630 research outputs found

    Is China's rising presence in Hungary since 2012 impacting on Hungary's relations with the EU?

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    Hungary has been an active participant in China’s 16+1 initiative which is a cooperation scheme launched by Beijing in 2012 to facilitate comprehensive cooperation between China and 16 Central and Eastern European countries. The relationships between China and Hungary have improved greatly since then and China’s political and economic presence in the country is increasingly visible. Apart from the Budapest-Belgrade railway, the recent high-profile Chinese investment in Hungary includes a vaccine plant and Fudan University branch campus in Budapest. Since their bilateral relations have deepened, will China’s political and economic presence in Hungary impact Hungary’s relations with the European Union (EU) and the EU’s unified stance towards China? This article evaluates the impact of the 16+1 initiative on Sino-Hungarian political and economic relations and the impact of their engagement on Hungary’s relations with EU institutions and initiatives. &nbsp

    Thermodynamics and spin-charge separation of one-dimensional strongly repulsive three-component fermions

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    The low temperature thermodynamics of one-dimensional strongly repulsive SU(3) fermions in the presence of a magnetic field is investigated via the Yang-Yang thermodynamic Bethe ansatz method. The analytical free energy and magnetic properties of the model at low temperatures in a weak magnetic field are derived via the Wiener-Hopf method. It is shown that the low energy physics can be described by spin-charge separated conformal field theories of an effective Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid and an antiferromagnetic SU(3) Heisenberg spin chain. Beyond the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid regime, the equation of state is given in terms of the polylog function for a weak external field. The results obtained are essential for further study of quantum criticality in strongly repulsive three-component fermions.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Learning Large-Scale MTP2_2 Gaussian Graphical Models via Bridge-Block Decomposition

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    This paper studies the problem of learning the large-scale Gaussian graphical models that are multivariate totally positive of order two (MTP2\text{MTP}_2). By introducing the concept of bridge, which commonly exists in large-scale sparse graphs, we show that the entire problem can be equivalently optimized through (1) several smaller-scaled sub-problems induced by a \emph{bridge-block decomposition} on the thresholded sample covariance graph and (2) a set of explicit solutions on entries corresponding to bridges. From practical aspect, this simple and provable discipline can be applied to break down a large problem into small tractable ones, leading to enormous reduction on the computational complexity and substantial improvements for all existing algorithms. The synthetic and real-world experiments demonstrate that our proposed method presents a significant speed-up compared to the state-of-the-art benchmarks

    Efficient and Scalable Parametric High-Order Portfolios Design via the Skew-t Distribution

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    Since Markowitz's mean-variance framework, optimizing a portfolio that maximizes the profit and minimizes the risk has been ubiquitous in the financial industry. Initially, profit and risk were measured by the first two moments of the portfolio's return, a.k.a. the mean and variance, which are sufficient to characterize a Gaussian distribution. However, it is broadly believed that the first two moments are not enough to capture the characteristics of the returns' behavior, which have been recognized to be asymmetric and heavy-tailed. Although there is ample evidence that portfolio designs involving the third and fourth moments, i.e., skewness and kurtosis, will outperform the conventional mean-variance framework, they are non-trivial. Specifically, in the classical framework, the memory and computational cost of computing the skewness and kurtosis grow sharply with the number of assets. To alleviate the difficulty in high-dimensional problems, we consider an alternative expression for high-order moments based on parametric representations via a generalized hyperbolic skew-t distribution. Then, we reformulate the high-order portfolio optimization problem as a fixed-point problem and propose a robust fixed-point acceleration algorithm that solves the problem in an efficient and scalable manner. Empirical experiments also demonstrate that our proposed high-order portfolio optimization framework is of low complexity and significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by 2 to 4 orders of magnitude

    Modeling and Analysis of Permanent Magnet Spherical Motors by A Multi-task Gaussian Process Method and Finite Element Method for Output Torque

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    Permanent magnet spherical motors (PMSMs) operate on the principle of the dc excitation of stator coils and three freedom of motion in the rotor. Each coil generates the torque in a specific direction, collectively they move the rotor to a direction of motion. Modeling and analysis of the output torque are of critical importance for precise position control applications. The control of these motors requires precise output torques by all coils at a specific rotor position, which is difficult to achieve in the three-dimension space. This article is the first to apply the Gaussian process to establish the relationship of the rotor position and the output torque for PMSMs. Traditional methods are difficult to resolve such a complex three-dimensional problem with a reasonable computational accuracy and time. This article utilizes a data-driven method using only input and output data validated by experiments. The multitask Gaussian process is developed to calculate the total torque produced by multiple coils at the full operational range. The training data and test data are obtained by the finite-element method. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated and compared with existing data-driven approaches. The results exhibit superior performance of accuracy
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