20,482 research outputs found

    Research on forming quality of poly-wedge pulley spinning

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    As an important power transmission part, pulleys are widely used in automobile industry, agricultural machinery, pumps and machines. A near-net forming process for six-wedge belt pulleys manufacturing was put forward. For this purpose, the required tooth shape and size can be formed directly by spinning without machining. The whole manufacturing procedures include blanking, drawing and spinning. The spinning procedure includes five processes, performing, drumming, thickening, toothing and finishing. The forming defects occurred during each forming processes of poly-wedge pulley spinning, such as the drumming failure, flanged opening-end, folded side-wall, insufficient bottom size, flashed opening-end, cutting-off bottom, are introduced, and the factors influencing the defects are analyzed. The corresponding preventive measures are put forward

    Late Quaternary Pollen Records and Vegetation History of the Southwest Yukon Territory: A Review

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    This paper is a summary of all known late Quaternary palynostratigraphic records from the southwest Yukon Territory. Thirty two pollen sites available by the end of 1988 are reviewed. Most pollen records in the region are of Holocene age. During the late-glacial to early Holocene, the southwest Yukon supported a herb-dominated tundra vegetation which was replaced by a birch-dominated shrub-tundra at about 10,000 yr BP. Spruce invaded the area between 9000 and 8600 yr BP at different localities, and a southward time transgression is visible in the Aishihik Basin. The current regional vegetation has been stable since 7600-8000 yr BP when dense spruce forest and/or spruce forest-tundra was established in most localities. In the Snag area, however, dense spruce forest developed only around 5700 yr BP, which is about 2000 years later than in the Aishihik Basin. The exotic pine pollen records in the region exhibit an interesting pattern, suggesting a frequent shift of the atmospheric circulation system. Anomalous records of alder pollen from the Aishihik Basin and adjacent regions suggest that alder has never been widespread in these areas due to aridity, and alder pollen is greatly overrepresented in pollen spectra. Spruce arrival dates suggest that further investigations in the Tintina Valley, Yukon River Valley, and Car-macks region might provide useful information concerning the spruce migration routes.Cet article est un compte rendu synthĂ©tique de tous les diagrammes palynostratigraphiques connus du sud-ouest du Yukon. Les 32 profils disponibles Ă  la fin de 1988 ont Ă©tĂ© compilĂ©s. La plupart des sĂ©quences datent de I'Holocene. Durant le tardiglaciaire et au dĂ©but de l'HolocĂšne, le sud-ouest du Yukon Ă©tait occupĂ© par une toundra dominĂ© par les herbes. Ce paysage a rapidement Ă©tĂ© remplacĂ© par une toundra arbustive dominĂ©e par le bouleau vers 10 000 BP. L'Ă©pinette a colonisĂ© la rĂ©gion entre 9000 et 8600 BP Ă  diffĂ©rents endroits et un mĂ©tachronisme vers le sud est visible dans le bassin d'Aishihik. La vĂ©gĂ©tation rĂ©gionale est devenue stable depuis 7600-8000 BP avec l'Ă©tablissement d'une forĂȘt d'Ă©pinettes dense ou d'une toundra forestiĂšre Ă  Ă©pinettes dans la plupart des endroits. Dans la rĂ©gion de Snag, cependant, la forĂȘt d'Ă©pi-nettes s'est dĂ©veloppĂ©e vers 5700 BP, soit 2000 ans plus tard que dans le bassin d'Aishihik. Les frĂ©quences du pollen exotique du pin ont un patron intĂ©ressant qui montrent de frĂ©quents changements de circulations atmosphĂ©riques. Les frĂ©quences anormales de l'aulne dans le bassin d'Aishihik et les rĂ©gions voisines incitent Ă  penser que l'aulne n'a jamais occupĂ© la rĂ©gion en raison de l'ariditĂ©, et le pollen d'aulne est grandement surreprĂ©sentĂ© dans les spectres polliniques. Les dates d'arrivĂ©e de l'Ă©pinette permettent de penser que des recherches dans la vallĂ©e Tintina, dans la vallĂ©e du fleuve Yukon et dans la rĂ©gion de Carmacks devraient fournir des renseignements utiles sur les voies de migration de l'Ă©pinette.Dieser Aufsatz ist eine Zusammenstellung aller bekannten palynostratigraphischen Belege vom sĂčdwestlichen Yukon-Gebiet aus dem spĂ ten QuaternĂ r. ZweiunddreiBig Pollen-FundplĂątze, die Ende 1988 zur VerfĂčgung standen, werder kompiiiert. Die meisten Pollen-Belege derGegend stammen aus dem HolozĂ n. WĂ hrend der SpĂ tglazialzeit bis zum frĂčhen HolozĂ n gab es in SĂčdwest-Yukon eine von Gras beherrschte Tundra-Vegetation, die urn etwa 10 000 Jahre v.u.Z. von einer durch Birke beherr-schten Busch-Tundra abgelĂŽst wurde. Rottanne drang in das Gebiet zwischen 9000 und 8600 Jahren v.u.Z. an verschiedenen PlĂątzen ein, und im Aishihik-Becken ist eine Zeittransgression sĂ»dwĂąrts erkennbar. Die gegen-wartige rĂ©gionale Vegetation existiert seit 7600-8000 Jahren v.u.Z., als dichter Rottan-nenwald und/oder Rottannenwaltundra sich an den meisten Orten ansiedelte. Jedoch entwickelte sich im Snag-Gebiet dichter Rottannenwald erst urn 5700 Jahre v.u.Z., d.h. etwa 2000 Jahre spĂąter als im Aishihik-Becken. Die exotischen Kiefernpollenbelege in der Gegend weisen ein intĂ©ressantes Muster auf, welches einen hĂąufigen Wechsel der atmosphĂ rischen StrĂŽmungen vermuten IaBt. UnregelmĂ Bige Belege von Erlen-Pollen aus dem Aishihik-Becken und angrenzenden Gebieten legen nahe, daB Erlen wegen der Trockenheit in diesen Gebieten nie weitverbreitet waren, und Erlenpollen ist in den Pollen-Spektren in hohem MaBe ĂčberreprĂ sentiert. Die Ankunftsdaten der Rottanne deuten darauf hin, daB weitere Forschungen im Tintina-Tal, YukonfluB-Tal und der Gegend von Carmacks nĂčtzliche Informationen Ăčber die Wanderrouten der Rottanne ergeben kĂŽnnten

