have revolutionized many machine learning tasks in power systems, ranging from pattern recognition to signal processing. The data in these tasks is typically represented in Euclidean domains. Nevertheless, there is an increasing number of applications in power systems, where data are collected from non-Euclidean domains and represented as graph-structured data with high dimensional features and interdependency among nodes. The complexity of graph-structured data has brought significant challenges to the existing deep neural networks defined in Euclidean domains. Recently, many publications generalizing deep neural networks for graph-structured data in power systems have emerged. In this paper, a comprehensive overview of graph neural networks (GNNs) in power systems is proposed. Specifically, several classical paradigms of GNNs structures (e.g., graph convolutional networks) are summarized, and key applications in power systems, such as fault scenario application, time series prediction, power flow calculation, and data generation are reviewed in detail. Furthermore, main issues and some research trends about the applications of GNNs in power systems are discussed

    NeTO:Neural Reconstruction of Transparent Objects with Self-Occlusion Aware Refraction-Tracing

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    We present a novel method, called NeTO, for capturing 3D geometry of solid transparent objects from 2D images via volume rendering. Reconstructing transparent objects is a very challenging task, which is ill-suited for general-purpose reconstruction techniques due to the specular light transport phenomena. Although existing refraction-tracing based methods, designed specially for this task, achieve impressive results, they still suffer from unstable optimization and loss of fine details, since the explicit surface representation they adopted is difficult to be optimized, and the self-occlusion problem is ignored for refraction-tracing. In this paper, we propose to leverage implicit Signed Distance Function (SDF) as surface representation, and optimize the SDF field via volume rendering with a self-occlusion aware refractive ray tracing. The implicit representation enables our method to be capable of reconstructing high-quality reconstruction even with a limited set of images, and the self-occlusion aware strategy makes it possible for our method to accurately reconstruct the self-occluded regions. Experiments show that our method achieves faithful reconstruction results and outperforms prior works by a large margin. Visit our project page at \url{https://www.xxlong.site/NeTO/

    Complexity analysis of weakly noisy quantum states via quantum machine learning

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    Quantum computers capable of fault-tolerant operation are expected to provide provable advantages over classical computational models. However, the question of whether quantum advantages exist in the noisy intermediate-scale quantum era remains a fundamental and challenging problem. The root of this challenge lies in the difficulty of exploring and quantifying the power of noisy quantum states. In this work, we focus on the complexity of weakly noisy states, which we define as the size of the shortest quantum circuit required to prepare the noisy state. To analyze the complexity, we propose a quantum machine learning (QML) algorithm that exploits the intrinsic-connection property of structured quantum neural networks. The proposed QML algorithm enables efficiently predicting the complexity of weakly noisy states from measurement results, representing a paradigm shift in our ability to characterize the power of noisy quantum computation

    Orbital Expansion Variational Quantum Eigensolver: Enabling Efficient Simulation of Molecules with Shallow Quantum Circuit

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    In the noisy-intermediate-scale-quantum era, Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) is a promising method to study ground state properties in quantum chemistry, materials science, and condensed physics. However, general quantum eigensolvers are lack of systematical improvability, and achieve rigorous convergence is generally hard in practice, especially in solving strong-correlated systems. Here, we propose an Orbital Expansion VQE~(OE-VQE) framework to construct an efficient convergence path. The path starts from a highly correlated compact active space and rapidly expands and converges to the ground state, enabling simulating ground states with much shallower quantum circuits. We benchmark the OE-VQE on a series of typical molecules including H6_{6}-chain, H10_{10}-ring and N2_2, and the simulation results show that proposed convergence paths dramatically enhance the performance of general quantum eigensolvers.Comment: Wu et al 2023 Quantum Sci. Techno

    Trainability Analysis of Quantum Optimization Algorithms from a Bayesian Lens

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    The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is an extensively studied variational quantum algorithm utilized for solving optimization problems on near-term quantum devices. A significant focus is placed on determining the effectiveness of training the nn-qubit QAOA circuit, i.e., whether the optimization error can converge to a constant level as the number of optimization iterations scales polynomially with the number of qubits. In realistic scenarios, the landscape of the corresponding QAOA objective function is generally non-convex and contains numerous local optima. In this work, motivated by the favorable performance of Bayesian optimization in handling non-convex functions, we theoretically investigate the trainability of the QAOA circuit through the lens of the Bayesian approach. This lens considers the corresponding QAOA objective function as a sample drawn from a specific Gaussian process. Specifically, we focus on two scenarios: the noiseless QAOA circuit and the noisy QAOA circuit subjected to local Pauli channels. Our first result demonstrates that the noiseless QAOA circuit with a depth of O~(logn)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}\left(\sqrt{\log n}\right) can be trained efficiently, based on the widely accepted assumption that either the left or right slice of each block in the circuit forms a local 1-design. Furthermore, we show that if each quantum gate is affected by a qq-strength local Pauli channel with the noise strength range of 1/poly(n)1/{\rm poly} (n) to 0.1, the noisy QAOA circuit with a depth of O(logn/log(1/q))\mathcal{O}\left(\log n/\log(1/q)\right) can also be trained efficiently. Our results offer valuable insights into the theoretical performance of quantum optimization algorithms in the noisy intermediate-scale quantum era

    Mutual Information Learned Regressor: an Information-theoretic Viewpoint of Training Regression Systems

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    As one of the central tasks in machine learning, regression finds lots of applications in different fields. An existing common practice for solving regression problems is the mean square error (MSE) minimization approach or its regularized variants which require prior knowledge about the models. Recently, Yi et al., proposed a mutual information based supervised learning framework where they introduced a label entropy regularization which does not require any prior knowledge. When applied to classification tasks and solved via a stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimization algorithm, their approach achieved significant improvement over the commonly used cross entropy loss and its variants. However, they did not provide a theoretical convergence analysis of the SGD algorithm for the proposed formulation. Besides, applying the framework to regression tasks is nontrivial due to the potentially infinite support set of the label. In this paper, we investigate the regression under the mutual information based supervised learning framework. We first argue that the MSE minimization approach is equivalent to a conditional entropy learning problem, and then propose a mutual information learning formulation for solving regression problems by using a reparameterization technique. For the proposed formulation, we give the convergence analysis of the SGD algorithm for solving it in practice. Finally, we consider a multi-output regression data model where we derive the generalization performance lower bound in terms of the mutual information associated with the underlying data distribution. The result shows that the high dimensionality can be a bless instead of a curse, which is controlled by a threshold. We hope our work will serve as a good starting point for further research on the mutual information based regression.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures, presubmitted to AISTATS2023 for reviewin