413 research outputs found

    Experimental Research on the Influence of Innovative After-Class Activities on Primary Students’ Attention

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    Nowadays, due to factors such as long teaching time of the teacher, students often show problems of inattention. The purpose of this article is to explore whether innovative after-class activities can significantly improve the attention level of third-grade primary students. Through teaching experiment intervention, the attention levels of boys and girls in the experimental group and the control group were compared. According to the principle of no significant difference in the previous test, four classes of the third grade of Xiangtan Road Primary School in Qingdao, Shandong Province were selected, two as experimental classes (60 students, including 30 boys and 30 girls) and two as control classes (60students , including 30 boys and 30 girls).Students in the experimental class conducted half-hour innovative after-class activities, including youth boxing competitions, and football、basketball and volleyball competitions etc.; the control class only conducted regular 800-meter running exercises. The D2 attention test tool was used to test the students\u27 attention level before and after the experiment. The intervention lasted 8 months, and in the present study, the appropriate IRB approval has been obtained from East China Normal University. Using SPSS23.0 data analysis software, the independent sample T test was used to analyze the difference in attention levels between the experimental group and the control group before and after the experiment. This article only presents results with significant differences. The experimental group was significantly higher in processing speed (TN) and anti-interference ability (E1 \ E2) than the control group [(TN) T = -1.851 P = 0.003 \u3c 0.01] [(E1 \ E2) T = 2.842 P= 0.005 \u3c 0.01]; the processing speed (TN) of the boys in the experimental group was significantly higher than that in the control group (T = -2.490 P = 0.016 \u3c 0.05); the girls in the experimental group were able to resist interference with the distractions (E1 \ E2) higher than the control group (T = 2.842 P = 008 \u3c 0.01). Innovative after-class activities include a wide range of sports events, especially based on competitions can significantly improve the attention level of third-grade students. Boys are more focused on quick tasks, and girls are more focused on noisy tasks. Schools should carry out more innovative after-class activities to enrich the student\u27s learning life and improve students\u27 level of attention

    Unifying Structure Reasoning and Language Model Pre-training for Complex Reasoning

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    Recent knowledge enhanced pre-trained language models have shown remarkable performance on downstream tasks by incorporating structured knowledge from external sources into language models. However, they usually suffer from a heterogeneous information alignment problem and a noisy knowledge injection problem. For complex reasoning, the contexts contain rich knowledge that typically exists in complex and sparse forms. In order to model structured knowledge in the context and avoid these two problems, we propose to unify structure reasoning and language model pre-training. It identifies four types of elementary knowledge structures from contexts to construct structured queries, and utilizes the box embedding method to conduct explicit structure reasoning along queries during language modeling. To fuse textual and structured semantics, we utilize contextual language representations of knowledge structures to initialize their box embeddings for structure reasoning. We conduct experiments on complex language reasoning and knowledge graph (KG) reasoning tasks. The results show that our model can effectively enhance the performance of complex reasoning of both language and KG modalities.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 6 table

    Terrestrial Locomotion of PogoX: From Hardware Design to Energy Shaping and Step-to-step Dynamics Based Control

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    We present a novel controller design on a robotic locomotor that combines an aerial vehicle with a spring-loaded leg. The main motivation is to enable the terrestrial locomotion capability on aerial vehicles so that they can carry heavy loads: heavy enough that flying is no longer possible, e.g., when the thrust-to-weight ratio (TWR) is small. The robot is designed with a pogo-stick leg and a quadrotor, and thus it is named as PogoX. We show that with a simple and lightweight spring-loaded leg, the robot is capable of hopping with TWR <1<1. The control of hopping is realized via two components: a vertical height control via control Lyapunov function-based energy shaping, and a step-to-step (S2S) dynamics based horizontal velocity control that is inspired by the hopping of the Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum (SLIP). The controller is successfully realized on the physical robot, showing dynamic terrestrial locomotion of PogoX which can hop at variable heights and different horizontal velocities with robustness to ground height variations and external pushes.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Cross-Lingual Knowledge Editing in Large Language Models

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    Knowledge editing aims to change language models' performance on several special cases (i.e., editing scope) by infusing the corresponding expected knowledge into them. With the recent advancements in large language models (LLMs), knowledge editing has been shown as a promising technique to adapt LLMs to new knowledge without retraining from scratch. However, most of the previous studies neglect the multi-lingual nature of some main-stream LLMs (e.g., LLaMA, ChatGPT and GPT-4), and typically focus on monolingual scenarios, where LLMs are edited and evaluated in the same language. As a result, it is still unknown the effect of source language editing on a different target language. In this paper, we aim to figure out this cross-lingual effect in knowledge editing. Specifically, we first collect a large-scale cross-lingual synthetic dataset by translating ZsRE from English to Chinese. Then, we conduct English editing on various knowledge editing methods covering different paradigms, and evaluate their performance in Chinese, and vice versa. To give deeper analyses of the cross-lingual effect, the evaluation includes four aspects, i.e., reliability, generality, locality and portability. Furthermore, we analyze the inconsistent behaviors of the edited models and discuss their specific challenges

    Changes in nonlinearity and stability of streamflow recession characteristics under climate warming in a large glaciated basin of the Tibetan Plateau

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    The accelerated climate warming in the Tibetan Plateau after 1997 has profound consequences in hydrology, geography, and social wellbeing. In hydrology, the change in streamflow as a result of changes in dynamic water storage that originated from glacier melt and permafrost thawing in the warming climate directly affects the available water resources for societies of the most populated nations in the world. In this study, annual streamflow recession characteristics are analyzed using daily climate and hydrological data during 1980–2015 in the Yarlung Zangbo River basin (YRB) of the southern Tibetan Plateau. The recession characteristics are examined in terms of dQ=dt DaQb and the response/ sensitivity of streamflow to changes in groundwater storage. Major results show that climate warming has significantly increased the nonlinearity of the response (b) and streamflow stability [log.a/] in most subbasins of the YRB. These changes in the recession characteristics are attributed to the opposite effects of increases in the available water storage and recession timescale on the recession. Climate warming has increased subbasin water storage considerably due to more recharge from accelerated glacier melting and permafrost thawing after 1997. Meanwhile, the enlarged storage lengthens recession timescales and thereby decreases the sensitivity of discharge to storage. In the recession period when recharge diminished, increased evaporation and the decreased buffering effect of frost soils under warmer temperatures accelerate the initial recession of streamflow. By contrast, enlarged storage and lengthened recession timescales slow down the recession. While reservoir regulations in some basins have helped reduce and even reverse some of these climate warming effects, this short-term remedy can only function before the solid water storage is exhausted should the climate warming continue

    Tip-enhanced strong coupling spectroscopy, imaging, and control of a single quantum emitter

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    Optical cavities can enhance and control light-matter interactions. This level of control has recently been extended to the nanoscale with single emitter strong coupling even at room temperature using plasmonic nanostructures. However, emitters in static geometries, limit the ability to tune the coupling strength or to couple different emitters to the same cavity. Here, we present tip-enhanced strong coupling (TESC) with a nanocavity formed between a scanning plasmonic antenna tip and the substrate. By reversibly and dynamically addressing single quantum dots, we observe mode splitting up to 160 meV and anticrossing over a detuning range of ~100 meV, and with subnanometer precision over the deep subdiffraction-limited mode volume. Thus, TESC enables previously inaccessible control over emitter-nanocavity coupling and mode volume based on near-field microscopy. This opens pathways to induce, probe, and control single-emitter plasmon hybrid quantum states for applications from optoelectronics to quantum information science at room temperature