    Post-Glacial Vegetation History of the Ittlemit Lake Basin, Southwest Yukon Territory

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    The pollen record of a 240 cm peat profile in the Ittlemit Lake area in southwest Yukon Territory presents a vegetation development history of the last 9000 radiocarbon years. Spruce migrated into the area at least 9000 radiocarbon years ago. From 9000 yr BP to approximately 5000 yr BP the area supported a sparse Picea-Salix-Betula forest-tundra vegetation. By 5000 yr BP local environmental change created a different habitat primarily affecting the local taxa. Alnus invaded the general area shortly after 5000 yr BP. A local Betula-dominated community replaced the previous Cyperaceae-dominated one at about 3000 yr BP. A Cyperaceae-dominated community again occupied the area at about 1900 yr BP. Although the local community changed several times, the present regional forest-tundra vegetation has had little change during the last 9000 radiocarbon years.Key words: pollen analysis, paleovegetation, southwest YukonMots clés: analyse pollinique, paléovégétation, sud-ouest du Yuko


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    In the title compound, C32H38N3O6S2, an inter­mediate in the synthesis of polyamine drugs, the dihedral angle between the phenyl rings of the two 2,4,6-trimethyl­benzene­sulfonyl groups is 27.1 (3)°. In the crystal structure, mol­ecules are linked by inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, thereby forming an infinite one-dimensional chain propagating along [010]
