3,442 research outputs found

    Exchange rate pass-through: evidence based on vector autoregression with sign restrictions

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    We estimate exchange rate pass-through (PT) into import, producer and consumer price indexes for nine OECD countries, using a method proposed by Uhlig (2005). In a Vector Autoregression (VAR) model, we identify the exchange rate shock by imposing restrictions on the signs of impulse responses for a small subset of variables. These restrictions are consistent with a large class of theoretical models and previous empirical findings. We find that exchange rate PT is less than one at both short and long horizons. Among three price indexes, exchange rate PT is greatest for import price index and smallest for consumer price index. In addition, greater exchange rate PT is found in an economy which has a smaller size, higher import share, more persistent exchange rate, more volatile monetary policy, higher inflation rate, and less volatile aggregate demand.Vector autoregression ; Price indexes ; Consumer price indexes

    Pinning control of fractional-order weighted complex networks

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    In this paper, we consider the pinning control problem of fractional-order weighted complex dynamical networks. The well-studied integer-order complex networks are the special cases of the fractional-order ones. The network model considered can represent both directed and undirected weighted networks. First, based on the eigenvalue analysis and fractional-order stability theory, some local stability properties of such pinned fractional-order networks are derived and the valid stability regions are estimated. A surprising finding is that the fractional-order complex networks can stabilize itself by reducing the fractional-order q without pinning any node. Second, numerical algorithms for fractional-order complex networks are introduced in detail. Finally, numerical simulations in scale-free complex networks are provided to show that the smaller fractional-order q, the larger control gain matrix D, the larger tunable weight parameter , the larger overall coupling strength c, the more capacity that the pinning scheme may possess to enhance the control performance of fractional-order complex networks


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    With the implementation of universal health care, participants are basically saturated and the increase space of the health insurance fund is limited, so the government proceeded the total amount control of medicare reform, medicare management into a new stage,which emphasized the importance of medicare quality. So the hospital has to face the challenge of policy management, cost control, and the best medical treatment should be linked with the business development. The hospital should change concepts and keep aware of the health care quality, implement the rules of the three reasonable requirements, relying on and striving for the health insurance policies. The limited medical resources could be fully applied by the innovation of health care management, such as cancer chemotherapy and single disease daytime ward, selective operation and oncology booking service. More effective services should be provided while developing key disciplines, developing new technology to improve the quality of the hospital,be initiative to meet the payment reform to achieve the same purpose of hospital,patients and the government.随着全民医保的实施,参加人员数量基本饱和,医保基金增加空间受限,因此十八大提出以医保总额控制为主的付费方式改革,医保管理进入医保质量管理新阶段。而医院面临着政策管理、费用控制与医疗最佳治疗原则及业务发展的挑战。面对改革与挑战,绵阳市中心医院转变观念,树立医保质量意识,认真落实三合理规定;依托医保政策,争取医保政策,创新医保管理,充分利用有限医疗资源,如开展肿瘤放化疗及单病种日间病房,择期手术预约住院制、内科肿瘤预约住院等特色医疗服务,通过差异化服务,增加有效服务量;同时发展重点学科,开展新技术,提高医院品质,主动迎接付费方式改革,实现了医、患、保三方共赢目的

    A system dynamics model for urban taxi price simulation

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    Urban taxi services have been developing year on year, playing an increasingly important role in the economy and the transportation markets of each city. This increases interest in measuring their performance. This paper analysed the relationship among the four stakeholders (including administrative department, operational companies, taxi drivers and customers) for urban taxi passenger transport system in China, and applied System Dynamics (SD) model to explore the dynamic characteristics of urban taxi price system. The main achievements of this paper are as follows, firstly, this paper adopted stakeholder mapping to describe the relationships among the four stakeholders. Then analysed the causal flow diagrams and the different variables of urban taxi passenger transport system operation, and presented the SD model, which considers factors that affect the taxi operation. With the combination of taxi operation data of Harbin city, we simulated eleven urban taxi operation scenarios and proposed kinds of suggestions to improve urban taxi passenger transport system operation, which can provide a good basis for recommending policy decisions for urban taxi market

    Degree correlation effect of bipartite network on personalized recommendation

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    In this paper, by introducing a new user similarity index base on the diffusion process, we propose a modified collaborative filtering (MCF) algorithm, which has remarkably higher accuracy than the standard collaborative filtering. In the proposed algorithm, the degree correlation between users and objects is taken into account and embedded into the similarity index by a tunable parameter. The numerical simulation on a benchmark data set shows that the algorithmic accuracy of the MCF, measured by the average ranking score, is further improved by 18.19% in the optimal case. In addition, two significant criteria of algorithmic performance, diversity and popularity, are also taken into account. Numerical results show that the presented algorithm can provide more diverse and less popular recommendations, for example, when the recommendation list contains 10 objects, the diversity, measured by the hamming distance, is improved by 21.90%.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Closed-loop three-level charged quantum battery

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    Quantum batteries are energy storage or extract devices in a quantum system. Here, we present a closed-loop quantum battery by utilizing a closed-loop three-state quantum system in which the population dynamics depends on the three control fields and associated phases. We investigate the charging process of the closed-loop three-level quantum battery. The charging performance is greatly improved due to existence of the third field in the system to form a closed-contour interaction. Through selecting an appropriate the third control field, the maximum average power can be increased, even far beyond the most ideal maximum power value of non-closed-loop three-level quantum battery (corresponding to the most powerful charging obtainable with minimum quantum speed limit time and the maximum charging energy). We study the effect of global driving-field phase on the charging process and find the maximum extractable work (`ergotropy') and charging power vary periodically under different control field, with a period of 2π2\pi. Possible experimental implementation in nitrogen-vacancy spin is discussed