1,307 research outputs found

    An Analysis on Sino-UK Cultural Differences in Education from the Perspective of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory (A Case Study of Are Our Kids Tough Enough?)

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    Based on the Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, the paper aims to analyze the cultural difference in education between China and the UK on a documentary Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Which was made by BBC. Comparative study method was undertaken for illustrating the date of culture dimensions difference of the UK’s and China’s. The result shows that the obvious difference lies on Collectivism and Individualism, Power distance, as well as long-time orientation and short-time orientation. The documentary was thus analyzed from these three perspectives. The conclusion was that 1) Chinese teachers wanted to utilize power to control British students, but students refused to obey them for their low power distance. 2) Many activities were held in the whole class by Chinese teachers for their collectivism, but the British students could not accept them and pursue their own right. 3) Chinese teachers took the the final exam seriously because of long-term orientation but the British students were reverse for their short-term orientation. 4) The date of uncertainty avoidance and Masculinity are almost the same in these two countries, but they were reflected in different ways. And with the conclusion, the effective strategies to overcome culture conflict will be offered to Chinese teachers and all other teachers in the cross-culture communication context

    Combined optical- and acoustic-resolution photoacoustic microscopy based on an optical fiber bundle

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    Photoacoustic microscopy (PAM), whose spatial resolution and penetration depth are both scalable, has made great progress in recent years. According to their different lateral resolutions, PAM systems can be categorized into either optical-resolution (OR) PAM, with optical-diffraction-limited lateral resolution, or acoustic-resolution (AR) PAM, with acoustically limited resolution and a deeper maximum imaging depth. In this report, we present a combined OR and AR PAM system with resolutions of 2.2 μm and 40 μm, respectively. Sharing most components between the OR and AR implementations, the system achieves separated illumination for OR and AR imaging by an optical fiber bundle through different channels, and two discrete lasers are used to provide either high-power energy for AR imaging or highrepetition- rate pulses for OR imaging. The design enables automatically co-registered OR and AR photoacoustic imaging in one single system, which extends the usability of current photoacoustic systems and simplifies the imaging procedure

    Integrated optical- and acoustic-resolution photoacoustic microscopy based on an optical fiber bundle

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    Photoacoustic microscopy (PAM), whose spatial resolution and maximum imaging depth are both scalable, has made great progress in recent years. However, each PAM system currently achieves only one resolution with an associated maximum imaging depth. Here, we present an integrated optical-resolution (OR) and acoustic-resolution (AR) PAM system implemented by delivering light via an optical fiber bundle. A single fiber core is used to deliver light for OR illumination in order to achieve a small spot size and hence high lateral resolution, whereas all the fiber cores are used to deliver more energy for AR illumination. Most other components are shared by the OR and AR imaging. The lateral resolution can be seamlessly switched between 2.2 and 40 μm as the maximum imaging depth is switched between 1.3 and 3.0 mm. The system enables automatically coregistered higher-resolution OR and deeper AR photoacoustic imaging

    Methodologies and new user interfaces to optimize hydraulic fracturing design and evaluate fracturing performance for gas wells

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    This thesis presents and develops efficient and effective methodologies for optimal hydraulic fracture design and fracture performance evaluation. These methods incorporate algorithms that simultaneously optimize all of the treatment parameters while accounting for required constraints. Damage effects, such as closure stress, gel damage and non-Darcy flow, are also considered in the optimal design and evaluation algorithms. Two user-friendly program modules, which are active server page (ASP) based, were developed to implement the utility of the methodologies. Case analysis was executed to demonstrate the workflow of the two modules. Finally, to validate the results from the two modules, results were compared to those from a 3D simulation program. The main contributions of this work are: An optimal fracture design methodology called unified fracture design (UFD) is presented and damage effects are considered in the optimal design calculation. As a by-product of UFD, a fracture evaluation methodology is proposed to conduct well stimulation performance evaluation. The approach is based on calculating and comparing the actual dimensionless productivity index of fractured wells with the benchmark which has been developed for optimized production. To implement the fracture design and evaluation methods, two web ASP based user interfaces were developed; one is called Frac Design (Screening), and the other is Frac Evaluation. Both modules are built to hold the following features. o Friendly web ASP based user interface o Minimum user input o Proppant type and mesh size selection o Damage effects consideration options o Convenient on-line help
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